19| Promises.

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I am homesick for a
place I am not sure
even exists. One where
my heart is full. My
body loved. And
my soul understood.

-Melissa Cox.


A searing pain washed over Scarlett her body. It burnt and she hissed, trying to hold her screams.

I'm not weak.

And she kept repeating it in her head while it felt like her body was alight. Through the pained screams from the other Grounders she heard Bellamy but he was too far away to reach.

Before the burning could fade a new shower of whatever it was was washed over her. She wanted to scream, but before she could she passed out.


"Scar, babe, wake up."

Scarlett gasped awake and she heard someone sigh in relief beside her.

"Bell? Where the Hell are we?" She asked, looking around her. There was an empty cage on her left but in the cage on her right sat Bellamy. Before he could answer a woman beside Bellamy started talking in Trigedasleng.

"I can't... I-- I don't understand you." Bellamy told the woman.

"Sky Person?" She hissed and spit in his face.

"Calm down, Jesus. I take no one told you we're not enemies anymore. Listen, we need to get out of those cages." Scarlett spoke up, not with a friendly voice but also not with a poisonous one.

"And then what?" The Grounder asked, her voice still filled with hate.

"And then we'll kill everyone in this mountain." Bellamy said. Bellamy started to find a way out of his cage and Scarlett finally took the time to look at what she was wearing, which was close to nothing.

"Why the hell do I look like a giant bandage?" She growled.

The whole time Bellamy was trying to find a way out, but he knew that there was little to no hope that he would. A loud beeping noise echoed through the room and a door slid open, revealing the same woman who they saw earlier this day.

"Here they come. Quiet!" The woman, who's name was Echo, whisper shouted. The door closed and the man that was with the woman started to walk through the isle where Bellamy and Scarlett were locked up.

An idea popped into Bellamy his mind, so he started to rattle his cage which caused Scarlett to hiss to him to be quiet and for the man to stop in front of Bellamy his cage with a satisfied smirk.

"We got us a live one." The man spoke. Scarlett crawled to the front of the cage and growled at him.

"Ban op." She told him in Trigedasleng. At this point Scarlett was glad that Lincoln had teached her some of his language.


Echo took the time to eye the blonde girl in curiosity and suprise.

"Shut up, Grounder. You're next." The man grinnes sickly and his hand slammed harshly on her cage door. Scarlett crawled back but noticed that thw rusted lock on he cage had busted. She hid a grin and took her eyes of it.

Bellamy his cage got unlocked and the man zapped him, "Bellamy!" Scarlett yelled, her eyes widening.

He grunted, "We'll handle this." He whispered softly and he touched her fingertips lightly before he was violently pulled out of his cage and thrown on the floor.

As soon as Bellamy was hung upside down Scarlett kicked open her cage with force and made a soundless landing on the floor. She made her way to Echo her cage and smiled at her.

"You suprised me, Scarlet kom Skai Krew." Echo croaked out, sending her a nod of respect.

"I'm full of suprises, that's a promise. I'll be back to save your ass." Scarlett told her.

"Also a promise? Promises are had to keep."

"I know, but I hate breaking promises. See you soon, Echo."

The Griffin girl hurried to Bellamy, who was unconscious. "Fuck. How the Hell-" Scarlett was broken of by the beeping noise and a small girl walking in.

"Who are you?" They spoe at the same time.

"You're from the Ark, aren't you?" The girl talked further.

"Yes. Now would you kindly help to get my boyfriend down or are you here to hang me up as a bloodbag too?"

"Do you know Jasper?" She asked and Scarlett her eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Bellamy croaked out, causing Scarlett to almost do a happy dance. "Maya? How about getting me down, Maya?"

Maya couldn't answer because the beeping sound echoed through the room again and Scarlett ran behind a cage to hide. The same man as before walked in and Maye put the most fakest smile Scarlett had ever seen.

"Lovejoy, hey."

"What are you doing here? You're not cleared for this facility." Lovejoy said.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see what was so special about him, but... He's dead." She lied, gesturing to Bellamy, who acted dead. Scarlett silently clapped her hands.

That lie didn't come out so terribly.

"So he is." "You're a brave girl coming in here--" And Hell broke lose. When Lovejoy wasn't looking Maya had pushed the button that released Bellamy and caused to attack him. He pushed him against the cage that Scarlett was hiding behind so she came out of the shadows. Maya screamed for Bellamy to stop but Scarlett grabbed Maya and held her hand pressed on the girls mouth.

"Could you shut up? I hope for you that all those guards here a deaf or something because it would be a shame for them when they would've heard you." Scarlett whispered.

"Scar, don't." Bellamy warned. Scarlett released Maya and looked at the dead Lovejoy laying on the ground. Bellamy thanked Maya and she nodded at him.

"Could you fetch me some clothes? Bellamy and I will strip that guy from his." Scarlett told Maya, who nodded once again and left the room fast. Bellamy and Scarlett undressed the dead body and dressed Bellamy in it just in time that Maya arrived again.

"Here, I had to guess your size but it should fit good enough." She held out the woman version of the guards clothing. Scarlett thanked her a dressed in a hurry, it was a size too big but that didn't bother her. The couple ripped off the name tags and Scarlett grinned at Maya.

"Let's get this party started."


Double update, what?!

Thoughts on the new book covers? And what do you guys want to see in book three? Let me know in the comments or send me a private message.

And don't put your talent away if you can make beautiful edits, I'd love to see them! (Send to denies2001@gmail.com or via private message).

Hugs and kisses.

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