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I was pulled into a room and placed in a chair and my wrists got locked to the chair, I then heard the door shut and I still couldn't see anything its pitch black in here. After a few minutes the lights came on I looked around and only seen Bray and a bunch of stuff laid out on a wooden table. He came over to me and kneeled in front of me.

"Are you gonna scream?" He asked, I shook my head no and he pulled the tape off, he grabbed a chair and sat down in front of me.

"Let me tell you a little story Abbie." He started, I just stayed quite.

"A little boy grew up differently than most kids did. He had problems that nobody understood, when his mother found out she tried sending him away from his family and to stop it he had to get rid of her. So he poisoned her food and watched her die, he lied to his dad when he said he found her the way he did, dead on the floor. When the dad found out what really happened he tried setting the boy straight with substance abuse. It made that boy angry and caused him to leash out on small animals and smaller children. Then his beautiful little sister told daddy what her big brother had done, dad sent his son away and the little girl grew up getting what ever she wanted." He finished, I was already in freaking tears.

"You killed mom?" I asked as my eyes filled up with more and more tears.

"I had to and dad knew about it all this time, I know he never told you the truth, he probably thought you couldn't handle it." He answered, I let all my tears escape.

"Your sick." I told him, he sent me a death glare and got out of his chair and threw it against a wall.

"Your daddy's little girl, you got the life I wanted!" He yelled in my face.

"You chose to kill and hurt people, it's your fault dad sent you away!" I yelled at him and he back handed me across my face.

"YOU TOLD!!" He yelled at me louder than before.

"And now it's my turn for payback." He said grinning. He grabbed a knife and stabbed me in the stomach with it. I screamed at the top of my lungs, it hurt so damn bad, he pulled it out and wiped the blood on my legs before he stab me in my right thigh.

I cried and screamed harder and louder, blood just oozed out of my thigh and stomach.

"Bray please." I begged. My eyes were getting hard to keep open.

"Beg all you want, I won't stop." He said and my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I just blacked out.


"Not again!" I yelled as me and the boys watched the show backstage, the lights just went out, I knew it was bray, it had to be. I ran out there and Seth and Dean followed, I got put there and started yelling for Abbie. I didn't here her say anything and the lights came back on and she was gone, Dean pulled Angela out of the ring and we went backstage with her.

"He took her again." I said and punched the wall, I pulled my hand out of the brick wall and I didn't even care if I broke something I'm just so pissed right now.

"Calm down we just gotta look for her again, he couldn't have gotten far." Seth explained.

"We should start in the basement." Dean said.

"It be too easy." Seth said.

"No it wouldn't, he thinks you wouldn't look there cause it would be to easy, I bet my life on it that's were he has her." Angela explained.

"Deal." Dean said. I took off to the door that led to the basement. I opened the first door and I could hear screaming as soon as I walked in, I went down another set of steps and came to another door. I kicked the door in and I seen Abbie passed out in a chair. Her hands were locked to it, and she was bleeding from her stomach and thigh.

I took my shirt off and tied it around her stomach to keep pressure òn the cut. Seth did the same thing with her thigh.

"Come on let's get out of here and get to a hospital." Dean said.

"What about Bray?" Angela asked.

"I'll worry about him later." I said as we took her back up the steps. We passed everyone and went out to the car Dean drove us to the hospital, me and Angela sat in the back, I still had Abbie in my arms, she was fading in and out of consciousness. One second she had her eyes open and the next they were closed.

We pulled up to the hospital, I didn't even wait for the car to fully stop, I got out and took Abbie inside. Some doctors put her on a gurney and took her to the back I followed them as far as I could go.

"I'm sorry sir you can't come back here." The nurse said stopping me.

I sighed and went back to the front and found everyone waiting.

"Stay here I'm taking the car." I told Dean and took the keys out of his hand.

"Where are you going?" Seth asked.

"Back to the arena." I answered and walked out of the hospital.

"Roman what are you going to do?!" Angela yelled at me.

"You know darn well what I'm gonna do."

Sister Abigail - Roman Reigns Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now