Chapter 91:

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*human world next day*

I rushed to the station where other officers were pulling everyone in.
"There was a murder" said the head of the department.
"The victim was Detective Toshiaki. The suspects are everyone from his team" he continued.
He looked at me.
"It wasn't me!" I declared.
"I hope not. You'll just break out of jail again" said another officer.
"Anyway, he was stabbed directly into the heart. No fail, it was someone who's killed before" he said.
"I've only killed using a notebook" I replied.
Everyone got questioned. After that, me and the others sat in the waiting room of the main desk.

"They've got some nerve suspecting us" Said Arata.
"Yeah. We've solved loads an even befriended an enemy for them!" Jou shouted.
Tori ran up to the window and started knocking on it. Arata opened the door.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Someone at school.... has a sword and is threatening everyone...." He said out of breath.
Arata looked at him.
"Sword?!" He shouted.
Tori nodded. Me, Tori and Arata ran over to the school while the others got armed equipment. By the time we got there, a blood stain was on the wall, like one of someone scraping across it.

We got to the class room. A young teenager was stood wielding a katana. Around him was a pool of blood and corpses of his classmates. 10 people remained, terrified they hid in the corner.

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