12| Dragons and fairies.

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Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it's too late. Say what you're feeling. Waiting is a mistake.


"I'm gonna kill him." Scarlett growled as Jaha finished his speach. Bellamy and Scarlett carried the task of bringing the new to Clarke and Finn, so they did.

"Believe me, I would enjoy if you did but now is not the time." Bellamy told her as he saw Clarke walking away. He rushed forward, grabbing her arm.

"Hey. Where have you been?" Clarke asked, a slight tone of suprise hidden in her voice.

"In the dropship. You need to come back with us right now." Scarlett spoke up lowely, her hands holding tight on to the handles of her knives hidden in the space between skin and waistband of her jeans. After their little run in with reaper Lincoln she was on edge. People sneaking up on her will probably end up with a knife stuck between their eyes.

"Why? What's happend?" Clarke looked at her sister with worry.

"I'll explain on the way. Bring you med kit; meet us at Raven's gate." Scarlett told her, returning her worried look with one of her own before she walked off. "Can we just have one day off? One day, that's all I'm asking!"

"Love, believe me, I want that too. I'm tired but I'm not giving up." Bellamy said. Scarlett looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm not giving up, Bells. I'm just tired of this drama with the Grounders. I don't get them, I'm trying to figure it out." She mumbled quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"I know." He smiled. They quickly ducked under the metal and stood still by Raven's gate, waiting for the other Griffin sister.


Lincoln his inhuman growls was all Scarlett heard as soon as Clarke opened the hatch of the dropship. She didn't flinch, mostly because she was getting used to all of this. She was secretly waiting for the dragons and fairies but she didn't tell anyone, they would probably declare her crazier then she already is.

"It's okay, it's okay. He has been restrained." Bellamy told Clarke soothingly when he saw her shocked face.

"I can't believe we are back here again." Clarke whispered, shaking her head as if she tried to shake off a dream.

"Me neither." Scarlett agreed, shooting a worried glance at Octavia who was seeted on the ground as close as she could to Lincoln.

"Can you help him?" Octavia spoke up. She looked exhausted to the point she was going to pass out any moment but Scarlett kept her mouth shut, mostly because she probably looked like that too, they all did.

Clarke shook her head, stepping a bit forward. "I don't know." She whispered so lowly that you almost couldn't hear it. "I knew Mount Weather were controlled the Reapers... I had no idea they were creating them."

Scarlett let a scared look wash over her face and grabbed Bellamy his hand. She swallowed thickly before speaking up, "If they can do that to Lincoln-"

"-what are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy finished, many emotion radiating from his face as he looked at his girlfriend.

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