Chapter Twenty Four

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Photo above: I snuck a bottle of soda into school. Shhh, don't tell anyone 😂 I also had a donut and I ate it before I went to school. What?  I was hungry. Plus today for breakfast I had a chocolate donut, a huge bottle of soda, and gum. I'm so healthy!


"Brendon!" Ryan sighed in frustration, placing his hands over the other mans shoulder. Brendon was up from bed, much to the protest of Ryan. He was bed-ridden for a week but, Brendon being Brendon, he ignored the request. Brendon was hell-bent on helping with Brooke. Ryan was staying in the Urie house for a while. He needed a place to stay and now that Brendon is hurt, he works to help him and Brooke. Ryan was quite fine with watching over the two.

Brooke has recoverd in a short matter of time. Her hair was still short, not that she minded. Brendon explained it to her as a 'hair cut for a princess' and she was okay with it. Her head has slightly healed, but it's still leaving a scar on the corner of her hair line. It's barely noticeable if her hair is parted, covering it. Her glasses would have been replaced, but the doctor declined. Brooke's eye site has gotten better and she didn't need glasses. The only reason she wore glasses is because of the last she went to the doctor was years ago. Her hair was a little above her shoulders, and it was slightly curly at the end.

"I'm fine. I need to help." Brendon pouted, with a small smile that danced across his lips. He was walking around with a bundle of dirty plates in his arms. Ryan rolled his eyes, not giving up. Brendon attempted to move around Ryan, but with a raise of his hand, Brendon stopped. Ryan pulled the plates out of the mans hands, settingn on the corner. Taking Brendon's hands into his, he turned around and dragged Brendon to the couch.

Once he sat Brendon down on the couch, Ryan went to move back to the kitchen but Brendon arms snaking around his waist pulled him. Brendon let a whine and pouted at him. "If I'm not allowed to do things, then you aren't either babe." He whispered into Ryan's ear.

Brendon laid on his back, dragging the man with him. Ryan landed on Brendons hard (dick) chest. Ryan sighed and tried to move. Even if his cheeks were a bright crimson, he wanted to hide his face from Brendon. "No, I-." Brendon cut Ryan off by slamming his lips into Ryan's.

It was a soft kiss, gentle yet sweet. Ryan found himself kiss back after a second or two. It wasn't like either man was pushing back. Ryan was laying on Brendon chest, while their lips locked. Brendon, who was clearly the dominate one. After a while they pulled back.

Brendon sat up. Their hair was a mess, their lips swolled. Brendon grabbed Ryan's hand. "So, uhm, I-." Ryan tried to say before Brendon talked over him.

"Ryan... Well, will you be my boyfriend?" Brendon said awkwardly.


I just finished a math test. I totally failed whoops. But yeah, I'm back. I finally got my Wi-Fi turned on (I'm at school right now)

A lot has happened over the week that I was gone but I reTURN.

Short and shirty but still.


A Fear Of Falling Apart ✿ Brendon Urie DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant