The Silence of the Night

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Today was the day. The results of our boards comes out at exactly 9:30am. I woke at 5am this morning feeling like I was about to throw up at any second. I hadn't even been this nervous for the exam itself. I got dressed and got my breakfast, trying my best not to disturb Arizona. I arrived in work for 7am and decided to get a head start on morning rounds, although the patients won't thank me for annoying them this early. I was on Meredith's service this week which meant an entire week of asking about Alex and how we're doing. I haven't seen Alex since I moved into Arizona's. Also I'm too afraid to go get my stuff because I know it means having to talk to him, and I'd really rather not so I've been living off the few clothes I packed the night I walked out. Turns out you're not very style conscious when packing in a fit of rage.

I finished rounds by 9am and found myself walking aimlessly through the halls trying to pass the next 30 minutes of my life.

"Hey! Quinn" I turned to see Dr Grey walking up the hall towards me "stop looking like a lost puppy and come present this case with me" she said as she held up her tablet to show me the patient file

"Sure" I said nonchalantly as I followed at her heels

"And as soon as you get your board results, come scrub in" she gave a weak smile

"Thanks Dr Grey" I smiled as we walked side by side towards the patients room

"Dr Quinn" Meredith nodded at me as we entered the room

"This is Janine Willis, 42 year old female presenting with severe pancreatitis. A GTT, MRI and an ERCP have been done and all tests have concluded that Janine will need surgery because of her worsening condition. Dr Grey here will be removing any dead tissue within the pancreas and with a few weeks IV Antibiotics the swelling and pain should fade." I presented to the woman and her husband

"Ok Janine, Dr Quinn here will prep you for surgery and we'll have you in the OR in no time" Dr Grey smiled

"Thank you Doctors" Janine replied softly

Dr Grey left the room and I began prepping Janine. As soon as I was finished I stepped out of the room and checked the time on my watch. 9:30am on the dot. I ran to the locker room to get my phone so that I could check my emails. When I got there the room was filled with interns lining the walls checking their emails. I stood beside Rose and wished her luck and we both removed our phones from our lockers. We heard the first round of squeals and yells and knew it had begun.

I quickly refreshed my inbox and soon saw the email pop up. I was almost too scared to open it but I knew it was inevitable. I slowly pressed on the email and closed my eyes. Soon opening them as I could no longer bare the wait.

"Yesss!" I yelled as soon as I read the email.

I had done it! I passed! All those long nights and early mornings didn't go to waste after all! Our intern group gathered together to share the news but already I could see some pretty upset faces. Danny and Cassie failed their boards and would have to repeat their intern year.

Once we had all calmed down we went about our normal day as if nothing happened. I scrubbed in on the surgery and told Meredith the good news.

"Congrats! You're a resident now kid" she joked

My first year of residency now began. It was such a relief to no longer be the bottom of the food chain! The surgery went well and Janine was soon in recovery. I had just finished her post op check and headed for the locker room.

"Hey Dr Quinn" I heard a familiar voice call from down the hall

I turned to see DeLuca jogging up the hall towards me

"Hey Dr DeLuca" I smiled as he caught up with me

"I believe a congratulations are in order?" he smiled "Arizona told me the good news"

"Yeah I'm thrilled" I replied

Poor DeLuca. He is such a sweet guy but any time he tries to talk to me I get flash backs of last weeks encounter and then I get super embarrassed and I become at a loss for words and the conversation just dies off awkwardly.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat at Joes. To celebrate" he offered sweetly

"Sure sounds perfect" I nodded enthusiastically

"Awesome. Oh that is of course assuming you didn't have anything else planned?" he asked

"Uh no, I was just going to head to Joes anyway so some company would be great" I smiled

"Great, I'll meet you at Joes in an hour?" he suggested

"See you then" I waved as I began making my way to the locker room to change

I drove back to Arizona's and swiped one of her outfits, seeing as I had barely any clothes left worth wearing. I called a cab to take me to Joes and found DeLuca waiting at the bar for me.

"Hey Dr DeLuca" I said as I sat up on the stool beside him

"Please call me Andrew. We're both residents now" he said lightheartedly

We ordered some food and a drink and the conversation soon picked up. Turns out we had more in common than I thought! He too was from New York and was a huge Yankees fan like me. He graduated from Washington University and moved to Seattle to start his internship. We soon finished our burgers and ordered more drinks. The other interns soon arrived and the place got very loud very fast.

"Hey listen I've got this bottle of wine at home my parents brought up a while back, I've been waiting for someone to help me drink it" he joked

"Sounds like a plan! Arizona's working the night shift so we can go get it and bring it back to hers. She's got The Rolling Stones on DVD too, we can rock out" I laughed

We got a cab to Andrew's apartment and then circled around town back to Arizona's. The bottle of wine was opened and the Rolling Stones were firing through the speakers. Soon Arizona's stash of wine was raided and the dancing continued. After 3 bottles and 2 concerts we fell back on the sofa laughing with exhaustion.

"Woah, it's 3am. I should head back" Andrew said as he stood up

"Yeah sure, thank you for a great night" I smiled as I stood up to meet him

"It sure was" he said in a low tone as he came face to face with me

There was a silence between us as we just stood there. Unsure of what to say next. Until Andrew soon broke the space and softly put his hand on my cheek, placing his free arm around my waist and pulling me in close. He bent his head down so that his lips could lock with mine. We kissed until we became breathless and we both ran to my room giggling like little schools girls. Andrew swiftly removed his top, then mine as he backed me up until I fell back against the bed. He removed his jeans and was soon crawling up the bed to meet me. I had never seen someone look so amazing in just their underwear. He began kissing me once more and things became heated. He soon had all my clothes off and fell on top me, making me feel a way Alex never could. Our bodies connected so perfectly as our breathes met in perfect sync. We both held out as long as we could until our bodies gave in and we came apart. He rolled over and put his arm around me as I softly placed my head on top of his chest. And all you could hear was the pace of our breathing breaking the blissful silence of the night.

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