Chapter Twenty Two

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Ryan sat there, alone. All the people are gone, leaving Ryan alone. The silentness was killing him, it was deafening. Nothing but the constant pitter-patter of the rain splashing on the clean, clear window. His shoulders dropped, his eyes felt heavy. He felt so useless, as he looked at the two people.

They were still asleep. Doctors said that they would be in a coma for a while. Ryan couldn't leave, he just couldn't look away from their unmoving, cold bodies. The whole room brought sadness and guilt to Ryan. This was his fault, he truly believed it is.

Truth be told, Ryan really hated Hospitals. He can't stand them. They bring to much death and and sadness to the room. You can almost always hear the cries of mothers over their babies who are fatally injured, or the families that are told that their family member has passed away. Just the thought of how may deaths that have happened here, brings tears to Ryan's eyes.

Ryan sighed, running his hand over his eyes. His throat was dry, as he refused to speak for a while, nor did he eat or drink. He was still dressed in Brendon's clothing. Brendon had gave them to Ryan right before they left. It was a simple hoodie and jeans. As creepy as it sounds, it smelled like Brendon and it calmed Ryan down slightly.

The room smelled like bleach and cleaning supplies. It was overpowering, to say the least. It felt like he was being drugged with the smell. But no matter what, Ryan stayed there. As much as he hated it, he refused to leave.

"If all our life is but a dream," Ryan hummed, a tear streaming down his face. Brendon and Ryan's song, he still remembers it. He couldn't forget about it. Ryan's back was leaned toward, clutching Brooke and Brendon's hands tightly. The chair was locked in the middle of the two beds.

"Fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelery to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me.
And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along
In storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes, and flooded lungs." Ryan choked out. His voice was cracked and gravelly.

"Northern downpour sends its love..." He couldn't even continue. Ryan broke out with sobs. His chest moved up and down rapidly. Tears slipped down his cheeks and landed on Brendon's hand. Ryan would so anything to take his place. Then Brendon would be okay. But he's not okay, he's in a coma. And Brooke. No one knows if he'll ever wake up, same for Brooke.

He'd do anything to see them one more time...


Ha, I'm still a little shit. Sorry lmfao. This chapter was depressing and sad.


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