25| Bastard.

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You have to learn the
rules of the game,
and then you have to
play better than
anyone else.

-Albert Einstein.


"Get up. It's time to go. I told you we'd come back for you. Come on out. Our people are marching on Mount Weather right now." Scarlett said, waking the weak looking Echo. Scarlett moved to the next cage and opened it ans grabbed him by his arm in a hurry, but he squirmed. "Hey. It's ok. We're getting you out." She shushed him.

"Slow down. They just bled him." Echo told the blonde girl.

"Listen to me. There's an army inside this room, and I need you to help me get them ready to fight. Can you do that?" Bellamy asked Echo, who stood a bit wobbly on her feet. She nodded, "Good. Start with him." He ordered.

When everyone in the room started to notice what wa going on they started to yell and make too much noise.

"Too much noise." Scarlett grunted, opening the next cage and helping the Grounder out of it.

Echo nodded, "Okay. How do we do this?" She asked, her eyea shooting to Scarlett and then to Bellamy.

Scarlett sighed and started talking, "There's an army outside going for the main door. When they get it open, all hell will break loose. That is the signal for my friends to come here, and..." She was broken of by the fimiliar voice of Cage on the P.A.

"My fellow citizens, this is your president speaking. I have news to share with you that will change all of our lives forever. For 97 years, Mount Weather has been our home. It's kept us alive, but it has also held us captive. Most of us have made peace with what we've had to do to survive. We've done these things for one reason... so that our people could someday return to the ground. That day is today."

"That bastard is going public." Scarlett growled.

"Before my friend Lorelei Tsing was murdered by the outsiders still at large in this mountain, she found a cure. It was in their bone marrow."

Scarlett shot Bellamy a panicked look. He nodded and she handee the key to Echo, "Here. We'll be back." She told her once again.

Echo looker at them in confusion, "Where are you going?"

"He's trying to get his people to turn on each other. They'll find my friends. I have to bring them here now. I'll send them in groups. You get your people ready to go, but you wait for me to come back, do you understand?" Bellamy said, already turning away with Scarlett on his heels.

"Wait!" Echo yelled. They both turned back around, "Thank you, both of you." She shot Scarlett a knowing look and the blonde knew what Echo expected, Lexa had the same look in her eyes when she askes her to be her second.

Be the warrior you're meant to be.

"You free your people. Protect mine when they get here. We can thank each other when we're all outside." Bellamy nodded. Scarlett shot the Grounder a small smile and then the couple ran away.

"This has been the dream of our people since the bombs, but to reach it now, I need your help. The 44 criminals that irradiated level 5, killing 15 of our people, are now keeping us from that dream. Although we've repaired our home, we can never replace the lives that were so viciously taken from us, and as hard as it is to believe, there are those among us who would help the people who did this, and I am speaking to you now. If you truly want to end the blood treatments once and for all, then the 44 murderers you're now hiding are the key to doing that. You have one hour to turn them in without punishment. After that, we'll be forced to consider you enemies of the state. I'm asking you, please do what's right for your people, our people, so that we can all take our rightful place on the ground. We're almost home."

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