10| Not now.

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Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?


Two days. It had been two whole days since Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia came back with Finn and Murphy.

Two days she had been ignoring Finn and since they told her what happed. He had killed eighteen innocent Grounders because he was dermitted to find Clarke and the others.

Finn was finally starting to see what he did, what he had done and that he killed them.

In those two days Scarlett didn't show any smile or any emotion at all. She was pissed, her mind stood on explosing like it had since they landed and most of all, she was hurt.

At the moment Clarke, Bellamy and Scarlett sat inside, hiding in a dark corner of the make shift pub. Scarlett had to admit, it looked cozy.

"Okay, tell me again." Bellamy said to Clarke who had a drawn map in front of her. The map she had drew in Mount Weather.

"It's a labyrinth, we got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system, that's our way in." Clarke explained, a pen pointing to different places on the map as she did so.

"Are you sure that we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men?" Bellamy asked. Clarke looked up, looking unsure. Scarlett growled, fiddeling with the end of on of her four braids. "I swear to god, if your Mom doesn't senction the mission soon I'm going by myself."

Scarlett would've sang that song if she wasn't in a mood like she was now.

"You're not going alone. I'm going with you, no matter what you say." Scarlett told Bellamy, looking him in the eye. Bellamy hesitated but nodded, knowing he had no point in arguing with her.

Scarlett looked around her, her eyes falling on the boy she had been ignoring the last two days.

"I guess the inquestions is over." Scarlett murmered, finding her hands very interesting at the moment.

"How's Finn doing anyway?" Bellamy asked, mostly asking Clarke. He knew Scarlett is ignoring him at all cost. She had told him everything once he came back, from Wick to the ignoring Finn part, which she had done before the killing spree he did. She had been planning to talk to him after he had come back, but once Clarke and Murphy had told her she buried that plan deep in the ground.

"I haven't talked to him since we got back. I don't know what to say, he just kept shooting." Clarke admitted.

"We're at war, Clarke, we've all done things." Bellamy told her. Scarlett looked down. She knew that but Finn, he did it because of finding Clarke, their friends. That's not because of war.

"Hey." Finn said as he arrived at their table.

"Hey." Bellamy greeted back. Scarlett crossed looks with her sister and she stood up, not wanting to talk to Finn any time soon.

"Gotta go." She told them, walking away as fast as she could. She stormed into the room where she knew she could find Raven.

"Scar?" Raven asked, looking puzzled by her appearance in the room where her ex was too.

"Yeah, hi. Hi, Wick." She greeted them both. Wick let the stuff in his hands fall and looked up from his work.

"You're talking to me?" He asked, shoving himself away from his working bench.

"I am. I don't wanna talk about the thing that you wanna talk about, not yet. But I have to get my mind off things." She told him.

"Then you can help me with this thing? I don't know what it is, yet, but I need a mechanic and Raven won't help me."

"Yeah, okay." Scarlett nodded, following him. She ignored Raven her knowing looks and helped Wick with whatever he needed help with.


"I can't believe they let Finn come." Octavia huffed, walking beside her brother and Scarlett.

"Me neither." Scarlett agreed.

"Best tracker we've got." Bellamy said. "Don't forget to look up the Grounders use the trees and that's how we lost John Mbege." He spoke loudly. Scarlett shuddered when he mentioned Mbege. "Scar, you have to talk to Finn at some point."

"I know. I do, but not now. We're on our way to make that thing that's jamming us say boom and I want to focus on that, nothing else." She told Bellamy.

"Promise me you'll talk to him as soon as we get back?"

"I promise." She nodded. She knew he was right and that she had to talk to him at some point.

Scarlett scanned her surroundings for any treaths, spotting none. After she had helped Wick with his project Raven and Clarke had asked her to tag along for plenty reasons. She was their best fighter, not that Abby knew that, and she needed to get out of there and they all saw that.

Scarlett did shove her problems to the back of her mind and did decide to be the girls she was when they just got here. It was the best for herself but also for the others.

After a good three hours they had finallt stopped at the foot of Mount Weather. Raven was looking through binoculars, trying to find what she was looking for while the others stood on guard.

"There, I see it." Raven shouted, pointing to something they couldn't see.

"Here" Scarlett said. Raven handed the binoculars to her and sure enough she saw what Raven saw. "It will be dark soon, we'll never spot the traps. We should set up camp here, leave at first light." Scarlett informed them.

"We're missing two, where the hell are they?!" Abby shouted. She turned to Clarke and Scarlett, who stood side by side..

"Clarke and Scarlett, we're in enemy territory and their lives are my responsibility."

"They went to find a way in." Clarke said. Scarlett threw a glare to her, but turned to her Mom with a sweet smile.

"A way in, is not what this mission is about."

"It's for them." Clarke argued back.

"Find them. Bring them back." Abby ordered but Scarlett stopped them.

"Hold up, not so fast. I'm going with them." She said, looking around.

"No. You're not." Abby said.

"I am, because I'm the only one here that knows which direction they went." She smiled. Abby hesitated but nodded.

"Keep an eye one her." Scarlett rolled her eyes and walked away, following the path that Bellamy and Octavia went.


Long time no see! I'm so so sorry that this chapter is up late. Last weekend I was at my grandparents with my nieces and I had no time to write.

Anyhow, how have you all been? I've doing awesome!


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