20| Believer.

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Ships don't sink because of
the water around them.

Ships sink because of
the water that gets in them.

Don't let what's happening
around you get inside you
and weigh you down.



"She should've stayed back instead of coming along." Bellamy whispered to Scarlett as they walk through the corridors to the elevator.

"You can't forbid her to not come, Bell. Besides, she is very helpful seeing that she knows her way around here." Scarlett reasoned back in a hushed tone.

"There are three hundred and eighty-two people inside this mountain. If any of them realize you're not one of us, you're dead. We're on level two. The dorm is on five. There's a camera in the upper right-hand corner. Keep your head down." Maya ordered. Scarlett nodded? Her hand covering the blood soaked sleeve of her guard uniform. Before they left they had to remove the tracking ship, which had hurt like a bitch.

They stepped in the elevator and kept their heads low. Before the doors could fully close a man appeared, "Hold the elevator." Scarlett did and the man stepped inside, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Maya. "Hey, Maya. You know, I missed you in my expressionists class."

"Yeah. I-- I had some work to do." She stammered.

"Ah. I'll get you the notes." He promised, his eyes falling on Bellamy his bleeding arm. "Hey, you're bleeding. You okay?"

Bellamy shot Scarlett a look, who shot one back. So he nodded and accepted the handkerchief that the man was holding out.

"You were exposed. We need to retrace your steps and find the breach. You better go." Maya told her teacher.

"What about you?"

"This is my job. I'll be fine." Maya reassured him.

He nodded and turned to Bellamy, "Keep the handkerchief." And the trio stepped out, Scarlett releasing the pressure she had on her wound as they hurried their way through the corridors once again.

At some point they rounded a corner at the same time a bell rung and a woman ushering little kids inside a classroom. Bellamy stopped, causing Maya and Scarlett to do so too.

"Come on, Bell." Scarlett said softly.

"Mister... Are you on a ground unit? My dad is training for a ground unit." A little boy stopped in front of Bellamy, making him smile a little but it didn't reach is eyes.

"It's pretty cool up there. I hope he makes it." Bellamy told him. The boy smiled and hurried into the classroom. A twinge of sadness came over Scarlett her face as she saw the name on his backpack.


Bellamy sighs and they walked further, "They're just kids." He murmerd.

"What did you expect you'd find here?" Maya asked.

"Everything but childeren." Scarlett replied casually, hiding the fact that she felt guilty as she thought about murdering those innocent childeren.


"There they are." Maya said as they rounded the corridor again, this time seeing an open door to a room full of beds. Scarlett was about to run in there but the sound of an alarm blared through the mountain.

"They must of found the body." Scarlett shouted.

"No!" A familiar voice sounded from the room and the door closed.

"Jasper!" Scarlett shouted again.

"What's going on?" Bellamy yelled to Maya, who looked at him with panick in her eyes.

"I don't know. It's not a breach but it can't be good." She told the couple.

"Get us to that radio." Scarlett ordered, "and let me do the work. I'm wasn't an mechanic for nothing."


"Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Can anyone read me?" Scarlett spoke into the radio, hoping that the fiddling with the wires was the only thing she had to do to reach Camp Jaha. They didn't have time for rebuilding a whole new radio.

"Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Can anyone read me?" Scarlett repeated, shooting Bellamy and Maya a hopeful look. They could use some luck right now.

"Scar?" Clarke her voice filled the room that the trio was standing in. Scarlett smiled, letting out a sigh of relief like Bellamy and Maya.

"Clarke? Thank God." Scarlett replied, the small smile not coming of her face.

"Are you both all right?" Clarke asked worried.

"We're fine, just a few cuts and bruises, that's all. That's it for the good news. We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Jasper, Monty, everyone, they just locked them in the dorm."

"But they're alive, all of them?"

"I think so, for now. Maya says that they're already using their blood, and things are gonna get ugly in here real fast." Scarlett said.

"Maya is with you?"

"She helped us escape. If not for her, we'd be dead. And, Clarke, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one. I'm not okay with killing small childeren who have done nothing wrong, I bet that they don't even know about the Grounders and that they use them as bloodbags or turn them into monsters who shred you apart to the bone."

"I hear you, but we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven is gonna help you and your knowledge about machines really helps too." Clarke told her. Scarlett knew that Clarke was somehow glad that she went with Bellamy.

"Got it. What else?"

"You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. There is a whole army inside that mountain and they don't even realize it."

"Trojan horse. Good plan. I forgot you'vw got that plan going on with Lexa. Tell her that after this is done I need to have a word with her." Scarlett noted.

"Will do. What does Maya think? Is it doable?" Clarke questioned. Scarlett turned to Maya.

"She says it's not a problem. Clarke, if Bellamy and I are gonna pull this off, I need you to buy us some time. It won't be long before they realize we don't belong here, and if that happens--" Scarlett started but Clarke broke her off fast.

"That can't happen. I'll come up with something." She promised.

"Come up with it quick." Scarlett said.

"Copy that, and, Scar..."


"You came through. I knew you guys would. "

"Glad to hear that you believe in us but All we've done so far is not get killed. I'm out, we'll talk soon enough."


I'm so excited for book three that I'm actually writing a lot right now. I can't believe I published two chapters today and one yesterday, it must be my record, lol.

See you guys soon in the next chapter, and please do answer on the previous questions because it's really important for me.

Thoughts on writers who only publish chapters when they have 5 votes or comments on a chapter?

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