Chapter 13

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Kimi sat on the bed in front of Eren, the alpha staring at his feet and away from the omega he remembered when he was a child. Still beautiful, still charming, and still completely demanding of everyone's attention, even if it wasn't on purpose (though everyone who knew this omega knew that she loved the attention anyways).

"Eren." Kimi said gently, waiting for the alpha to look at her, slowly getting more and more irritated as the alpha ignored her. Kimi stood and walked up to him. "Eren sweetie, look at me please I need to talk to you about something." Kimi asked calmly, but Eren didn't really seem to hear her. "Eren, I need to talk to you about your mother sweetie. Now would you please look at me?" Eren didn't even blink, mind still replaying that night, the words Jean had spoken, the whispers of everyone around him, wishing everyone would just stop talking, leave him alone to deal with this how he always did. By mourning and grieving and then ignoring it all together.

"Eren Jeager, look at me right now, young man!" Kimi demanded. Her patience was running thin, but still, no response from Eren. She wasn't quite sure what to do, when she remembered something.

"Eren Jeager what would your mother say to know that you're ignoring someone trying to talk to you? I'm pretty sure she'd be ashamed." Eren's scent flared as he growled low, looking up with a snarl on his face.

"You don't know anythi-" And he was cut off by Kimi's hand across his face firmly, before a soft, squishiness enveloped his face, and a hand softly angled his head from the back to make him look up. Realizing he had been captured in one of Kimi's infamous boob hugs, something he sort of remembered as a child, and didn't miss, and therefor realized what everyone had meant when they said 'hugs'. He was so damn dense sometimes.

"That's better." Kimi said as she held the alpha between her fleshy mounds. "Now, let's talk." Eren said nothing, but Kimi knew she had his full attention."Now, what's wrong sweetie? I want to hear the actual problem from you." Eren closed up, looking away from her eyes and trying to hide his face, which wouldn't have been too difficult with his current situation, but Kimi wouldn't let him. "You need to talk to me sweetie."

"I don't want to." Eren said, trying to sink into the flesh around him and disappear from Kimi's gaze. It wasn't harsh or anything, just her usual small smile with slightly condescending eyes, but not meant to make those around her uncomfortable.

"Eren, we need to talk about this. If I don't, you know Levi will, you know Mikasa will. And you know as well as I do that those two will tag team, or double team you until they get answers. So talk to me. What's wrong?" Kimi repeated. Eren sighed, Kimi allowing him to sink slightly, but he never spoke. Kimi sighed. "You haven't finished grieving, have you?" She asked, and when Eren didn't respond, she sighed again.

"I have..." Eren spoke up finally. "She's gone... it's just hard to talk about..." Kimi nodded a bit.

"You need to talk about it. You may have done all your grieving, but you need consolance in it."

"I don't want to talk about her." Eren cried finally, tears running down his face. "It's... it's too painful!" Kimi nodded slowly as she pet his hair.

"You need to Eren. Keeping it all in will only hurt you more. You need to talk about it, you need to talk about your mother, share memories of her with the others, don't keep her to yourself. She wouldn't want that."

"How would you know!" Eren snapped, trying to pull away, but ultimately failing. "How would you know what she'd wanted!"

"Because I've talked to her about it." Kimi's voice had gone cold, her face showing that she was obviously done with Eren's bullshit, her scent still calming, but with a twinge of annoyance. "The fact of the matter is Eren, your mother was gonna die soon anyways."

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