Chapter 22 (Last Chapter)

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Eren and Levi met with Mikasa, Annie, Erwin, Armin, Hanji, and Moblit in Mikasa and Annie's dorm room. Hanji had brought champagne for herself, Levi Erwin, and Moblit while the underage students drank soda.

"You guys are no fun. What if Eren wanted a drink?" Hanji said with a slight slur, having drunk a few glasses already. Levi narrowed his eyes at the beta.

"Because if I'm not going to let my alpha drink underage." Levi hissed slightly, curling into Eren.

"We did." Erwin said as he sipped his champagne.

"Yes, in my room with booze my mother supplied us and made us promise not to leave the room unless we needed to piss because if Mikasa got a sip she'd blister my ass." Levi said, causing Eren to chuckle lightly. "She'd blister your ass too and you know it." Levi reminded. Eren shrugged and wrapped his arms tighter around his omega.

"Yes, but I'm smart enough not to get caught by Kimi." Eren pointed out, kissing Levi's mate mark, causing Levi to shiver slightly and let out a soft whimper.

"Get a room." Mikasa said as she leaned against Annie, who was gently rubbing the betas neck below the mating mark there.

"I think we're the only two not mated." Erwin said to the blond next to him. Armin shrugged.

"I don't really care either way. If we're meant to be, great, if not." The beta shrugged again.

"I'm surprised you're not. I mean, you could be mated to a real life Captain America." Eren teased, getting a quickly glare from Armin.

"Keep on joking, Eren. I'm one less step farther away from being whipped." Armin quipped.

"He's already whipped." Mikasa said with a small smile that she hid behind her scarf. Annie nodded.

"It's an alpha thing. We get whipped by our mates quickly." She explained.

"He was whipped before they were mates." Erwin chuckled, getting blushes from the couple in question.

"Fuck off. I'm dragging Eren to the park to watch the dumbass fireworks. Someone remember to hold Hanji's hair back when she pukes." And Levi promptly drug Eren to Survey Park. Everyone followed and no one was really surprised that there were a few other people there, mainly couples. Including Kimi and Kenny, though they left their children alone.

Hanji went to the Jungle Gym with Moblit close behind her, Erwin and Armin went to walk around the pond, Mikasa and Annie went to sit on the top of the swing set, and Eren and Levi stood by the fountain.

"We have so many memories in this park." Eren said as he sat on the edge, watching the warm water flow even through the cold, nippy air. Levi nodded as he stood next to him, looking up into the dark sky, stars covered by the city's pollution. "We first met here." Eren said with a light chuckle.

"We first kissed here." Levi said with a tiny smirk. Eren hummed.

"It was your fault wasn't it?" Eren asked with a shit eating grin.

"No, it was yours. It was the end of our play date here, and we were heading back to my house, and you had run over to me yelling about something you wanted us to try because you had seen to people trying it in the bushes by the pond, and kissed me in front of all of our friends. And you pulled away with a stupid ass grin like the one you have on now." Levi explained.

"Well I remember you kissing me back." Eren teased. "And Mom said that kissing on the lips was for lovers only, so we started kissing each other on the cheek every time we said goodbye." Eren's smile turned softer. "I don't want to have to say goodbye again."

"Maybe we don't have too." Levi said, hand sliding into his pocket, but Eren didn't seem to notice.

"Well it's not like we can spend our entire summer together, though it will drive both of us crazy when you're in heat again. And then we'll have one more year of school together before you have to go off and actually specialize in Children's Psychology, and I don't even know how long that will take, and-"

"Eren." Levi said, interrupting Eren before his ramble became too much.

"Huh?" Eren looked down from where he had been staring into the sky to see Levi on one knee, holding out a small box, already opened to revealed a small, diamond ring. Eren's jaw dropped.

"We don't have to say goodbye if you agree to marry me." Levi said, blushing with a small smile. Eren couldn't have launched himself at Levi faster, the two falling on the ground with Eren's lips on his omega's mouth.

"Levi, it's supposed to be the alpha's role to propose." Eren said as they sat up, both of them laughing a Levi slipped the ring on Eren's finger.

"Well, you aren't saying no." Levi said with a soft smirk. Eren nodded and laughed, admiring the ring on his finger. The fireworks could not have chosen a better time to start firing off than then, the two kissing each other to not only bring in a new year, but a new life for Levi and Eren.

Off to the side, Kimi and Kenny were standing, smiling at what they were watching. Kenny went to call Grisha and tell him the news, while Kimi showed a rare case of restraint and smiled softly.

"See, I told you everything would work out." And she looked behind her. "Your boy's grown into the perfect mate for my baby." Kimi said to the ghostly figure behind her, hair in a ponytail over it's shoulder, smiling as it watched the scene, a ghostly tear running down it's face as it smiled. "Eren's in good hands now, Carla." The ghost of Carla Yeager nodded, a hand to her mouth, before she mouthed a 'I know, thank you' before disappearing, happy to see her son finally happy after so many years of pain.


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