Chapter 8

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As the days went on, Eren sort of got to know Annie. She was a quiet alpha, and she was strong. How did he know she was strong? Well, a different alpha had started to get close to Mikasa, and though Eren knew that Kimi had raised her children to be able to defend themselves, Annie had taken the alpha down quickly, in the middle of the hall with everyone watching. And then went and talked to Mikasa, checking her over like it was a daily thing. And the entire time, Mikasa had a small blush on her face.

So at the beginning of their next class, which happened to be a general math, Eren and Armin both looked to Mikasa.

"So, your roommate." Armin began. Mikasa quickly shook her head.

"That's all she is. My roommate." Mikasa denied.

"Mika." Eren said, drawing Mikasa's attention to him. He was giving her a soft smile. "If you like her, go for it." Mikasa's face brightened as she started to fiddle with a new scarf, that Annie had apparently given her.

"I don't know." Mikasa said with a frown. That's when Armin stepped in.

"Mikasa, don't let what happened in the past control your future. Eren's completely right, if you like her, go for it. If she's claimed you, she obviously likes you already." Armin said firmly. "She's not like the kids in middle school or high school. She's not going to bully you."

"What are you talking about?" Eren asked, slightly shocked about hearing that his childhood friend was bullied. Mikasa hid behind her scarf a little. "Mika..."

"After you left." She whispered, making sure only Eren and Armin could hear her. "No one else wanted to be my friend. I was ignored, sometimes picked on because of it. It was very lonely until we got our pen pals and I got Armin. It wasn't as bad then, but when most kids stopped massaging their pen pals after middle school, I kept messaging Armin. He was my only friend throughout school." Eren deflated. He hadn't realized how badly his leaving had affected Mikasa, and Levi.

After class, Eren sat in his dorm room, staring at his math homework. He was thinking. And his thoughts were headed to places he didn't want them to go. Memories of his mother's death, and how if that had never happened, he would have never met Armin, Mikasa, Levi and him would still all be friends throughout school. But then they stuck on one memory. His mother's death. And he fought to keep the thought away, but a distressed scent still seeped from his glands.

"Eren?" Levi had just entered the room, picking up on the scent immediately and went to Eren's side. "What's wrong?" But Eren didn't want to talk about it. Not this topic. So Eren reigned in his scent, pushed the thoughts to the back of his head, and threw up a fake smile.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" He lied. He knew Levi could smell the distress still lingering in the air, could probably smell Eren lying. He had always been able to tell. Levi reached forward and grabbed one of his ears.

"You're ears turn red when you lie. Hasn't changed since we were kids. What's wrong Eren?" Levi tried again. Eren frowned as he gently pulled his ear away.

"I... I don't want to talk about it." Eren said, crossing his arms and sort of curling in on himself.

"Eren, talk to me. Bottling it up isn't going to help you." Levi put a hand on Eren's shoulder, pleading for his old friend to open up to him, but he didn't. Eren just shook his head. Levi sighed, then straddled Eren's lap, pushing their scent glands together and he began to coo, as he had when they were younger, only Eren had been shorter and had been in the omega's lap. The effect was instant as Eren crooned back, rubbing their glands together as they both released calming scents. They stayed like that until Levi couldn't smell the distress anymore, and he pulled back.

"Thank you." Eren said, smiling at the omega. Levi gave a single nod as he leaned forward and gave Eren a single kiss to his forehead. It just felt so natural to the two of them that neither questioned the action. Armin and Erwin, on the other hand, who had just walked into the dorm room, did. But silently with a glance at each other, and a shake of the head.

"They'll be mated within the month." Erwin said, and Armin nodded.

"Levi's next heat probably." The blond beta guessed. Erwin nodded as they watched Levi remove himself from the young alpha's lap and went to his cupboard to start brewing himself his afternoon tea.

"Hey Eren. I said you could help me with my nest right?" Levi asked as he popped his mug into the microwave.

"Yeah. Are you going to do that today?" Eren asked as he looked over to the omega. Levi nodded as he leaned against the counter, ignoring the two blonds completely as they just chuckled at the other.

"Yeah, and the three of you need to find out what's happening when I get into my heat. The door won't open if there's an alpha or beta out here." Levi said, glaring at the blonds finally. The dorm was designed in a way that when an omega entered their heat, their door locked and almost sealed, but if the omega needed something, like food or the bathroom, it would open to allow the omega to do just that. However, there was a sort of alarm system, warning the other occupants of the room so that they can go into the other dorm room to allow the omega to roam the dorm without fear of getting jumped by the other roommates. There was also a small intercom on both bedrooms leading to the main room so that the omega could ask the others to fetch them things if they have run out. The omega would be unable to leave their dorm, so class assignments were done through a computer. The safety measures taken to protect omega's was high class in all colleges that allowed omegas to dorm with the other dynamics.

"We can all sleep in Armin's and Eren's room." Erwin said as he sat on one of the couches. "I'll sleep on the floor or something. We'll be fine. When do you think your heat will start?" Levi hummed as he thought about it and got a feel of his internal clock.

"Two more weeks." Levi said. "So I suggest getting your things ready for the move." Levi said as the microwave went off and he took his mug out, dropping a tea bag in and picking it up. "Come on Eren. My nest won't make itself." And the two headed into Levi's and Erwin's joint room.

"So... how can I help?" Eren asked. Levi shrugged as he pulled a small tote and a small bag out from under his bed.

"Let your instincts take over. That's what I do." And Levi opened the tote, revealing multiple soft blankets and pillows. Eren just grabbed a blanket and laid it in the corner of the room near the foot of Levi's bed. Being on a bed while in heat could be dangerous if they weren't paying attention and fell while trying to deal with it. Eren made sure the blanket was flat, fluffy and then helped Levi place the pillows around it.

"One last thing." Levi said as he grabbed the bag and placed it next to the nest. "I'll empty it out the day before my heat. Eyebrows will be out by then." Levi explained, but Eren cocked his head at the bag, letting his curiosity get the best of him, he reached into the bag and pulled out the first thing he grabbed. He then flushed as Levi crossed his arms and smirked. It was a green vibrator.

"Would you like to see my other toys?" Levi asked, motioning to the bag. Eren looked between Levi, the toy in his hand, and the bag. He then looked to the nest and could almost literally see Levi in it, writhing with the toy pressed against him, moaning and releasing a deliciously aroused scent. A quick flick to his scent gland pulled Eren from his fantasy.

"What?" The alpha asked, seeing the slightly flushed look on Levi's face.

"Calm the fuck down." Levi said, but his voice sounded a little off. "You're releasing a fucking strong scent and wouldn't be surprised if your dick was hard." And low and behold, the case was true. Eren was hard, and he blushed.

"S-Sorry Levi." He looked around the room, avoiding Levi's gaze. "Is there anything else you need help with?"

"No, that's all my nest needed. Thank you."

"Right. No problem." Eren said with a nod, leaving the room soon after to avoid embarrassing himself anymore.

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