Chapter 6

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"Hanji?!" Eren said as the girl clung to him.

"Oh Eren it's been so long! How've you been? How are your hormones? Have you mated yet? Are you still a virgin? What'cha majoring in? Do you have any new friends? Are you back for Levi? Are you two going to mate? Can I watch you fuck?" The beta shot questions out faster than a machine gun, but Eren heard everything. He may not have been around Hanji for over a decade, but he could still understand her quick tongue.

"I know, fine, okay I guess, no, yes, Marine Biology, Yes, what, I don't know, and what the fuck is wrong with you?" Eren responded, blushing the entire time. Hanji pouted as Levi and Erwin sighed.

"She's majoring in Alpha/Beta/Omega relations." Erwin said. "She focuses more on the sexual aspect, though she also is trying to find out if a couple can find out the dynamic of their child before birth."

"She's also a huge fucking perv." Levi said, crossing his arms over his chest. "She asks almost everyone if she can watch them fuck. She claims it's for research purposes."

"But it is!" Hanji whined. "Different positions could have an effect on the dynamic of the child. And it's been recorded that two females CAN produce offspring, though there are no sperm cells developed in the female body, even as an alpha. And it's been recorded that two people of the same dynamic can breed. This is all important to the continuation of the human race and watching people do the do is important research!" Armin ducked behind Eren as the alpha sighed.

"I see you haven't changed a damn bit." Eren said, smiling slightly. "Though when we were kids you were more interested in dissecting bugs." Hanji smiled wide.

"Oh, I still do, but puberty hit me, you know." Just then, an omega came in, panting.

"I am so sorry guys. She was unpacking when I went to get more boxes and gone when I came back." Eren turned and cocked his head, noticing Hanji's scent all over the male.

"Don't worry Moblit, your mate hasn't done much harm." Erwin said.

"Yet." Levi said. "Now do us a favor and take the psycho bitch. I'm sure she'd love to help set up your nest." Moblit nodded as Hanji smiled wide.

"That's right! You go into heat in two more weeks Mobly! Let's go!" And Hanji grabbed her poor mate and dragged him out of the room. "I'll catch up with you later Eren! Research calls!" Eren sighed.

"She's mated?" Eren asked as he turned to his old friend. The omega nodded.

"Weird, I know. They mated back in high school." Eren nodded slowly.

"I'm so lost." Armin said behind Eren. The brunet alpha turned to Armin and smiled.

"Oh, sorry! That's Hanji. She's one of my friends from before I moved. I met her through Levi."

"Still regret doing that." Levi said as he leaned against the arm of the couch in the suite lounge.

"You really had no choice Levi. They met at your seventh birthday party." Levi just rolled his eyes.

"He met you then too." Levi said. Erwin nodded before turning to Armin.

"By the way, who's this?" Erwin asked, tilting his head in the direction of said beta.

"Oh, this is my friend Armin!" Eren said as he put an arm around his shoulder. "We met when I moved. He was actually my neighbor!" Armin nodded. "Have you already met Erwin?" Eren asked, causing Armin to cock an eyebrow.

"We came in at the same time and have been unpacking our own belongings. We had time to share a few pleasantries and information." Eren nodded.

"Right! So... how's the rooming going?" Eren asked, looking to the two juniors. Levi shrugged.

"Well, Erwin and I usually share a room until I go into heat, and then he went into the other room, but since it's taken-" A low, possessive growl was heard and everyone's heads snapped towards Eren, who looked completely confused and embarrassed.

"I am so sorry. I have no idea where that came from." Eren said, holding up his hands. Armin giggled as Erwin let out a deep, booming laugh.

"Don't worry about it Eren. I have no interest in your omega." Eren and Levi both blushed as their heads whipped towards the large alpha.

"What?!" They both nearly shrieked. Erwin cocked an eyebrow before laughing again.

"Nothing, nothing. Armin, would you mind-"

"No." Levi said quickly. " You haven't known the shit for a fucking day. And I know what you're interested in." Another growl was heard, and Levi sighed. "You know too dipshit." Levi said as he turned to Eren. Eren blinked a few times, head cocked slightly, before he actually realized what had happened.

"Damn it! I did it again? I am so sorry, I'm not trying too." Levi just rolled his eyes.

"What's he into?" Armin asked innocently. Levi looked him dead in his bright, blue eyes.

"Blond beta boys." Levi deadpanned. The words caused Armin to blush as he looked to Erwin, then looked away. This caused Eren to giggle.

"That's fine. Armin has a thing for Captain America." Levi snorted slightly.

"Then maybe they should fucking room together. Makes it easier in the long run when they start to fuck." Armin nearly shrieked. As Erwin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Really Levi? Are you sure it's for Armin and I and not for you and Eren?" The two snapped their heads again, blushing.

"What?!" Armin and Erwin looked at each other and shared a laugh.

"What the fuck ever. You two are already in separate rooms and the one you're in has an East facing window. Which bed did you claim?"

"Left the window open for you." Erwin said. Eren couldn't help another growl from leaving his throat.

"Calm the fuck down kid." Levi said, messing with Eren's hair. "If it keeps you from freaking the fuck out, you can help me build my nest next month." Eren's eyes widened as he smiled.

"Alright." He chirped. Armin and Erwin looked at each other. The only person allowed to help an omega build their nest was either their mother parent, or their mate.

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