Chapter 5

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The four college students walked around the city. Eren smiled as memories danced in the back of his mind. A few he smiled happily at, others were only met with a sad smile, and a quick shake of the head.

"So what's been going on in your lives?" Eren asked. "Armin didn't share much about his pen pal's life." Mikasa nodded slowly.

"Right, well, high school was eventful." Levi shuddered slightly.

"What's wrong Levi? And what do you mean Mikasa?"

"Mother was the school nurse." They said in unision, a shiver going up both of their spines at the memories.


Mikasa was in her second week of her seventh grade year at Rose Private Middle/High School. She was just walking down the hall to get to her locker, listening to the gossip around her, though not really caring.

"Dude, have you seen the new school nurse?" A beta said.

"Yeah, she was one hot omega. Wouldn't mind knotting that." Said an alpha. Mikasa just ignored the words she heard, until she heard something familiar. She turned slowly to the sound, and the sight she saw made her pale complexion become more sheet like.

She turned as quickly as she could and bolted to her brother's homeroom.

Levi was a freshmen. He was leaning against Hanji's desk. The beta, though one of his closest friends, was rambling on about the rumors that had quickly filled the school. Those rumors were about the new nurse. Apparently it was this smoking hot omega babe-a-tron. And Levi could care less and was trying to tune the brunnette out, when the door to his classroom flew open. Levi turned to see his little sister, panting like she had run a mile.

"Bro-" She was cut off by a blur of light brown hair and tits that were way too big, and even more so familiar. Levi didn't even have to think as he turned and opened the window to make his escape. However, it was short lived, since as he jumped, a hand flew out the window and grabbed the collar of both his school issued blazer and shirt.

"And where do you think you're going young man." The 'savoir' pulled him back in and turned him. He was met with a very familiar smirk, and then was face first in unfortunately extremely familiar breasts.

Mikasa had finally regained her ability to breath, and walked into the room to see an opened window, tons of shocked students, and her brother face first in a suffocating boob hug. She could barely see the top of his head.

"Whoa! What'd he do to get in the new nurse's tits?" A jealous alpha asked his equally jealous beta friend.

"Mother stop! His fingers are turning purple." The heads of the students quickly snapped towards the seventh grader.

"Mom?!!" Kimi turned to Mikasa before looking down and noticing that her sons ears were, indeed, purple.

"Oopsies." She let go and Levi couldn't help but take a large intake of air, feeling the blood return to his face, changing it from a near death purple, to a deep red scarlet.

"What the fuck woman! Why the fuck are you even here?" Kimi smiled, completely proud of the scene she had made. She crossed her arms, causing her chest to bounce, on purpose or accident wasn't even a question.

"I'm the new school nurse sweety. So when the big bad alphas try to take your cute ass, Mama will be here to beat them down." Levi's and Mikasa's faces both drained completely of color. So much so, that some may mistake them for corpses.

"You've gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Levi bit out. He was looking forward to high school. Needless to say, all the hope he once had just went down the shitter like his dignity.


"What's wrong with your mom?" Armin asked.

"Hugs." Was all he got from the Ackerman siblings.

"What does that mean?" Armin asked. Eren shrugged as they continued walking around the city, splitting ways as it got close to dinner time.

Two weeks later, Armin was happily unpacking into his college suite. He was sharing it with three other people. Eren, and two juniors. One of which wasn't there yet, but the other was. His name was Erwin Smith, an alpha studying astronomics. He was a kind man, with giant eyebrows. Armin remembered his name being brought up when he met Mikasa and her brother Levi.

Speaking of the omega, that's who just walked in.

"I don't need your help Mother." Levi bit out as a woman walked in behind him. Armin saw her and had to admit that she was a GORGEOUS omega.

"That's why Mikasa's helping too!" She said as she put three boxes down with a thud. "I don't understand why you don't live at home sweety. It's only a five minute walk from campus." Levi rolled his eyes as he saw Armin.

"Hey, Armin right?" Levi said. "Mikasa's pen pal?" There was a quiet squeal, before the poor blond beta was unable to breath properly. He felt this warm, squishy presence enveloping his head. "God damn it Mother! Let the boy breath!" The woman stepped back, allowing Armin to inhale deeply, and realize the object, or in this case objects, that stole his ability to breath, had been the woman's over sized breasts.

"Hello dear, my name is Kimi Ackerman. I'm Levi's and Mikasa's mother. It is so great to finally meet you. You helped my little girl make it through school. Anytime you want a home cooked meal, you can come by!" And she boob hugged the poor freshmen again before leaving the room.

"Well, that was eventful." Erwin said as he put a few packets of instant ramen in the cupboards.

"Tell me about it." Levi said. "Now help me unpack some of my shit Captain Eyebrows. If I can get this shit done quick enough, she'll only be bugging the shit out of Mikasa and her roommate." Erwin nodded and after finishing filling his part of the cabinets in the suite kitchenette, he went to work helping his friend/roommate. Ten minutes later had Eren coming into the room.

"Hey Armin! Sorry I'm late. The car stalled three times before we left the damn driveway, and about five more times on the way over. And- Armin... What happened bro?" Armin's face was still scarlet. He sighed as he finished putting a box of pop tarts into his cabinet.

"Hugs." Was all Armin said. Causing Eren to cock his head. The alpha opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a loud screech, and arms encircling his neck.

"Eren!" Said a familiar, spectacled beta.

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