Chapter 19

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Exam week greeted Eren with anticipation. He studied as hard as he could, hoping that it would be enough. If he didn't get higher than a B, oh well. But the alpha couldn't lie and say he wouldn't try damn hard to do better. Not just to mate Levi, but to please his omega. The thought of the omega giving one of his small, soft smiles in the confines of their room and petting Eren's hair gently in pride was something that had Eren's inner alpha crooning. What was better than impressing his mate? Besides obviously providing for and loving them? Nothing.

But the first day was hell. When Eren returned to his dorm, he nearly collapsed on the couch, groaning into the cushions.

"Oi, what's wrong brat?" Levi asked as he stood next to the couch, sipping tea as he watched the freshmen lay there.

"Exams suck." Eren whined. Levi rolled his eyes.

"It's really not." Levi said. "Try being a junior with exams, then come bitch at me about exams sucking." Eren sat up with a pout.

"Thanks Levi." The omega only shrugged, taking another sip from his cup.

"Anytime brat. Now come on, you can never study too much, and it's best to make sure you're fully prepared for your next set of exams." Levi said as he turned. He was stopped by arms around his waist and a head against his shoulder. "What is it Eren?"

"Can you scent mark me?" Eren asked. Levi turned to him with a cocked eyebrow.


"Because you're scent calms me down. It'd be nice to be relaxed for a little while." Levi sighed.

"Let me put my damn tea down. And only if you return the fucking favor." Levi said. Eren nodded, releasing Levi and turning so he was facing forward on the couch. Levi put his cup on the coffee table and straddled Eren's lap, slotting their throats together and rubbing their scent glands together. The effect was instant, both calming almost completely. Levi pulled away, looking at Eren's face, the alpha smiling softly.

"Thanks Levi." The omega gave an almost non existent smile in return, kissing his alpha's forehead before laying his head against Eren's shoulder. "Didn't you say something about studying?" Eren asked, before getting a huff out of his mate, who sat up and glared.

"Fine. Don't cuddle me, see if I fucking care." And Levi slipped out of Eren's lap.

"Wait, Levi come back, that's not what I meant." Eren reached out for his boyfriend, only to see the omega smirking as he strut into their room.

"All of my study shit is in here, brat. And I know for sure Eyebrows doesn't want to hear me purring the entire time we study." Levi called back. Eren was quick to follow then.

The rest of the week went similarly. Eren and Armin would return to the dorms, Eren collapsing on the couch while Armin went straight to studying. Erwin would study with Armin while Eren study in his room with Levi. Wednesday had Mikasa and Annie in the dorm studying with the the other four.

Eren walked into the dorm room with a wide smile on his face Friday. His mouth opened to talk to Levi, but the omega had grabbed the alpha by the neck and crashed their lips together. Eren had no problem reciprocating the kiss, tongue barely having time to swipe along the other's bottom lip before Levi's mouth was already open, welcoming the other in. They stumbled into their shared room and collapsed on Eren's bed.

"Finally." Levi groaned as he spread his legs to accept the other male between them. Eren groaned once he settled. Levi's hands were in Eren's hair, tugging the brunet strands almost painfully, Eren's hands dancing under Levi's shirt, pulling the omega closer and mapping out hard abs and pectorals. One hand brushed over a nipple, causing Levi to arch and moan into the kiss that had advanced to bites and clanking teeth. The feeling of Levi's erection against his own caused Eren to moan as well, instincts taking over as his hips began to grind against Levi's, developing a sweet friction between the two. Not long after that, Eren was shirtless and latched onto Levi's scent gland as the omega whined, hips still grinding against each other until a cough came from the doorway.

The two males turned, Eren with a bright blush and low growl as Levi just glared at the individual. The individual happened to be Armin, smirking lightly.

"You know, people usually SHUT their door before they begin to fuck. And last I checked, Levi's not in heat, so maybe you shouldn't be so eager to claim a prize you don't even know you can have yet Eren." Armin said. Eren sighed as he sat up, causing Levi to whine slightly, legs moving to wrap around Eren's waist.

"Shut the fucking door then. We aren't mating but that doesn't mean I can't let out this week's stress with a frotting orgasm. Now fuck off." Levi growled out. Armin did so, muttering something about 'horny mates' and Levi was quick to begin grinding against his alpha, who had no problems getting back down to kiss Levi and returning to their earlier activity.

One joint, mind blowing orgasm and shower later, Eren and Levi sat in their dorm room's living area with Armin, Erwin, Mikasa, and Annie.

"So what's the plan?" Levi asked as he sat between Eren's legs on the couch, purring as the alpha ran his fingers through the omega's hair.

"Well, I think I'm going to go to Annie's for Christmas." Mikasa said. "I've already talked to Mom and Dad about it, and they said it'd be fine."

"Erwin's family is coming to spend Christmas with Grandpa and I." Armin said, looking to Eren and Levi. The two shrugged.

"We might stay here, invite Dad, Kimi, and Kenny on Christmas to drop off and exchange presents. Levi will be in heat and won't be able to leave where ever he is. Or we'll head to my house and invite Kenny and Kimi to Shiganshina." Eren explained with a shrugged.

"But what about you mating Levi?" Annie asked as she leaned against Mikasa.

"If Eren kept up his end of the deal, we'll be staying here. By the time you fuckers come back, we'll be mated. If he didn't, we'll probably head to Eren's house. Already told Mother about it and asked Grisha." Levi said as he leaned into Eren's hand more, purring a little more as Eren began to scratch lightly at his undercut.

"Sounds like a plan." Erwin said as he leaned back against the couch him and Armin were cuddling on. "Just don't do it in Armin and mine's room. Or the rest of the dorm room." Erwin warned light heartedly.

"Whatever Eyebrows. Who would want to fuck in a bed you've fucked in?" Levi asked.

"Me." Armin answered. "Considering I'm the one he's fucking." Eren chuckled as Levi looked slightly appalled and Mikasa sighed, rubbing her temples as Annie just gave no fucks, and Erwin looked proud of himself.

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