Chapter 2

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Levi sat on his bed, hugging his knees to his chest. The omega was upset, as anyone would be expected. His little alpha, though not his exclusively since they weren't mated, moved away. Whenever Levi asked about his green eyed friend, his father said nothing, or his mother would smile sadly and say she hasn't talked to Grisha.

"Levi?" Came a small voice from his door. Levi turned to see Mikasa walking in. It had been two years since Carla died, and the gray eyes of the Ackerman children had dulled. Mikasa held a neutral expression on her once bright and happy face.

"What is it?" Levi asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"What happened to Eren?" Levi growled.

"None of your fucking business!" Levi had fought hard to keep Mikasa from knowing what had happened to Carla, or why they had to move from there nice two story house to an expensive flat in a different part of town. "He's just gone, alright. We're never going to fucking see him again so stop asking already!" Mikasa's facial expression didn't change much, but her eyes did begin to water.

"But... you always ask about him." Levi growled again.

"Just fucking forget about it!" Levi all but yelled. Mikasa flinched at the harsh tone and the tears finally rolled. Levi saw this and felt automatic regret. He pulled his little sister into his arms and held her close. "I'm sorry Mikasa." Mikasa then began to openly sob. After Eren left, she had no friends in school. Absolutely no one.

"I miss him." She cried. Levi buried his head into his sister's shoulder, allowing silent tears to roll down his face.

"Me too." He said quietly.


"Levi?" Levi snapped out of his trance to look into dull gray eyes. He hummed in acknowledgement. "You had zoned out. If you intend to make sure my pen pal isn't some horrible person, you should stay focused."

"I fucking know. If your pen pal is some alpha slime ball that hoped to abduct you, I'm knocking his Goddamn block off." Levi said. Mikasa nodded as she sipped her iced coffee.

Mikasa has had a pen pal for the last eight years. All Levi knew, supposedly, was that this person was a male beta named Armin, and that he was going to be going to the same college as Mikasa. When they found out they were going to the same college, 'Armin', suggested they meet up, so that they at least would have one friend. Levi, being the protective, but not overly protective, older brother he is, demanded to go with her to meet the 'beta'.

Levi was determined to protect his sister. And since he may or may not be a junior at the same college, Levi thought he'd have double the luck of making sure this guy kept his hands off and knew his place. Even as an omega, Levi could kick sever ass, like his mother, and had no problems doing so.

So here they were, the Ackerman children, sitting in a cafe outside a very familiar park waiting till the designated time of meeting between the two pen pals, drinking tea and iced coffee. Levi wanted to make sure they were there on time.

"According to the letters, he's shy and timid, and has often been mistaken as an omega. And I can take care of myself Levi." Mikasa looked out the window, hiding in a red scarf she had gotten forever ago by the same kid that hasn't left Levi's mind for years.

"What are you hiding?" Levi asked. Mikasa looked at him, a happy spark in her eyes. Levi knew that spark. She was excited, and trying to hide it.

"I'm finally going to meet my pen pal, a sort of friend that I've had for years, but have never really seen or heard." Levi nodded. He could understand that. Out of everything that Mikasa did, just before her martial arts training, Mikasa was always excited to write to her pen pal. Well, as excited as the emotionally constipated Ackerman children could get. Though Mikasa still held way more emotion than Levi.

"Yeah yeah. It's almost ten, and that pen pal of yours said that's when we were going to meet. I'm going to go take a shit and get a tea to go and then we'll go see if this 'Armin' is who he says he is." Mikasa rolled her eyes, smiling behind her scarf at her brother's language, as Levi stood and headed to the restroom.

Once he got his tea, they headed out to the park.

"Where are we meeting him?" Mikasa took out her phone, since her and her pen pal had exchanged cell numbers recently and had started to text more than send each other mail.

"The fountain." She said and that's were they headed. As soon as they got there, not even three seconds, and someone had bumped into Levi, causing him to drop his tea and have the warm liquid splash all over himself.

"Oi you shit! Watch where the fuck you're going!" He snapped. His eyes widened when the person who had bumped into him spoke.

"L-Levi?" The omega looked up to see an extremely familiar, though older looking, alpha.


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