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"The power just went out." I mumbled and we heard Angela screaming 'get off me!'. We ran out of my room and down the hall way and Luke had her pinned to the floor and I kicked him in the head and helped Angela up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm fine." She said and we walked out of her room and went down stairs and I seen Seth getting thrown against the wall by Bray.

"Abbie, Angela get out of here! " Roman yelled and me and Angela took off running down the hallway and we went into a bedroom and locked ourselves in it. I went into the closet and pulled the entrance to the attic down and we both climbed up inside. I doubt they will look for us here.

"Okay now what?" Angela asked.

"I don't know, I don't have this night completely thought out." I answered.

"Well who's fault is that." She said.

"Oh really, you act like I plan this shit." I told her.

"As crazy as your life is, I'm surprised you don't." She told me and we both crawled to the other side of the attic. There's a drop, down the side of the house, there's like built in ladder down the side of the wall, we will pretty much be heading to the basement. And there's a door down there to get out.

"You darn well I'm scared of heights." Angela said.

"This our only way out, besides I'll go first." I said and started going down it, Angela did the same but she was a nervous wreck.

"I feel like I'm gonna fall." She said.

"Your fine." I said and after a minute of going down this we finally made it to the bottom.

" how much farther do we have to go?" Angela asked, she's literally a foot off the ground.

"You can literally drop to the ground." I answered her, she looked down and behind her.

"Oh." She said and got down.

"Come on." I said and grabbed her hand so she doesn't get lost.

"Wait, what's that over there?" Angela asked.

"We don't have time for this." I answered and she started running the other way. Lord help me not trip this bitch.

"Abbie, come look at all of this." She said. And I did, I walked into the little room with her and there was a bunch of technology stuff every where. The computers that were hooked up to the cameras were there. There's also other camera's around the house, even one for my shower.

"Lets get out of here." I told her and we headed for the exit but suddenly we were both grabbed and my mouth was covered with some kinda cloth and it had a weird smell to it. My eyes forcefully closed.


I woke up with my hands chained behind my back, tugged on them and they weren't gonna come undone with out the key for the lock. The lights turned on, Dean was next to me and Seth was next to Dean. More lights turned on and Angela and Abbie were hanging from the ceiling, there hands were tied with ropes.

Bray walked in by himself, he shut and locked the door. He grabbed a knife off the table and started running it down Angela's back.

"Bray don't, it's me you want let them go." Abbie yelled.

"Abbie no, I can't let you go threw this anymore." I told her.

'Aw, how sweet of you Roman." Bray said, walked up to Abbie.

"Bray, she's had enough of all this, you've put her threw enough already." I told him he just laughed.

"I'm just getting started." He said and was going to unbutton Abbies jeans, but she kicked him in the face, he turned around and held his nose. She aggressively wrapped her legs around his neck and started jerking him back and forth until we all heard his neck snap.

Abbie let her legs go and he fell to the ground, she pulled herself up and undid the ropes. She grabbed the knife and got Angela down before she came over to me after grabbing the keys

"Abbie." I said as she unlocked the chains.

"He's not dead." She said and unlocked Seth and Dean.

"Then he will be, leave him." I said and we left.

Sister Abigail - Roman Reigns Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon