5| Life happend.

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Pay attention to how you think and feel, and then choose what you want it to be.
-Abundance Focus.


Scarlett almost couldn't hold back her laugh when she saw Murphy crouched down behind a tree, colliding two stones softly but hard enough against each other. The only thing that kept her from bursting out in laughter was the one eyed grounder who was searching for the source of the sound.

Murphy hurried his way into the bushes as the Grounder stood at the place he sat seconds ago, looking aroud. He turned his back to Bellamy, who stood up and knocks him out with his gun.

Scarlett rushed forward, retrieving her father his watch, putting it in her pocket.

"We need to take him somewhere quiet." Bellemy whispered.

"I know just the place." Finn told them. Scarlett looked at him weirdly. The only place she knew of that he knew was the automobile they took shelter in when the acid fog was roaming through the forest and the dropship. Scarlett shuddered at the thought of the acid fog, she killed a great member of the hunderd. Yeah, she wouldn't forget Atom that fast.

Bellamy nodded and together they lifted up the heavy Grounder.

"Jesus, he had a big breakfist." Scarlett whispered as she held the Grounder by his legs. Finn signed for Monroe and Sterling to help them, taking the Grounder to the place Finn had in mind.

While they carried the Grounder, Scarlett started thinking about her friends. Were they okay? How were they holding up? Are they even okay, they might be dead? She shook her head, trying to forget those questions. She needed to have faith. Not just for them but also for herself, if not, she would go insane if she didn't.

"Bell, where's O?" She questioned randomly. She totally forgot about the female Blake. She saw Bellamy swallow and his gaze drop to the ground.

"She escaped with Lincoln to the sea. He said there was a clan who would welcome them. I had to believe him, I had no choice. She was shot in her leg with an arrow and at the moment Lincoln was the only one who could save her." Bellamy explained her, not once looking her in the eye, scarred for her judgement but it never came.

"Look at me, Bell." She told him, he did. He looked straight into her blue sparkeling eyes. "You did what was best for her. You did good, I have faith in Lincoln for protecting her. He will." She reassured him. He nodded, giving her a small smile.

"Thank you, Scar."

"Don't thank me. You know I'll be here for you, always. Besides, I don't think I can handle you thanking me every time I do something nice." She grinned. Bellamy let out a laugh, nodding. They walked in a comfortable silence again, every face showing another emotion but one thing they had all alike. They had hope.


"We're gonna do this again and this time you're gonna stop screwing with us." Scarlett yelled at the Grounder. Finn had led them to a bunker, Scarlett had looked around before they started interrogating him. "Where did you find this?" She hissed, holding up the watch in front of the Grounder his face.

"I told you, I found it outside your camp." The Grounder answered. Scarlett looked at his bloodied face, beaten up by Bellamy.

"He's lying. She would never take it off volentarily." Finn said but something in the eyes of the Grounder told Scarlett he was telling the truth.

"I know." Bellamy muttered. Scarlett backed off, not saying a word.

"Where is the girl who was wearing that watch?!" Finn yelled in the Grounders face, pointing at the object in Scarlett her hand.

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