Chapter Twenty Three

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Brooke hasn't woken up. Ryan had gotten dramatically worse. Brendon is still in coma, Brooke's heart rate is decreasing by the day. The doctors say in days, her heart might stop. Ryan prayed that nothing would happen. The doctors have asked if Ryan would pull the life support away from the two people, but Ryan refused. No matter how much money it took, he wasn't going to give up.

Brooke's pale skin was a sickly green. Her hair had to cut off shorter, about her shoulders. Her cracked glasses laid on the gray table. The black rim was cracked and leaning to one side.  Wires where hooked up around her frail body, trailing up her arms and over her face. She was given clothing by the doctor, and socks. Her eyes were closed, not that they have opened in the past weeks. Ryan could only dream of the light, sparkly brown eyes that her eyes once were.

Brendon was no different. Nothing, no signs of life. His lips were chapped even more, his eyes were clamped down tightly, and his hair was all over the place. Brendon was impacted the most in car. The red car slammed into the right side, the drivers side. Brooke was in her car seat, which was right behind Brendon's seat. Ryan was barely hurt, but he was able to walk away with minor problems. But Brooke and Brendon, not so much. It was heartbreaking to say the least. Ryan thought that is should have been him in Brendon's place, and Brooke would be okay. 

Ryan sat, with his shoulders slumped over. His clothing was tattered and dirty, but it's not like he cares. He's been sitting in the same spot for days, un-moving. The uncomfortable chair dug into his back, as he sat upright. The chair was still between the two beds that they lay on. Ryan moved his eyes around the floor. The guilt was eating him away, staring at the two people. Ryan hasn't spoken to anyone, in weeks. He sometimes forgets to eat or drink, but Dallon and the rest are there for him. Ryan has been tempted to cut again, but what Brendon did to him, how Brendon helped him, it stopped Ryan. 

The young man's jaw was tightly locked with sadness and guilt. Every time he looks at Brooke's face, the more he feels the erg to cry. Brooke doesn't need this. Brendon and her aren't the ones that need to be hurt, they did nothing. The red car lost control and slammed into them.

Ryan's head shot up once he heard a sound. It was a loud, long line of noise. His head shot around only to find that Brooke's heart line has gone flat. Ryan's thoughts went wild and he shot up, knocking the chair over the process. Brooke was moving around, almost shaking the bed.

Everything was a blur. Doctors rushed in, with loud voices they said, "Brooke has flat lined. Clear the-." Ryan was shoved out of the room before he could hear anything. Two people held him back by his arms, in also a chokehold, they held him in place. He was sobbing, his heart was beating against his chest.

"N-no! Pl-please, sh- she cant die!" He screamed, fighting the two men. Ryan's chest hurt even more. It felt as if his chest was being ripped apart and his heart was being ripped out. His eyes were blinded with tears. A lot of noise was sounding out through the hospital. People were looking but for Ryan, that was the least of his concerns.

He thought he heard Brooke crying, but he brushed it off as his imagination. Ryan's knees hit the ground, as he sobbed into his hands. One of the people that were holding him back, placed their hand on his shoulder.

A doctor rushed out. Ryan didn't even look up. The doctor cleared his throat. "Are you Ryan?" He asked. Ryan thought he already knew the news. Ryan barely nodded his head. "Brooke was screaming for you. Come, come." Ryan shot up and ran into the room.

"Brooke!" Ryan cried, rushing to her side. Doctors held her down on the bed while she was thrashing around and year streamed down her face. The doctors let her go once Ryan walked in. She jumped into his arms without hesitation. Brooke's hand curled around Ryan's shirt as she sobbed.

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