Chapter 14

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Mikasa and Annie were sitting on their couch, the beta giving a relieved sigh that her mother had finally left after interrogating Annie. It was quiet for a few moments, before Annie spoke.

"You okay?" She asked, face void of emotion, but it caught in her tone and icy eyes. Mikasa went to nod, but stopped and shrugged.

"I guess I can sort of get why Levi didn't want to tell me. We had been really close to Carla, and at the time, I wouldn't have been able to handle losing Carla and Eren. But he could have told me once I was older. He could have told me after we had met Eren before the semester began, but he didn't." Mikasa said with a frown. "And the fact my parents allowed my brother to control what I learned irks me, but I guess they could see the logic he displayed at the time." Mikasa let out a suddering breath. "I just wish I knew sooner, so that I might have been able to help Eren a little."

"Well, what's happened has happened. There's nothing you can do now." Annie said, wrapping her arms around her mate. Mikasa hummed lightly, leaning against her alpha.

"I'm just so pissed!" Mikasa said. "I had been lied to for over a decade! I thought it was because something had happened back in Grisha's home town and they had to move because of that. They had just lied to me, and now I learn that Carla was killed? She was shot, because someone wanted to kill MY FATHER? Isn't that important information to share with your child? We had to move, and I didn't know why. No one had told me anything! I've been in the dark for so long, who knows what else they've been hiding from me!" Annie started to croon gently as Mikasa continued to rant.

"Mikasa, don't you think learning an important figure in your life was killed after an attempt on your father, having your only friend move, and moving yourself may have been a little much for you to handle at that stage? Compare that to your brother, who had actually known what had happened, and had to hide it from you all these years. He had seen Carla's body, Eren crying for her, knowing he was leaving, and having to deal with the move and not being there for his friend. Then compare that to Eren, who literally saw his mother shot, and moved to a different city altogether, leaving behind his only two friends. Yes, he became friends with Armin, but by what I've seen, that's it. And from what Armin had told us while your mother was talking to Eren, it was because they had both been grieving the recent loss of their parents." Annie explained. Mikasa then huffed in frustration.

"I'm glad Eren made a friend, but, but..." Mikasa teared up. "What about me? He was my only friend. No one else came near me because they thought I was going to be too stuck up, and as a beta, most people don't look twice, preferring an alpha or omega. I couldn't actually make a friend!"

"Didn't you become friends with Armin through your pen pal thing?" Annie asked. "It may not be the same as having a real, physical friend, but he was someone to talk too. And isn't it because of your friendship with him that you got to meet Eren again?" Annie asked. Mikasa nodded slowly, wiping her eyes.

"Yes." She sobbed out. " And I'm so grateful for that but-"

"But nothing." Annie said, tightening her hold on Mikasa. "Come on, let's go do our work and go to bed, today's been a long day." Mikasa nodded and went with Annie to do their work. They shared a two person dorm, having different rooms, but they spent most of their time in Annie's room. And after they finished their projects and such, they crawled into the mate bed they had requested for the room. They had already bonded, red teeth marks permanently embedded in their napes, scents mixed till they both had breathed their last breath.

Mikasa curled up to Annie as close as she could, head tucked under her mates chin, Annie crooning softly to finish calming Mikasa down from the events of the day. But the peace didn't stay. Mikasa began to mouth at the skin of Annie's neck.

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