Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Maps and Stalking

"Ms.Weasley, Please stay behind." McGonagall called from her desk. I winced. Merlin, she's probably really mad- what if she decided that I wasn't good enough to be a prefect? Wait, no. I'm just exaggerating. Yes. 

Bex wandered past me smiling, and Albus whispered 'Good Luck' as he walked out. 

I walked silently towards McGonagall's book covered desk and waited. I bit into my lip and was about to tell her about Malfoy holding me up, and that it wasn't my fault (I'm not a coward, I just don't like long silences...) when she finished correcting long piece of parchment and scrolled it up, carefully placing it beside a dozen more scrolls.

"Today, 7 pm at the meeting room, yes?" she must have seen the confused look on my face because she added,"The Prefects meeting?"  Ooh. Yeah. Prefects meeting. Of course she wasn't telling me off- Malfoy and Yaxley were also late but they weren't here! But Daniel wasn't here either...

She must have told him earlier.

"Yes Professor!" I chanted, hugging my books to my chest. I turned around on my heel and started walking out, relieved when she called me back.

"And Rose?" I whipped my head around. She tapped her watch with her index finger ."Watch the time."  


Over the noise of forks and knives scraping on plates Bex was laughing her head off at some muggle jokes James was reading from a book Lily had shown him (Don't ask- Lily has a weird obsession with Muggle books, but, in her defense, some of them are quite interesting. Even the disease Princess, Cinderella).

"Wait, wait! Listen to this one! 'One day a pony walked into the doctors office. He said his throat hurt. The doctor replied : I see, your a little hoarse!" James cackled at his ridiculous joke. I snorted and Albus smiled boredly.

"Get it? Horse? Hoarse?"

Fred rolled his eyes. "You should be arrested for such a terrible joke."  He then turned back to his parchment, which apparently was huge since it was folded neatly into different sections, each with a series of sketches and drawings on them.

Bex wiped a fake tear away from her eye and James threw a bun he grabbed from a basket at Fred. 

"Do better then, eh ?" he dared. Fred looked up, throwing the bun back at James and started off on another joke. I turned to Al, who had tuned off and was pushing his peas around the plate. 

"I have a Prefects meeting today." I told him proudly. He half-grinned and raised an eyebrow. 

"Sound fuun.." I stuck my tongue out at him and pushed my hair to a side. That when I saw Malfoy staring at me. Again. What was his problem? I scowled and turned away from him, annoyed.

Just then Hugo appeared. 

"Hi Rose!" he said, plopping down on the bench beside me. 

"Hello.." I murmured. He filled his plate and went on to eating happily. He had an appetite like my dad, and I suppose I did too. But what can I say, food really is delicious.

"Trelanwey told me I was going to get something good by the end of the month." he beamed. I scoffed. Trelanwey never was right. Never. 

Unless you counted that time when she mistaked a grim for Sirius Black, who happened to be a animagus who turned into a big, black dog which may appear to be a Grim. I glanced up at the clock which hung over the teacher's table. Five to seven. Shoot- the meeting! I  jumped up, not finishing my food and ran towards the meeting room, on the sixth floor. 

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