Chapter 1

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The kids were in the living room running around and playing a game while Grisha, Kenny, and their wives, Carla, and Kimi, were talking.

"I'm thinking that this new auto-defibrillation EKG system could save many lives, Kenny. You are a genius for creating this." Grisha said. Kenny chuckled deeply to himself.

"I wouldn't have thought of it if you hadn't mentioned how sometimes the nurses don't make it to a room in time."

"You thought of the more potent heat suppressants." Grisha said. Kenny nodded.

"I have to protect my boy when he hits his heats." Kenny said, turning to see his son smiling and laughing as he tackled Grisha's son to the floor, his own daughter giggling off to the side as she jumped on top of the pile of boys.

"He'll be fine Kenny." Kimi said as she crossed her arms over her large chest. "If he's anything like me, no one will come near him." Kenny cocked an eyebrow.

"Kimi dear, almost every Alpha wants you. Even most betas and OMEGAS want you. I love you, but I hope neither of our children are like you because they'd be jumped at every turn." Kimi smirked.

"I may be gorgeous, but I meant my tolerance of ignorant pigs and not being afraid to put them in there place." Carla giggled lightly.

"Well then no one will approach them Kimi." She said lightly. Kimi's smirk widened.

"Exactly." Kimi said, smiling proud. Kenny smiled as he gazed upon his wife.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you." He said. "Anyways, returning to business. Grisha, is there anything else you can think of that could make hospitals run smoother?" Grisha had begun to scratch his chin in thought.

"Well, the only things I could think of would remove jobs from the hospital." Kenny nodded.

"Right, and we don't want to make the number of unemployed increase." And with that, the meeting was over. Carla and Kimi went into the living room to see the kids still playing, though Kimi's daughter was only half awake by now, the boys were still bounding with energy.

"Alright Eren, it's time to go home." Carla said. Her son turned with a pout.

"But Mommy! Levi and I were just getting to the good part!" He whined childishly, his six year old face turned into the perfect puppy dog pout. Carla and Kimi giggled at the display.

"I know dear, but we need to go home and get you to bed. You have school in the morning and it is already way past your bedtime." Eren frowned as Levi patted him on the shoulder.

"It's alright Eren. We can play at school tomorrow." The eight year old smiled, grey eyes shining with promise. Kimi and Carla turned to each other with wide smiles before Kimi went and picked up Mikasa, who put up no fight.

"Night night Eren." The little beta said, rubbing her eye with one hand and waving with the other.

"Night night Mikasa!" Eren said with a wide smile and a wave.

"Goodnight Eren." Levi said, pressing a soft kiss to the little alpha's cheek. Eren smiled as he pressed one to Levi's cheek.

"Night night Levi!" Levi hugged his friend before following his mother upstairs to get ready for bed. "Come on Mommy, Daddy. The sooner we get home, the sooner tomorrow comes and I can see Levi!" Eren ran to the door.

"Eren wait! You need your coat on." The male alphas followed behind them to head to the front door.

"The new EKG's should be able to go out to hospitals all over the world tomorrow morning." Kenny said to Grisha as they got closer.

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