Chapter Eight

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Brendon had decided to take Brooke for a check up after the panic attack. He was worried about her, to say the least. Brendon hasn't ever had a child, and he doesn't know how much a four year old should weigh, but she was extremely skinny and light. He noticed that she also didn't eat a lot once she did eat.

He knew what caused it too. It was that witch, Mrs. Ross. Dallon had left a while ago. Brendon got dressed in a white shirt with a red button up shirt that he left the buttons undone. Along with that he wore black jeans and convenes. He barely messed with his hair before walking out of the room.

It was only about noon when he looked at the clock. He walked into Brooke's room and saw that she was sitting on the bed, with color pencils and mechanical pencils surrounded her. She was laying on her stomach and her legs were in the air.

"Hey, princess. Let's get ready okay?" Brendon smiled. Brooke nodded and stood. She was still tiny. She gently went to the closet and pulled out an outfit. Brooke gently placed it on the bed.

Brendon picked it up and helped her get dressed. He couldn't help but slightly smile at how small children clothing are. It was like adult clothing but just tinier. He sat down on the bed and Brooke was standing on the ground in front of him.

It was a white tank-top with a blue flannel. She wore with that was a black jeans and converses. Once he buttoned up the flannel, he stood and picked her up in his arms. Is was cute, Brooke was a like a mini Brendon.

He brushed her hair (with great difficulty), but then left it down. Brendon walked down the stairs and opened the door. On the way out, he grabbed his phone and wallet. He closed and locked the door. Brooke sat in her car seat in the back, gently singing to herself.


"Mr. Urie?" The doctor called out to the busy waiting area. Loud children cried, parents attempting to quiet them but failing considerably. Brendon was glad that Brooke wasn't like that. She just sat beside him, gently humming to herself, while she played a game in Brendon's phone.

Brendon stood as did Brooke. The pair followed the doctor in the area. It was all white, white walls and white floors. It was depressing to say the least. Once the doctor stopped in front of the scale that the wall.

"Please step on the scale." The doctor said shortly. Brooke gently got on the scale and stood still. The doctor looked shocked, before clicking his tongue and wrote something down on the clipboard.

Brendon took at the scale but frowned, being unable to read it. He has always hated doctors and hospitals in general. The bad past always seemed to be in his mind when going to in the hospitals.

It was just depressing and it smelled of death. And the overpowering stench of medical supplies and cleaners. The bad news seemed to be written on the walls. With upsetting and corny 'It Will All Get Better' or something like that.

Brendon didn't say anything but he felt a deep pain in his stomach in worry as he attempted to look at the clipboard to read what the doctor has written, but failed. Once all the check up was done, Brendon was stopped by the doctor.

"Mr. Urie-" The doctor said quite sadly, but Brendon cut him off. Truth be told, he didn't like being called Mr. Urie, because that was his father and not him.

"You can call me Brendon." Brendon said. The doctor nodded before sitting down at the chair and moved over to the computer. Brooke was sitting on the bed that was wrapped in paper, while Brendon was sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chair.

"Well, Brendon. I have some bad news. Brooke is underweight. A normal four year old should weigh about forty to fifty pounds. Sadly, she only weighs twenty-five pounds. Also the panic attacks may come more often, as we tested her, and the test came back as, she has anxiety. But there is one more thing I need to tell you..." The doctor paused.

Brendon felt his heart sink at what the doctor was telling him. He rubbed his nose sadly and bit his lip. Before he let out a sigh and whispered sadly, "W- what's the other thing?" He said, gently patting Brooke's hand. Brooke clearly didn't understand what the doctor was saying.

"Brooke has a mild case of Personality Disorder." The man finished.


HELLO GUYS. Short chapter and slightly rushed but here is the chapter!


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