Chapter 10

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The day before Levi's heat, Erwin was moved into Eren's and Armin's room. The day Levi's heat was supposed to begin, he stayed in his room. He could start at anytime that day, so going to any classes could be dangerous. But it wasn't as bad as when Eren got a chill and his mood completely flipped. He was slightly snippy, and obviously wanted to be somewhere other than the classroom. And it freaked Armin out because it was their introduction to Marine Biology.

But Armin understood once they got back to their dorm room. Eren went straight to Levi's door and sat outside of it, guarding it. If Erwin, or Armin, stepped to close, Eren would growl and press himself against the door. Sometimes he'd curl up like a dog and watch the two blonds with a critical eye, daring either to get near the omega's room while he was vulnerable.

And Levi could smell him. Levi could smell Eren outside his door, and even left the comfort of his nest to be near the scent, completely bare, ass up with slick dripping down his thighs and one of his toys nestled between his cheeks. And he was miserable. Usually his toys were enough, and by now Levi would have gotten off at least twice, but he hadn't been able to so much as dribble. But once he scented Eren and got close enough to the door, he was whining and moaning, a single stroke and he was done, shaking as the alpha's name slipped his lips without realizing it. But it was so damn satisfying.

After the climax, Eren could smell Levi, right next to the door, and he growled at the other two as he pressed himself against the door more and crooned, even if Levi couldn't actually hear him. And suddenly, he stopped. Armin and Erwin weren't sure why as they watched him go to the kitchenette and began rummaging through his and Levi's cabinets. The two smiled when they realized Eren was making something for Levi, his instincts telling him to care for his omega. As soon as Eren had finished, also writing a little note and putting the plate and tea next to it, the little alarm went off, alerting the other three to go into their shared room so that the omega could do what was needed before his next spike.

And even in their room, Eren was against the door, glaring and daring either of the other males to approach the door. Once the sound of their door unsealing was heard, Eren was out and back in front of Levi's door, this time with his homework.

"Well then." Erwin said as he watched Eren. "I think after Levi's heat, Eren and I will need to switch rooms." Armin nodded as he sat next to Erwin on the couch closest to their room and away from Eren. Erwin put his arm around Armin's shoulders, causing the smaller blond to blush. "It could also give us a little more time to get to know each other."

"Is that an offer to go out with you?" Armin asked, smirking slightly.

"It may be." Erwin said, smirking right back. Armin hummed, playing along and faking the need to think it over.

"Don't take my comics without permission again and we have a deal." Armin reasoned. Erwin laughed, nodding as he nuzzled the beta, but quickly stopped when Eren released a growl and even snapped his teeth lightly.

The next two days continued the same way. Eren would be hard pressed to leave the dorm without putting something out for Levi to eat, and would be irritated all day. Mikasa noticed, but Annie voiced it.

"His omega's in heat." She said as she sat next to Mikasa, watching Eren bounce his knee as he shoveled food quickly into his mouth, leaving shortly after without a word.

"Oh yeah." Armin said with a smile, waving to Erwin as he walked over and sat next to them, Hanji and recently heat-recovered Moblit close behind. "You should see Eren. He actually sleeps next to our door. If Levi didn't need to go to the bathroom at night, I'm sure Eren wouldn't leave in front of Levi's door. It's kind of cute, in a territorial sort of way." Armin said as Erwin put his arm around him.

"Oh! Can I come observe sometime? This could seriously be important research fo-" Hanji began.

"No." Moblit said, cutting his mate off. "Levi needs to be able to go through his heat without disturbances, dear. If we distress him any, it could end badly for you."

"That, and Eren gnashes his teeth at ME if I get too close to the door." Armin said. "I'm a beta, and he knows I'm with Erwin now. Neither of us are threats to Levi, but he is ready to tear us apart anyways."

"How's Levi holding up?" Mikasa asked. She always worried if Levi was getting enough to eat when he entered his heat.

"Eren's making meals for him, so he's fine." Erwin said.

But Levi wasn't fine. The last few days had been hell. He couldn't get any relief, and he hurt. He tried using Erwin's scent, but the idea repulsed him. And when he tried sniffing his wrists for Eren's scent, it was already covered by the smell of his heat. Levi was completely miserable, minus the fact that Eren would make him food and tea. That was a heaven sent. But food couldn't help him through his heat alone.

Once he knew Eren would be there, he crawled to his door, activating the button so that he could speak through the intercom.

"Eren." He said, voice nothing more than a whine. He didn't even have to wait for a response.

"Levi, are you okay? Do you need something?" Eren's voice was frantic, but Levi felt better just hearing the alpha's voice. The omega released another whine before he pushed the button again.

"I need something with your scent on it. I... I can't get off." Levi whimpered.

"No problem Levi! Just... Just give me a second. I'll leave some of my clothing outside your door to come get." Eren said. He hurried into his room, not thinking as he grabbed a pair of clean boxers, because even if they had been stewing in his scent all day, Eren knew Levi hated dirty things, so what he was wearing now would not do for the omega. He quickly rubbed it against his scent glands against his neck, and even the one's on his inner thighs. His mind might have gone for a second, and he may have stroked himself with the garment briefly before fixing himself and ordering Erwin and Armin into his room before placing the article of clothing outside Levi's door.

"Levi, I have the item you wanted. It's directly outside your door. I'm headed to the other room now. I hope this helps." And Eren went straight to his shared room, listening for the door to unseal. As soon as it did, he went straight back to in front of Levi's door. Armin and Erwin just stared at the door, and then Eren, and switched between the two before looking at each other.

"Levi's never needed a scent in one of his heats." Erwin said, looking back to Eren, who was glowering at him.

Levi, however, was fucking euphoric. The garment was shoved into his nose as he inhaled the scent deeply. He moaned loudly as the vibration of the toy and the scent sent him over edge without even needing to touch himself. He shifted the garment, and he was hit with the most delicious scent. When Levi pressed it to his nose again, he shuddered as he came again. The scent was from an alpha's shaft, and Levi's eyes had rolled back as he whined. But this wouldn't do, the omega inside thought. The alpha that was kind enough to give him something so wonderful, was left with nothing. The omega couldn't have that. His alpha needed something too!

So Levi dragged himself over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of boxers and crawled back to his nest, placing the garment down and sitting on it, allowing his slick to soak into the fabric. He even rutted against it slightly, rubbing his scent glands on the piece before going to his door, pushing the button that would let them all know that he needed something and they needed to clear the room. Once his door unsealed, Levi just opened the door slightly and dropped the garment there, closing his door and returning to his nest, burying his face into Eren's boxers.

When Eren saw what Levi had left for him, he bee lined for the bathroom with it, leaving Erwin and Armin to silently slip back into their room to leave him be.

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