Chapter Ten

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I'm so sorry XD. Please don't kill me _Beebotatochip_ Here is your chapter! Fluff chapter to soothe the sad chapter from yesterday.  Also she gets a cookie for getting the ending right *Wink wink* shh don't tell anyone else XD


"Daddy, are you okay?" Brooke asked quietly from the bad of the car. Brendon's eyes were still bloodshot from crying and his throat was dry. He looked back her from the drivers seat. It was only about two pm but the road was filled with cars.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine princess." Brendon's voice cracked and he mentally swore at the sound of his voice. He attempted to smile but it looked forced. He sighed and tore his eyes away from the mirror and forced on the road.

Brooke didn't look convinced, but she didn't say anything else. She was oblivious to what the doctor has said to Brendon. She didn't understand what those words meant, which Brendon was thankful for.

Mr. Chase has advised for Brendon to get Brooke medication for the Personality Disorder and to take Brooke to court or at least to the police for they could take Troy Johnson to jail for good.

Once they got home, Brendon flopped down on the couch while Brooke went up stairs. He stood and walked over to the fridge and opened it. Mostly left over pizzas and stuff in containers, he really needed to go shopping 

Staring at the beer that sat in the fridge door, glaring at it. He hasn't had a drink or a smoke in a while. But he didn't feel like he need one. He used to drink, just because he liked the taste of it, but now he doesn't really want to now that he has his daughter around.

A loud crash came from upstairs, causing Brendon to close the fridge and call out, "Brooke?" He began upstairs towards Brooke's room. He opened her door and looked in. Brooke was holding something, but he didn't quite see it.

"Hey Daddy," Brooke said excitedly, even though Brendon had the grim look on his face. He attempted to look happy, but it didn't work quite as he wanted it to. 'How do I ask her about the man?' Brendon thought sadly.

Brooke sat in the bean bag chair while her coloring stuff was around her. "I dwew you!" She exclaimed flashing her drawing at Brendon.

It was a cute drawing of him, it was a little messed up but it was quite a good drawing. It was a drawing of him, which was him in his Pj's. He smiled and picked the girl up in his arms.

"It's lovely, princess." He smiled, kissing her on her head. She squealed and smiled, when he threw her up in the air and caught her back in his arms. "Its time to eat baby." Brooke frowned but nodded.

While Brendon cooked, Brooke was at the table. She slightly frowned once again, after Brendon placed a plate of food in front of her on the wooden table. It was a sandwich with a side of sour cream and onion chips.

"Eat what you can, okay?" Brendon sat down in front of her. Brooke gently picked up the sandwich, which was cut into halves, and only ate the one half. She only then ate some chips. She needed to finish the sandwich, not only to gain weight, but also because Brendon put her Personality Disorder pills inside of it, mushed up.

"I know I said that you could what you can, but I'm going to need you to eat more." Brendon sighed, rubbing his hand over his eyes. Brooke was hesitant but took one more bite. "I'll make you a deal, if you finish you plate, I'll let Dallon and his kids come over." He offered.

Brooke's eyes lit up and she continued to eat. Brendon chuckled to himself and crossed his legs in the chair. Once she finished the food, a bit sick looking, Brendon took her plate and placed it in the sink. Brooke ran off to the front room, after she thanked Brendon.

When Brendon walked in he saw that Brooke was walking around with blankets, before she placed it down on the couch. Along with a couple of pillows and blankets laid on the couch and on the floor.

Brooke noticed Brendon walk in. She ran up to him and tugged on his hand. Brendon sat down and Brooke pulled herself on the couch and onto Brendon's lap. Brendon reached over and turned on the TV, and onto come movie.

"You seemed upset Daddy." She gently placed the blankets over the two. Brooke laid on Brendon lap while her head on his chest. His arms were around her small body as he pulled her closer to him, as a hug.

"Aw, thank you baby." He smiled. Brooke mussed her head into his shoulder. Brendon smiled as they continued to watch the movie. 'Forget all those people,' Brendon thought. He was still holding on her to tightly.

"I love you babygirl." He kissed her on the head.



A Fear Of Falling Apart ✿ Brendon Urie DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin