16| Just know...

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Some cry tears;
others with thoughts.
-Octavio Paz.


Scarlett had been awake for a while now, but she didn't feel awake. She didn't feel anything. It was like her emotions fled her body as soon as she fell unconsious.

Scarlett gave up on trying to scrub of the blood on her hand.

Finn's blood.

Abby stood by her side, not sure how to feel about the state of her daughter. "Are you okay?" She asked in a whisper. Kane looked at them from the other side of Scarlett but he didn't dare to speak up. He knew how Scarlett could be but she was even worse know.

Scarlett looked up, slowly, and gave her mother a sloppy, scary grinn. "I just killed my best friend- I feel fucking fantastic." She spoke up, sarcasm dripping off her raspy voice.

Abby looked down, feeling sorry for her. She was about to apoligze but Gustus walked in, his eyes landing on the blood covered Scarlett.

"The commander is ready to talk." He said. Scarlett gave him a single nod and Lexa and Indra walked in, not paying attention to Abby and Kane.

"Blood has answered blood. Some of my say that's not enough, they wanted the murderer to suffer as our traditioned demands." Lexa explained. Scarlett slowly looked up, looking her death in the eye. Lexa continued, "But they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you untill the end of your days. Still, there will be restitution. The body will be given to Tondc, murderer and murdered joined by fire. Only then we can have peace."

Scarlett just stared at her, not saying a word.

"No, no, we've done enough. The boy should be buried by his own people-" Scarlett silently scoffed as Kane spoke those words.

As if you and the council were better on the Ark.

Indra angrily stepped forward, "Enough? We were owed the pain of eighteen deaths, we were owed the righteous kill. My village deserves justice."

"You don't want justice. You want vengeance." Abby spat in disgust as she layed her hand on Scarlett her shoulder. She didn'r react at first but she shook it off a few seconds later- standing up.

"You have not seen my vengeance." Indra threatend.

"We'll do it." Scarlett shot a warning look to Kane for him not to talk, "Dead is dead.   But after that, Lexa, we'll talk about how we're getting our people out of Mount Weather. All of our people."

Lexa nodded, "We want the same thing, Scarlett."

"Good, when do we leave?"

"Now." Indra said, "Choose your attendance."

Abby shot forward, stopping Scarlett from walking out of the tent. "Scar, you don't have to do this."

"I do." Scarlett growled, "If this fucking truce doesn't hold I killed my best friend for nothing. Don't you get it? Stop holding me back, stop protecting me, just stop doing as if we, Skai Kru, are better. We aren't." Scarlett walked away, Lexa by her side. Clarke joined at the other side of Lexa, not saying a word of what she just heard. She agreed with her sister and she always will.


Weirdly enough, Scarlett didn't feel grieve. She felt at peace. Finn didn't have to run, to hide or to suffer. He was at peace, somewere up there watching Scarlett and the others with a proud smile.

Clarke had went to Raven, who was grieving at Finn his side. She heard her scream at Clarke, she heard Raven pointing her fingers at her, telling Clarke it was her fault. Scarlett didn't understand but didn't bother to jump in between and be the peace maker.

The Grounders had carried Finn away aftet much protest of Raven- who had stormed away.

Scarlett sat against the Ark, her head up and looking at the bright stars shinning in the dark, clear sky. She let out a sigh, "I'm sorry, Finn." She whispered, "I'm sorry that we couldn't die together- the three of us as elderly people. I'm sorry you couldn't say goodbye to Raven, to anyone else and I'm sorry if I'm ever gonna disappoint you. Just know that, that-" Scarlett broke down in sobs, "that I love you."

"Scar, babe." A muscular voice said from beside her. She sniffed, looking up and meeting the brown eyes of her boyfriend.

"Hey." She croaked, a hiccup leaving her throat. Bellamy joined the empty place beside her and hugged her tightly, shushing her, telling her it is all going to be okay. "I'm so sorry." She whispered in his ear.

"Don't say sorry. He wanted this and you saved him." Bellamy told her, kissing her forehead.


Clarke looked a sickly pale as her eyes shot to the side, her own mind tricking her. She didn't understand why she was hallucinating Finn, but she embraced the moments that she could still see him.

Scarlett noticed Clarke her paranoid behavior, she saw that her eyes saw things nobody else could and she knew what.

"I'll be right back." She said to Bellamy, who understood and nodded. Scarlett moved forward, her hand reaching Clarke her hand and she laced her fingers through hers. "We'll be okay." Scarlett told her. Clarke nodded, "I know you see him and I also know that he'll be gone at some point but just know that he'll be always here."

"You see him too?" Clarke asked. Scarlett gave her a small, sad smile and shook her head.

"No, I saw Dad after his dead." She admitted, "I saw him for two months and after that he vanished. He managed, the hallucination of dad managed, to help me through and helped me understand that he won't be going anywhere else soon. So you'll be okay."

Clarke nodded, "You did the right thing, Scar."

Scarlett smiled a small smile. "I know, Bellamy told me that too." She loosend the grip on Clarke her hand and started to leave, back to Bellamy, but she turned around, "And Clarke? Don't worry about Ray, she'll be okay." Clarke nodded to her sister, glancing at Finn again before walking further. Head high.


I cried, again. Lol, I always cry.

Anyhow, I have something very IMPORTANT ask you guys.

I'm a bit bored of the covers I have now, for this serie of books. So if one of you is interested in making similiar bookcovers for The Ground and this book and the next who's called 'Blue' please send me a mail and let me know: denies2001@gmail.com

(Do give me your Wattpad name or own with Wattpad name in the mail!)

You can also leave questions, fan art and other stuff (as long as it serious) there.

I hope to hear soon of one of you,

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