Chapter 12

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Eren was happy to be with Levi now and share a bedroom. It made him comfortable, and knowing he had the omega close at almost all times maybe the alpha inside him roar with pleasure and success. When they were done cleaning their room and doing course work, the two would cuddle, either on the couch to be social with the other couple, being Armin and Erwin, or in their room. They decided to wait until they had actually mated to ask the university for a single bed, which was required when an omega had been mated, making it easier on their heats, and settled the possessive beasts inside the alpha.

Levi was happy as well. He not only had his old friend back, but his old alpha back. The one he had hoped would always be there to help build his nests like they had when they were little. Who had made the omega realise that he could be friends with alphas without being afraid of them jumping him. He loved the mature scent Eren now gave off, it soothed him and made him less bitchy. This did not stop Levi from being bitchy about certain things, he may hate to admit it at times, but he is more his mother's child that his father's. If it wasn't perfect, it needed to be repeated until it was perfect. And thought Levi's mother was (by almost everyone's standards) perfect in every way, shape, and form, Levi had to work for it, which meant Eren would help. Cleaning until their room sparkled and having work done, A+ material was all Levi would strive for, though he wouldn't push Eren to those standards because their Levi's own to himself. He had, however, increased Eren's hygiene habits. Even if they were both half passed out from school work, Levi dragged Eren's ass to the bathroom to brush his teeth at the LEAST. And laundry would not stay in the hamper for more than two days, clothes did not stay on the floor, at all unless they were having a massive clean and was dusting EVERYTHING, including the light fixtures on the ceilings because dead flies were a no.

But Eren didn't care. He'd do anything to please his omega. There are times he'd put his foot down (No Levi, we just cleaned our closets, it does not need to be a daily chore, I promise it will not kill you and we don't need to clean the room right before class, allowing a few dust particles to settle for a couple days is not going to give you a disease, and even if it does, our fathers have probably already made a cure for it), and there were times they butt heads a bit, but for the most part, everything was as perfect for the new couple as things could be. They were together again, in a bond stronger than before that nothing could shake or break.

But perfection was Kimi's stick, and perfection in college is impossible. Everyone had their demons and skeletons. Everyone had that one thing they wouldn't speak of to their partner. Levi being an exception because he wasn't ashamed or embarrassed of anything, but Eren had something he would never talk about, something that Levi had witnessed. And that thing was the alpha's biggest weakness, the only thing that could bring Eren's to his knees in a lifeless heap. And it was exposed three weeks into their relationship, a week or so before their Thanksgiving break.

Eren was in his classroom with Armin, Mikasa, and unfortunately Jean. The three friends were talking about possibly going on a triple date before they all headed home for the holidays, when Jean had made an annoyed sound as they prepared to leave the room.

"What's his problem?" Mikasa had asked as she waited for Annie,, as it was custom for her to walk Mikasa to all of her classes. Armin just shrugged as Eren snorted slightly.

"He's pissed he hasn't found someone yet." Eren said, chuckling lightly.

"Oh, piss off Jeager. I don't need to be wrapped around some midget's fucking finger." Jean snapped out, causing Eren to growl and a threatening scent to flood the classroom.

"What did you just say?" Eren said, stepping up to the slightly taller Beta. "That's my mate you happen to be speaking about." Eren said, eyes locked on Jean's and scent demanding not only an apology, but for Jean to submit to him.

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