26| Blue.

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Ain't you
ever seen a
be a bad bitch?



Scarlett let the new keycard slide over the keypad over the door that leads outside. The door opened ans they were welcomed by the barrel of a gun held by Clarke.

Scarlett raised her arms with a sigh, "Warm fucking welcome." She complained.

Clarke gasped as she saw her tired sister in front of her with Bellamy beside her, holding her up. "Scarlett!" Clarke ran to her sister and gathered her in her arms. "Are you okay?" Clarke asked worriedly, not paying attention to Bellamy- who trusted Clarke with holding up Scarlett- and Octavia.

"Couldn't be better, my legs feel a need to have a rest." Scarlett muttered.

"They also feel a need to run faster then anyone else so I think your legs have a right to have a rest." Monty grinned as they both stepped out of Mount Weather. Scarlett wiggled herself out of Clarke her death grip, grinned at Monty and Jasper and gave Octavia a hug.

Octavia let go of Scarlett, who returned to Bellamy so she wouldn't collapse, and smiled at the two best friends. "I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill." The boys smile sheepishly and hug Octavia back. "Hey." She welcomed them.

Maya made that a great time to reveal herself in her hazmat suit, alerting Clarke ans Octavia.

Scarlett chuckled, "It's all right. She's with us." The two girl immediately relaxed and gave Maya a welcoming nod.

Bellamy turned to Clarke, his arm around Scarlett her waist as he did so. "Where's your army?" He asked.

Clarke her face turned sour, "Gone just like yours. Say you have a plan." Scarlett groaned, why the Hell didn't she see this coming?

"Not really. We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine." Scarlett informed them.

"Clarke!" Jasper yelled, finally noticing her. He rushes forward, Monty quickly joining in. Clarke mouthed something to the girl in the hazmat suit who smiled and nodded. A beeping noise followed.

"Thirty minutes. And we just changed it. That can't be right. Uh, shh-- um... It's her last tank." Jasper stammered.

Clarke stepped forward, "Hey. Uh, we'll find you another one."

"All the supplemental oxygen is on level five." Maya told Clarke.

"Then we have to get you to level five." Jasper stubbornly said. Scarlett was amazed that he cared so much about this girl, she surely was special.

Maya shook her head, "Five isn't safe for any of us."

"We'll take the trash chute again. It will work."

"To get in, maybe. Maya's right. Every soldier in this mountain is there. We'll never make it out." Scarlett said, a frown on her face.

"We can do this. We'll split up." Jasper said, trusting his intuition and everyone around him.

"Okay. You guys go for Dante. We'll help Maya." Octavia agreed, seeing how much Jasper wanted to do this for Maya.

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