Chapter Twenty Five

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"No." Ryan whispered.

jk lmfao. I'm sorry I'm continue with the story now.

"I- I mean you- you don't have to." Brendon stuttered. Ryan felt his heart raising, and blood rushed to his cheeks. Brendon and him were sitting up. They both looked at each other. Brendon bit down on his lip, which Ryan couldn't help but stare at. Ryan cleared his throat and smiled.

"I- I'd love to." Ryan choked. He was happy, to say the least. As he stared at his long time friend, his cheeks grew more and more of the crimson color. Brendon looked confused before his brown orbs grew. His high-jaw line was tense from nervousness. The man's lips were full, and moist from him bitting down on them. His hair was messed up, flying in different waves of dark brown, some crossing his face. Brendon was dressed in his normal pajamas, with a messed up cotton white muscle shirt. The shirt revealed his tatoos that ran across his arm. Brendon sat rigit-like, he had a stiff back and his arms where linked into each other.

"What- yo- you actually sa- said-." Brendon was cut off by Ryan placing his hand into Brandon's. They both looked at each other with happiness clear across their faces. Brendon felt like a school girl; gitty and excited. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Ryan laid his head gently on Brendon's chest, and Brendon's arm snaked around his waist.

But at the same time, Ryan moved his head and Brendon attempted to lean down. They accidentally met half way, and smacked each other's head. Brendon hit his forehead on Ryans and Ryan hit the back of the head on Brendon's.

"Romantic." Brendon remarked. (A/N Homestucktrash0175 *wink*) Ryan rolled his eyes, still smiling. "So since it's the afternoon, do you wanna go to the park? It- it doesn't have to be a date..." Brendon trailed off.

Ryan chucked. "Of course. I'll go wake Brooke." Brendon nodded and moved his arm. Brendon felt the warmth around him leave. As selfish as it sounds, he would rather cuddle with Ryan than do anything. Brendon stood, rubbing the back of his neck, and started up the stairs to change.


I- I don't know how to feel about this chapter. Longer chapter ahead. But this is kinda like a filler. Idk I'm sorry this sucked.

Anyway I updated! I'll update a longer chapter either today or tomorrow.


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