Chapter Twenty Eight

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Brendon watched his watch click down slowly. He's impatience was growing more and more by the ticking seconds. His sweaty palms locked together in his legs, while his left ankle crossed over his right knee. He sat, slouched, in the chair. He was growing bored by the minute. Brendon would rather be with Ryan and Brooke than into this meeting. The men and women continued to talk back and forth, giving Brendon a headache. They seemed to be talking about the "all important" tour. Brendon felt like he was drowning in the details from the tour.

He already understood- The tour was set for one month away and the while band has agreed on all of them going (plus Brooke tagging along), and since their new album has just released, they named the tour, 'Death Of A Bachelor'. It seemed to be split down the middle, half seemed not like Brooke. But Brendon wasn't going to back down, either Brooke goes or the band doesn't go. It was a serious threat, but Brendon knows that the company will not back down from the tour.

With a roll of the eyes, Brendon continued to stare at the ground. He refused to leave Brooke alone while he's half way across the world. Brendon wanted Ryan come along, so Brooke couldn't stay with Ryan. Brendon hadn't asked, but he was hoping that Ryan would come with the band to the tour. Brooke, as Brendon knows, doesn't like to be without her father for very long. It makes her upset and nervous. She loved to be with her father and she hates to be away. Brendon didn't mind though, he was glad that Brooke was growing close to him and becoming clingy (of course, in the best way possible), but he couldn't help but smile at the thought of his daughter. She was so innocent, sweet, and kind. With her short brown hair and sparkling brown eyes, and her large toothy smile.  

Brash comments went out about Brooke and Brendon but Brendon toned them out. There was ten people, including Brendon, in the room. Four of them were disagreeing on taking the small child when them. They believe that Brooke is just going to be a problem and there is no reason to take her along with the band. Luckily, it was five against four. The other five agreed that it was best to take her. One, she was able to take care of herself and would be able to behave. Two, publicity was another tactic. They would want to meet Brooke and then more people would show up. Brendon wasn't a fan of using his daughter as a publicity stunt but he wasn't saying anything. He just looked on, blankly. He pulled his bottom lip between his clear, white teeth, and cracked his knuckle. 

"We shouldn't bring her along. What if she wonders off while you are preforming? She could wonder off and into some random person's hands. It's best if you just leave her here with a friend or babysitter." One of then men said. Which caused the other three to nodded their hand. Brendon doesn't buy into these kinds of things. They are trying into install fear into him, which is falling miserably. Brendon trusted Brooke enough to know that Brooke wouldn't go off when she was told not to. Brendon let out a humorous less laugh, rolling his eyes.

"Brooke is smarter than that. She maybe only four, but she's also strong. She's quiet and smart. I think that It's best to take her. One, what if something happens while the band is far away? She could be very hurt and Brendon wouln't know until later. Plus fans will want to meet her and talk to her. If they want to meet her, more fans will want to come. It's smart to take her." One of the females sighed. Brendon silently thanked the woman.

Brendon knew the woman, as she's been working for years at the studio. She's an older woman, maybe in her sixties. Brendon believed that her name was Rosella. Rosella was a kind lady, and really kept to herself. Brendon knows, from the multiple photos on her desk, is that she has children and grandchildren. Brendon was just glad that she stuck up for him. Everytime Brendon tried to talk, he ignored and talked over. It was making him angry to say the least.

His phone buzzed twice inside his pocket. Brendon looked down at it slightly. It was from Ryan. He wanted to call Ryan but the snap of someone's fingers made him look up. A woman, no older than Brendon, looked infuriated. She was also one of the people that didn't want Brendon to bring Brooke. She wasn't a mother, and she was an only child. She was a quite spoiled person. Brendon didn't like her fruity, flirtatious way of looked at men. With Ryan in the picture, he wasn't on the look out for girls. They just seem to bore him. If course there is the nice ones, but the others are just too... Out there. Too much make-up, their ego is the size of the moon, or there aren't nice and stuck up. Not after Mia, course.

Brendon shuttered at the name. Mia was an ex of Brendon. But she was different. Brendon loved her and would do anything for her but Mia thought about money. With fake smile, Mia pretended to love Brendon. When in Brendon was head over heels for her, she was in for the money. Brendon changed himself so much for ever, to the point which it was extremely unhealthy. After he found her cheating on him, he ended the ties. But there was still an empty hole in his heart.

A man slammed his hands down on the table, awaking Brendon from his day dream. He looked up and glared at the man. This is growing old, Brendon thought. Brendon sighed and stood. Things were getting heated as insults flew back and forth. Brendon falsely cleared his throat loudly at them. They didn't even glance over at him. It took him yelling out, "No, this is not negotiable!" That caught everyone's attention. They looked over at him, some with shock, some with anger.

"Brooke is going to come on the tour. I'm not going to be pushed over on this. I don't want to leave her for such a long time with someone. Brooke is my daughter, and I'm taking her along with me." Brendon sighed. He rubbed his forehead, angrily. "I need to get out of here. I've already been here for four hours and I need to return home," He paused, before glarring at the ones who disagreed. "To my daughter." He finished, grabbed his jacket, and turning towards the door.

"Mr. Uri-" Someone tried to say but Brendon pursed his lips to maintain a calm, collective state.

"Thank you for your time and consideration." He said sarcastically. Brendon opened the car door and slammed in with great force. He sat in the car, his hands resting tightly on the steering wheel. Brendon reached unto his pocket and pulled out his phone. It was two missed messages from Ryan.

'Hey. Uhm, so the play dates is off.'
'Sorry again but something happened. Brooke is fine but someone showed up'.

Brendon had a weird feeling in his chest when he read that. He placed his phone down in the seat, putting the car in reverse, and driving down the road.

He hoped everything was okay and Ryan and Brooke.

A Fear Of Falling Apart ✿ Brendon Urie DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin