11| Reaper creeper.

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Life is hard but that doesn't mean you should give up.


Scarlett yelped as she felt the acid burning her shoulder slightly. She run for the entrance where Bellamy stood, yelling her name.

She focused on him and ran faster, finally stumbeling inside while he closed the door as fast as possible. She tried to get her breathing steady, which slowly succeeded while Bellamy inspected her shoulder.

"The acid fog didn't so much damage, it's a bit red and irritated." He told her, pressing a kiss on her nose. She scrunched op her face and smiled, shaking her head. "Now what were you doing in the woods? I thought I told you to stay with the others."

Scarlett let out a sigh and slumped herself against the dirty wall while two guards and Octavia inspected the place. "Abby noticed that you and Octavia where gone so she asked Clarke to tell her the truth, which she did, and she sended guards after you but I told them to go with them because they didn't know which way you were headed and I did." She explained but she wasn't done. "I got distracted on our way here because I thought we were being watched. I told the guards to go on and I would follow, then the acid fog came and I ran. I ran and saw you standing in the enterance of whatever this is and the rest you know."

Bellamy nodded, holding out his hand for her to take. "Just never do that again." He mumbled when she took his hand and jumped on her feet.

"I didn't safe that guard." She spoke up after a silence while they walked around. Bellamy raised an eyebrow at how steady her voice was, there was no guilt on her face whats however. "He was ranked Seargent." She hummed knowingly.

"Why?" He questiond, inspecting her face closely.

"Because he was already lost, I couldn't have saved him even if I tried. If I did try, I wouldn't of been here." She told him, her eyes shooting around.

"I know." He sighed and rubbed his face. He was tired and wanted to sleep, but he couldn't give in on his tiredness. Not now, not ever.

"Then why did you ask?" The blonde asked in confusion.

"Because he could of done something to you..." He stated softly. To his suprise she let out a booming laugh, a real one. He hasn't heard hear laugh for a while now and this sounded like music to his ears.

"Bell, you and I both know I would've made a scene out of it." She told him and he nodded, knowing how true that was.


"Fucking tunnels and their fucking spiders." Scarlett huffed as she dodged another spiderweb with a huge spider hanging in it. They had been searching for a while now, but didn't found anything just yet.

"Where are we?" Seargent Scott spoke up as soon as they set foot in a large room with automobiles covered with layers and layers of dust. Scarlett looked around, curiousity filling her eyes.

"It's like a garage." Bellamy said.

"More like a tomb." The girls spoke up at the same time, looking around with disgust and totally ignoring what Bellamy said.

Scarlett huffed again, turning to the Sergeant beside her. "Look I'm sorry about you man but we need to find an access door to Mount Weather." She told him impatiently. She tried to walk away but he stopped her.

"Hey, not so fast."

"Why not? I'd like to hurry up and kick some coward asses to free my damn friends who are in danger. Don't expect me to wait up. Besides, that fog will keep us up for another-" Sergeant handed her a gun, looking at her with knowing eyes. "Thanks but I rather do it my way." She nodded, handing the gun to Bellamy and taking out her own knives.

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