18| Red drug addicts.

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People should
fall in love
with their
eyes closed.



Scarlett thought about the most terrifying and disgusted things when Lincoln and Bellamy smeared the blood of the animal carcas that Lincoln cut open on her.

She groaned when she looked down and plucked a piece of organ off her chest and threw it on the animal itself.

Where it belongs.

She looked at it with disgust and turned around to face Lincoln and Bellamy once again, who were also both covered in blood and pieces of organs. "What a cheerful sight." She told them, a fake smile plastered on her sun kissed skin.

Lincoln rolled his eyes, "You play the part so you have to look the part." He told her. Scarlett sighed but nodded anyway. When she left with Bellamy and Lincoln to start their rescue mission she hadn't really thought about this.

Bellamy eyed Scarlett and Lincoln and nodded. "Okay, so we make it to the intake door without any of the real reapers seeing us, what happens then?"

"I kill everyone and you two slip inside." Lincoln answered. "Limestone."

"Limestone? Isn't lime suppose to be, you know, Green?" Bellamy smeared the white substance from the package on his face and passed it to Lincoln who shot a glare at Scarlett for her stupidity. Lincoln smeared it on his face and handed it to Scarlett. She eyed it before dipping two fingers in it and smearing it over her left eye and down to her neck. "Feels funny." She muttered.

And cold.

"Lets go. We got a lot of ground to cover before dark." Lincoln said. With that said they started walking but Scarlett stopped  them.

"Before we go I need to know what happens beyond the intake door." She wasn't scared, she just likes to know what was waiting for her when she had the chance.

Lincoln sighed but decided that it was better for both to know what was waiting for them. "They remove your clothes, blast you with warm water and douce you with something that burns even worse. Then we were sorted, the other were tagged Harvest I was tagged Cerberus and turned into a reaper."

"Awesome, can't wait." Scarlett grumbled sarcasticly and moved forward, wanting the next events to be over as soon as possible.


"Looks like we are here." Scarlett pointed out, staring at the map that Bellamy held.  "What if we run into real Reapers, won't they wonder where you've been?" She questioned, her eyes falling on Lincoln his figure.

Lincoln shook his head, somewhere admiring how Scarlett could be busy with sarcasm and questions when they were about to step into something they didn't now was going to work. "All they see is the red. Once you take it, nothing else matters. Just how you get more."

"How much do you remember from when you were on it?" Bellamy asked.

"Everything." Scarlett grimaced at the idea of remembering ripping human flesh of a corpse and eating it. "Turn around." Lincoln commanded, placing a log on their shoulders.

This is going to be fun.


"Why are we stopping?" Scarlett questioned as they came to a sudden halt. She heard a crushing sound and wanted to look around but kept her curiosity for herself.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy questioned.

However, Lincoln ignored it and started talking about the next step. "As soon as they open the intake doors we attack. Once they close I'll make it look like you escaped."

"And then what?" Scarlett raised her brow.

"The raiding party." He answered. Lincoln started pulling them away from the doors, confusing both Scarlett and Bellamy.

"What are you doing?"

"We have to go back. It's the only way." Lincoln said.

"It's not!"

"Go back! No way!" Scarlett and Bellamy yelled at the same time.

"We have to leave before we can fight our way through." Scarlett looked at Lincoln with sadness in her eyes. She did understand him, but they were to die in this plan they did it for a good cause. To save their friends.

"We'll never get a better change than this." Bellamy argued.

"I thought I could do this but I can't, okay. It's over." Lincoln growled.

"It's not! Listen to me Lincoln. I know that this is something that you do not want to repeat and believe me when I say I really don't look forward for that shower but it is something we have to do. I'll rather have us three die by saving our friends then see them as hanging bloodbags. Listen, you can join them. When they bring out the red you grab it and you run like Hell. The Reapers will go nuts, the Grounders will run and the Mountain Men will have to deal with it. No one is looking for two Grounders running into the mountain." Scarlett finished with the most serious look she ever had on her face.

Lincoln nodded and roughly put a sack on both their heads. "You're to smart for your own good." He whispered in Scarlett her ear before speaking to a Reaper in his language.

Scarlett smired, "I know." She whispered.

After a few minutes Scarlett was pushed on her knees and the sack was pulled off of her head. A woman in a white lab coat and a board stood in front of them and Scarlett felt a reaper breath down in her neck.

The woman walked to the beginning of the line and started writing on her board. "Harvest."

"Next." Scarlett reconized him as a guard.

"Harvest." And she wrote it down again.


Lincoln his turn.

"Harvest." The red was injected in neck. "Harvest them all." The woman said.


First chapter published as a sixteen year old. That feels good! Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm trying.

Oh, and while I was MIA for a little while... I GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE! Guys, I'm so happy and relieved.

Hopw you enjoyed and I can't wait to start book three seeing that the end is nearing once again.

QOTD: What is your favorite season?
ATTQ: Season three, hence my excitement for book three.

Do you want book three published in Scarlett her point of view or third person point of view? Because the next book will be called Blue and y'all know that's Finn his nickname for Scarlett.

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