Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Practise makes perfect

The rest of the trip to Hogsmeade blurred past quickly, as did most of the week. 

In History of Magic, a new ghost guest came, a boy called Colin Creevy. I personally thought he was too hyper active to explain anything properly but never mind. He also seemed to have an unhealthy obsession over uncle Harry... And muggle photos.

Anyways, today- 4 days from the Quidditch match- was the day I recived the news. 

"Jeremy's sick." Lily plopped down beside me in the common room and rested her head in her Hands. "And the match is three days away." Her face showed a grumpy expression so I thought better than to correct her. "And its against Slytherin." she added bitterly, burring her head. 

I patted her back comfortingly. "I'm sure Caleb is gonna find a new player.."

It was obvious we were doomed. Slytherins were dirty players and we needed practiced team members to win. And if was very unlikely to find someone who had that kind of ability. 

"But thats just it!" moaned Lily. Her voice was muffled through her hands and her back was hunched. "It isn't possible to find someone like him!!" 

"Its not the end of the world you know." 

"LOOK OVERHEAAAD!!" someone screamed. A Frisbee flew through the air. I caught it in my hand just before it landed on Lily. 

"Um thanks," said the boy who shouted as he took the thing back.

Lily glanced up. "We are doomed I tell you! There's no bloody thing Hook can do to reverse that!" I closed the book I was trying to read before with a 'thwack' and leaned in to Lily. 

"We aren't doomed Lily! And Hook is captain for a reason." 

About thirty minute later however, I was totally contradicting myself. 

"WHAT THE BLOODY- ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"  I waved my arms around in hysterics and Caleb stepped back, slightly alarmed. I mean, this uptight mad dude just comes up to me and goes, 'Oh By the way Rose, could you be keeper in the game?' !! As if it's some casual thing which doesn't, under any circumstances mean that everyone would hate me if we lost because , oh well, I LET THE BLOODY BALL IN!!!!!!

So you might understand why I was flipping out. 

Not to mention that Scorpius Malfoy was on my mind. 


"Rose! Blimey, calm down!!" he winced and I stopped waving my arms and tried to calm down. Deep breaths, deep breaths. "Okay, I just thought you might have wanted to replace Jeremy! I mean you have great reflexes don't you?" 

"Um no." I ran my hand through my hair. truth be told, I did want to play- but I never played as keeper, never. So the chances were that I missed every single throw and then got nervous and then the world would crumble down and everyone would hate me. Come on, I mean my Dad was a good keeper but my mom can't even fly a broomstick straight!

I might be over reacting though....

Caleb sighed and turned around, pulling out all sorts of things from his pockets and bag. I watched silently yet curiously. Why on Earth would he have anything to convince me here?

He turned around. "Look, I can't make you come. But today we're having practice and if you want to show up, you'll be welcome." 

He turned on his heel and stalked down the corridor. I lingered thinking. Dad used to be keeper. Maybe some of his genetics on Quidditch playing passed on to me? On the other hand, Mom was terrible at quidditch. Terrible. 

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