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I've been at the hospital with Seth and Dean for almost an hour now, I'm waiting to see her, I gotta just make sure she's gonna be okay. Finally a nurse came out of the room they put her in.

"You can go in now, she's gonna fine to." She explained and we all walk in and took a seat, I took the one closets to her bed, she was still sleeping.

"God, look at those cuts around her wrists." Dean said.

"It's from the chains, they started to cut into her skin." I explained, and looked at her body, he had bruises almost every where except for her face, but everything else that was visible was covered in bruises and cuts.

"You think they raped her to?" Seth asked me.

"I hope not." I answered.

"Nurse said they found 4 different types of dna in her." Dean said.

"What?" I asked.

"I asked her she said they will run the dna and see if they can get a match." Dean explained.

"God damn it." I whispered to myself, I feel so bad for her, I feel like I let her down, I should have been there to protect her and I wasn't.

"Roman don't, there's nothing that could have been done." Seth said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I let her down, I told her she'd be safe with us." I said and I honestly wanted to cry, I tried my best to hold back my tears, but one slipped.

"Roman we didn't think this would happen." Dean said.

"I don't understand why they would want her?" Seth asked.

"She's a girl and their pigs." I answered and Abbie started to stir in her sleep.

"I think she's waking up." Dean said, but I knew she was dreaming, cause she's started screaming, I grabbed her and covered her mouth and she immediately stopped.

"Abbie." I said and moved my hand away from her mouth. She didn't say anything or move.

"Abbie." I said again, still nothing.

"I'm pretty sure she was just dreaming." I told Seth and Dean.

"Seems more like a nightmare." Dean corrected me.

"It's getting late maybe we should go?" Seth suggested.

"It's think your right, we can just come back in the morning." Dean said.

"Okay we can go." I said and got up, I kissed Abbies head before we walked off, I hope she'll be up in the morning.

Next morning
1:30 pm

Me and the guys are just now getting to the hospital, I didn't even sleep well last night, I just wanted to see Abbie so bad. We walked into Abbies room and seen she was up but there was another man sitting next to her bed, talking to her.

"I thought you guys weren't gonna come." She said sitting up, we all gave her a hug.

"Are you kidding, we needed to make sure you were ok." I told her.

"Well I'm OK as I'll ever be. Guys this is my dad." She introduced me to her father.

"Nice to meet you Sir." I said and we all shook his hand, but we both stopped when we heard someone walk into the room, we looked over towards the door and seen Bray.

"What the hell are you doing here Windham?" Abbies father asked him, how do they know each other.

"Mr. Lindsay you know him?" Seth asked.

"He's my son." He answered, and our mouths dropped, I couldn't believe it. I looked over at Abbie, she had tears in her eyes and she covered her mouth. I sat down bye her and pulled her over to me.

"Dad I -" Bray tried to speak But his dad wouldn't let him.

"How could you let all of those terrible things happen to your sister, all you did was sit there and watch!" He yelled at him.

"He didn't watch." Dean said.

"Dean no." Abbie said quickly stopping him, her dad looked back at her.

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled and attacked Bray, Seth and Dean quickly pulled them away. God this is going to be along day.

Sister Abigail - Roman Reigns Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now