Chapter 7

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The rest of the week, the four roommates spent getting to know each other when the freshmen weren't going through orientation. Eren felt great catching up with his friends again, and Mikasa came by with Hanji and Moblit. Armin enjoyed getting to know the people that had first been Eren's friends.

Everyone was different. Hanji was very eccentric and bubbly, smart, but easily distracted and change topic. Erwin was calculating, but friendly, quick to tease, but also quick to settle any disturbances. Moblit was quiet, but would quickly reign his mate in if she began to get to far, and he seemed slightly exasperated, but calmed as soon as Hanji touched him, either with a hand on his thigh, or just flinging her arms around him. And then there was Armin. He was a little shy, but smart and was able to keep up with most of Hanji's topics. He also was able to impress Erwin with his knowledge of the universe and their solar system, going beyond the knowledge of a high school graduate in some topics.

Eren noticed a few differences with his closest friends. Mikasa was quiet, nothing new, but her eyes didn't shine like they used too. They seemed to have dulled slightly, but as soon as she looked at Eren, she'd smile and they'd sparkle, but something still seemed off. Like a question that was never answered. Eren couldn't help but wonder how much had really changed once he had left. That wasn't the one who changed the most though. Levi wasn't as bubbly as he had once been, if he was at all anymore. He still had his toilet humor, which had upgraded as Levi's vocabulary had, but it seems that his toilet humor had made him a potty mouth (his shit jokes were rubbing off on Eren a little bit). His eyes, unlike Mikasa's, seemed to be completely dead. He didn't show any facial expressions, and that made Eren sad. Levi had the most beautiful smile when they were kids, and he had hoped to see it again. The most he's gotten from the omega was smirks.

But the Ackerman siblings also noticed a change in Eren. While they talked about their past, he seemed to try to avoid all topics about his deceased mother. And if she was brought up, he quickly switched the conversation, and seemed to have a sort of solemn look on his face and a distant look in his eyes, making them a dull shade of green instead of the vibrant turquoise they loved.

Monday came around, and Eren was excited for his first day, considering his first class was with Mikasa and Armin. What he wasn't excited about, was the fact that it was a mandatory Freshmen Literacy class. Eren was more of a math/science person, even if he hated math with all his being. Who the fuck puts letters in math? And then literal Greek letters? Probably the same idiot who started putting numbers in writing. G2G, like seriously? Him and Levi may have spent one of the days the previous weeks talking about how stupid it was. The English language was hard enough to learn as it was, even if it was their first. Take the time to type out your words!

That wasn't the point however. The point was, Eren was with his friends, and that's all that mattered. Until a stupid, horse faced beta came in and sat next to Mikasa, completely ignoring the alpha next to her until a protective growl came out, silencing the entire room. Best part was, it wasn't from Eren, but the beta girl.

"Whoa, what's wrong with you?" Jean asked, leaning away. Mikasa snarled.

"You're the one who pushed Eren into Levi." She said. Jean then leaned over to her.

"It wasn't anything personal. We ju-" As his hand hovered above Mikasa's shoulder, a hand snapped out and grabbed his wrist. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean looked to the owner of the hand. It was a short blond alpha with cold blue eyes. Mikasa sighed.

"Don't touch." The alpha said, before turning to Mikasa. "You forgot your notebook." The alpha said, handing said object to Mikasa.

"Thank you Annie." Mikasa then turned to Eren and Armin. "Annie, these are my friends, Armin, and Eren. They're rooming with my brother and his friend Erwin. Guys, this is my roommate Annie, she's a sophomore."

"A little protective, don't you think?" Eren asked. Annie just brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"I'm just looking out for her. Beta girls are harassed just as badly as omegas." Annie turned back to Jean. "Watch yourself beta." She turned and walked out of the room, giving Mikasa a wave as she left.

"I think she claimed you." Armin inquired. Mikasa nodded.

"Yeah, I know how Levi feels now." There was a deep, possessive growl from between the two. They turned to Eren to see he was snarling, and the entire room was silent as they stepped away from the alpha. Even Jean leaned away from him.

"I think it's worse." Armin said, as leaned against his hand. "You're the only alpha that's claimed Levi, Eren." Eren immediately stopped growling and cocked his head.

"What?" Eren asked.

"You were just growling because you thought someone else had claimed Levi." Mikasa explained with a small smile. Eren blushed, but before he could speak, the professor came in and handed out the syllabus before going over it with the class and going through a 'let's get to know each other exercise'.

Eren actually had most of his freshman classes with Mikasa and Armin, and unfortunately Jean. And Eren wouldn't start his actual Major classes until the second semester. So for now he was taking core classes, but he did have an introductory class with Armin. So for a week, Eren went through his classes with his friends, returning to spend time with Erwin and Levi, though they seemed to be deep in their work already, being juniors and all.

"Hey, Eren. Have you seen my... book?" Armin asked nervously, peeking his head out from their room into the sitting area that the other three were in.

"Porn?" Levi asked, causing the beta to blush and Erwin to huff a single laugh while Eren rolled his eyes with a smile.

"No, comic." Eren said, turning to his blond friend. "Which one?" Armin stepped out of the room, fiddling with the hem of his sweater vest and biting his bottom lip.

"C-Captain America Civil War issue 2." Armin answered. Eren literally started to laugh loudly as Levi turned to Erwin, who just flipped the page of the book he was reading. It was one of his astronomy books, but something was off with the pages. Levi squinted his eyes and saw the colorful page of a comic book as Erwin flipped the page again.

"You fucker." Levi said. "You took the poor beta's comic book?" Erwin shrugged as he dropped his astronomy book to reveal Captain America Civil War Issue 2.

"Sorry Armin." The alpha said with a smooth voice. "I should have asked before borrowing it." Armin looked to him, his blush turning a slightly brighter pink.

"You should have. Remember that next time. I'll let you finish with it, but be careful with it. I will never forgive you if you ruin it." And Armin turned and returned to his room. Erwin smirked lightly after the door had closed.

"He's a little feisty." Erwin said, licking his lips slightly.

"No." Levi said as he stood up from where he had been working on the couch next to Eren. "Leave the poor boy alone. He's probably already creaming his pants at the thought of his idol's look alike being in the same dorm." Levi stretched.

"Like you do at the thought of your alpha?" Erwin asked with a smug grin. Eren automatically started growling as Levi furrowed his brow.

"I don't have an alpha, shit for brains." Levi said, causing Eren's growls to quieten. Levi subconsciously ran his fingers through Eren's hair, and the alpha crooned at getting attention from the omega. Erwin watched the scene as when Levi walked away to get a drink, Eren whined slightly, but they didn't blush or seem to find anything wrong with what had just happened. It seemed natural, looked natural, and Erwin couldn't help but wonder if they were just picking up where they had left off as children.

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