Chapter 21

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AUTHORS NOTE: Okay, so I gave up on the whole 'not gonna write' thing, because I have decided I like writing and don't need to stop just because of silly stuff. Anyways, here's chapter 21! And if anyone knows any editors and/or someone who could make me a cover, please send me a message? Thanks! Enjoy! -C

I sat crossed legged in one of the confortable red chairs by the fire, a book open in my lap about DADA, but my eyes glued to the fire intensly. 

The flames skittered around, sometimes going from orange to purple and back, the wood sizzling as it was reduced to ash by the flames engulfing it. The fire's warmth kept the cold off my face- it had recently started snowing, and the weather was as gloomy as ever. Soon it would be the Hogsmeade weekend before the ball, and it will be awful to go out like this. Especially if I must try on dresses, which you might understand, I am not too found of. 

I started chewing on my nails, my eyes still glued to the orange flames. I also had a DADA exam this week. And a Charms one too. In preparation for the OWLS. After the Christmas holidays, I'm sure all the homework will become much longer and trickier as the OWLs near us. I shivered, thinking of what my mom said in her letter: "It might be good to start studying, at least revising earlier topics. I'll send you some revision schemes, if you want." I think she'll send them to me anyways, but I suppose they won't do any harm. I think Albus is getting them too- after mom sent them to James and helped him pass all of his OWLs minus three or four, Harry has begged her to send them to all his kids. 

I don't believe she minds. She also told me some of the funds raised by the ball are going to her endangered species fund, the Endangered Magical Species Society, or EMSS. She has a thing for abbreviations. Like SPEW. I think she has a fndraiser going on with SPEW. I don't know. The Ministry lets her do whatever she wants, they're so tired of hearing her never ending speeches.

But of course, before she shows it to them, she must run it over with us. Hugo usually slips away mid-way through it, and mostly I follow. The only one witht he pacience to hear it all is dad (even though I suspect he has masterd the art of sleeping with his eyes open). 

"Reddo?" James pokes my arm and waves his free hand in front of my face. I avert my eyes from the fire and look up at him. He cocks his head mischeiviously and pulls another seat over, plopping down and hooking his foot under the table to bring it closer. "I must ask of you a favour." he declares, folding out a large piece of parchment on the table between us. It's blank. Then he pulls out another piece of parchment, neatly folded, but still decaying and rather crumpled. 

"The Marauderes map?" I ask, reaching for it. He places it carefully beside the other piece of parchment.

"Right." He looks around, checking that no one is looking. The only other person in the common room is Caleb Hook and some other girl, doing homework by the long desk at the other end of the room. Some first yearers strolll by, not even taking a second glance at us. 

"Well before I tell you anything, you ought to promise you'll tell no one." he half-whispers,looking around quickly. "Swear it. The Marauderer way." he adds hastily, as a second thought.

I sigh and repeat the familiar words Albus taught me when we were young, raising my right hand ceremoniously.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

James leans in, satysfied, and speaks in a low voice, which I can hear easily bu others will definatley strain to, interpreating as an uncomprihendible whisper, after James waves his wand casting a muffliato spell for good measure.

"You see this parchment here?" he taps it with his wand, whispering the infamous Marauderer's swear. From the entre of the page an image starts to blossm, branching out to every edge of the expanse paper.

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