7| Saved by the horn.

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What's meant to be will always find a way.


Scarlett had stared at the edge of the cliff with empty eyes before Bellamy decided to rescue her.

"Bellamy, what are you doing?" Scarlett asked while he tied a make shift rope around is middle.

"I'm gonna get Mel up here. We can't let her die." He told her.

"I can't let you die."

"And I won't, Love. But I gotta do this for Sterling."

Scarlett nodded and kissed him on the lips, she didn't care that everyone was watching. She loved him, and he needed to know that.

"I love you." She told him, whispering.

"I love you too." He smiled back before turning around to the edge.

Scarlett felt like she was going soft the last few days, he was making her soft but she didn't care. He was everything she had right know, he was the only one stable right now.

They lowered Bellamy slowly, inching closer to the edge and keeping a strong hold on the make shift rope.

"Hang on, I'm almost there!" Bellamy yelled. Scarlett focused on his voice and the rope she was holding. She was not letting him die, not now, not ever on her watch.

The extra weight on the rope was their que to pull them up, which they did. They slowly started to pull, kicking the tip of their feet in the ground for grip.

"I got her. Pull us up!"

"Don't you worry Bellamy, I won't drop ya." Murphy grunted out, a slightly sarcastic tone in his voice.

"If you do, you'll be the one following him." Scarlett grunted back, pulling the rope behind Murphy.

"Pull Murphy." Finn said.

"I am." He said, seconds later the rope snapped in twoo, Murphy in the middle off it, holding the two pieces.

"A little help!" Murpy managed to yelled out. Scarlett shot forward, Finn following her movement as the grabbed for the firt piece of the rope that held Bellamy and Mel.

Murphy let go of the second one, Monroe shooting forward, helping her three grunting and yelling friends out.

"Keep pulling!" Scarlett yelled.

"What the hell is happening up there?!" Bellamy yelled.

"Just hold on!" Finn answered. The second he said that, arrows started to fly around them, Scarlett letting out a loud yell when she got hit with one, just above the other healed arrow wound.

"Not fucking again!" She yelled out on frustration, but she kept pulling.

"How many are there?"

"We can't tell!"

Monroe started shooting around her, blindly.

"Aim for the trees, they are hiding in the trees!" Scarlett shouted, her arm trobbing in pain.

An spear flew soured through the sky, almost hitting Murphy, Finn and Scarlett, causing them to lower the rope once again.

Scarlett heard Monroe yell out in pain, a sign that she got hit. Murphy started to panick, words coming from his mouth but Scarlett couldn't make them out. A loud sound filled the air, fog horn.

"Monroe! Back on the rope, come on!" Scarlett yelled. They pulled and pulled, finally Bellamy and Mel her head popping up from the edge. The climbed up, the others letting go of the rope as they tried to catch their breath.

"Scar." Bellamy murmered, as he saw the arrow sticking out from her arm.

"Monroe." She grunted, pointing to her female friend. Bellamy nodded. "Pull it out."

"This is gonna hurt a little." Bellamy told Monroe.

"Do it." Monroe grunted. Bellamy pulled it out on one movement, Monroe screaming out in pain. "Keep pressure on it." He ordered her, hurrying to his girlfriend.

"Pull." She hissed, feeling the point of the arrow moving inside. He did was he was told, causing Scarlett to hold back a yell and let out a loud grunt.

"Bellamy." A familiar voice boomed around.  Bellamy stood up and hugged his sister tightly.

"Little help here." Scarlett grunted, trying to stand up while the two siblings echanged some words.


After they patched Scarlett and Monroe up as far as they could, said goodbye to Finn and Murphy and they planned out the rest, they made their way back to camp Jaha.

Murphy and Finn traveled further to look for their captured friends as the other had to get back because of the poison that might have been on the arrows.

Scarlett walked beside Octavia as she explained what happed to her and Lincoln.

"He was a good man, O." Scarlett told her with a sad smile.

"He was." Octavia agreed, swinging an arm around Scarlett her shoulders. "Now what happend to you." She asked, changing the subject.

Scarlett grinned sheepishly.

"Oh, the casual. Butted my head against a tree, fell uncunsious, woke up on an operation table, discovered my Mom is still alive, got locked up with your brother and Murphy because I want to save the others and then end up like this, again." Scarlett told her. Octavia shook her head laughing.

"Stubborn as always, I see."

"Glad you don't need glasses."

The two burst out in laughter, while the others listened to them with small smile on their faces.

It was dark when the group decided to stop and take a rest for while. The all deserved it and they had enough time left before the poison would actually kill Monroe or Scarlett.

They all sat around a small campfire, either sleeping or talking in hushed tones.

"I remember that the first time we stepped foot on earth you were always sitting in the trees or hanging upside down on a brench." Bellamy whispered, a smirk playing om his lips. Scarlett smacked her hand against his chest, laughing quietly.

"I remeber too. You know, I did fall out once. I just didn't want to admit to you nor anyone else."

"I knew it." Bellamy laughed back, shaking his head.

"Don't tell anyone, though." Scarlett grinned, looking up in his beautiful brown eyes.

"I won't." He whispered, his eyes shooting from hers to her lips. Scarlett saw, so she say up a little, connecting their lips together.

Monroe let out a snort and let out a fake cough.

"Get a room already." She whispered loudly as Bellamy and Scarlett kiss got steamier.

Scarlett groaned, flipping her off while still kissing.

"I agree with Monroe, seeing my brother kiss my best friend is pretty disgusting." Octavia snickered.

"Then don't look." Scarlett murmered against Bellamy his lips who laughed in response and nuzzled his head in her neck.

Scarlett sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. Yeah, she could get used to this.


Cute Scellamy moment!!


Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next chapter.

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