Chapter 11

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Levi froze once his heat was over and he had his last climax four days later. Eren's boxer were pressed into his face, and Eren's name had just left his mouth. Levi sat up as everything that had happened the last week came back to him. He blushed and sighed. He needed to shower, and to return the underwear to Eren, as well as get his back. He wasn't embarrassed or anything, but he was sure Eren would be dying of embarrassment.

And Eren was once his inner alpha realised Levi was out of heat. He had also finished climaxing, in his room with Erwin and Armin in the other room on the couch, with Levi's boxers pressed against his nose and the omega's name on his lips. He put himself back together and headed to go return the garment he had used for his pleasure the last few days.

Eren and Levi opened their doors at the same time, and looked to the other. They stared for a few seconds before Levi seized forward, dropping Eren's boxers, and had the alpha against the wall, lips crashing into the alpha's. And Eren automatically had his arms around the omega's waist. They didn't pull apart until they couldn't breath anymore. And when they did, they just stared at each other.

"Eren." Levi said, voice hoarse from his heat. Eren just nuzzled into Levi's neck, nosing his scent gland and crooning, causing the omega to coo back. Their moment was ruined by the sound of someone clearing their throat. They turned to see Armin and Erwin smiling.

"So, you're obviously done dancing around each other and are just gonna date like normal people, right?" Armin asked. Eren blushed as he buried his face back into the omega's neck. Levi chuckled.

"Come on you shit, what do you say?" Levi asked. Eren just looked at him from the corner of his eyes and Levi could feel Eren smiling against his neck.

"Yes." Eren said, bringing his omega into another kiss. After pulling apart again, the four got straight to airing out the dorm room and switching Erwin's and Eren's things. And as soon as that was done, Eren helped Levi clean up his nest and toys. It felt nice being able to hold Levi afterwards. It felt natural, and as they sat on the couch across from Erwin and Armin, nothing was different between them. They still sat close, only now Eren sort of leaned into Levi.


"Hey Levi!" Eren called as he ran up to Levi, carrying an armload of blankets and kicking a few pillows towards the young omega. He was spending the day with Levi while their fathers had a meeting, and Kimi and Mikasa were at the store, leaving Carla to watch them.

"What?" Levi asked as he watched the younger alpha drop the pillows and blankets on the floor in front of him.

"Let's make your nest!" Eren said proudly. Levi just stared at him with a cocked brow.

"I won't need a nest until I have my first heat, and my Mama will help me build it." Levi said. Eren pouted.

"Well, I'm going to have to help my mate when I get one if they're an omega, and I won't learn how to help make on unless I get an Omega mate." Eren said, and then his little cheeks blushed lightly. "And maybe, I can help you if your mommy is too busy." Levi blushed as well and smiled.

"Alright, let's make me a nest."

The two boys laid out the fluffiest blanket Eren had grabbed, and placed in on the omega's bedroom floor. Eren kept messing with it and Levi just watched.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked. Eren spoke as he continued, eyes furrowed in his concentration.

"I'm making sure it's fluffy enough. Daddy said that omega's sleep in their nest. So if it's not fluffy and soft, it won't be comfy and you'll wake up all grumpy and stuff." Eren said, tongue poking out between his lips as he fluffed up a corner. Levi blushed lightly at the alpha's words, and put up a small smile. Once the blanket was done being fluffed, Eren and Levi set pillows around it, making a sort of pillow fort.

"It's done." Levi said with a nod, but Eren shook his head as he gently pushed Levi towards it.

"Not until you're in it." Eren said. Levi got in his nest and just sat there, watching the alpha.

"Now what?" Levi asked. Eren looked at Levi and then yawned.

"Now it's nap time." And Eren crawled into Levi's nest. "Daddy said that alphas sleep in omega's nests with them to keep them safe." Levi nodded as he laid down in his nest and Eren curled up next to him, to tired to control his scent and releasing a calming scent that helped Levi drift to sleep, releasing his own calm scent. Neither one noticed Carla come in to put them to sleep, or the pictures she took.


"Levi, that's not how you make a nest." Kimi told her son as they were preparing for his first heat. He was twelve, and he was stubborn.

"This is how I'm making my nest." Levi said as he place the pillows around his blanket instead of on the end his head would be.

"Levi." Kimi said as she went to move a pillow, but the hiss that left her son's throat made her stop and stare. She watched the tears pricking the corner of his eyes.

"This is how Eren helped make my nest." Levi said, fixing a pillow that he hadn't seen his mother move. "So this will be how I build my nest until the day I die. Don't you fucking DARE tell me I can't." Levi said, letting out a slightly distressed scent as he crawled into the finished nest, laying down. Kimi smiled lightly as she ran her fingers through her sons hair, smiling sadly.

"Alright honey. You can build your nest however you want. However." Kimi pulled on Levi's ears and then slapped his cheeks, leaving her hands there as she made him look at her. "You will not swear at your mother young man. I may not have raised you better, but you shouldn't already have your father's foul mouth."

"You swear all the time." Levi said. Kimi smiled.

"Damn straight. And remember what I taught you. Everyone around you his maturing, and you're going to have to defend yourself when you approach your heats now." She smiled as she then kissed her son's forehead. "We'll get you more suitable toys after this heat, when you know what stimulates you best." Levi groaned.

"Holy fuck, no." That got both of Levi's ears pulled.

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