A Few Stitches

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"Just look at this view!" I gasped as I stood in front of the window, taking in the breath taking sights

"I don't think I could ever get sick of this" Arizona sighed as she stood beside me

We stood there in silence for a moment. Taking in every inch of the peaceful, calming surroundings. We soon felt a slight vibration under our feet but decided not to pay any attention to it. Slight tremors occurred quite often here due to earthquakes that happened out at sea. Gradually the vibrations grew to tremors and a loud thundering sound could be heard from overhead.

"What the hell?" I questioned loudly over the growing sound from outside

Just as the question left my mouth we watched as a Boeing jet flew straight into the town near by, watching as the plane became engulfed in flames. What was likely to be the plane's engine exploding created another roaring sound and more flames licked viciously into the air. I stood back in horror and soon turned my attention to Arizona. I could see the fear in her eyes, I knew this was horrifying for her to witness. I could see her reliving her worst nightmare over and over again. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her protectively.

"It's ok" I whispered protectively "You won't ever hurt like that again ok?" I cooed, trying to cease her trembling

"Jamie, you weren't on that plane, you don't know what it was like" she quivered

"I know Arizona, I know I wasn't there and I don't know what happened out in that woods but I do know what it did to you and I can't let that happen to more families" I said caringly "I'm going to go into town, this is a small Island with only two very small hospitals that are not equip for this type of situation so they're going to need all the hands they can get" I continued firmly

"No Jamie, No! I am not letting you go over there! You are not putting your life at risk" Arizona threatened sternly

"I'll be safe Arizona. I just want to go and help triage at the site! They need me Arizona. You stay here ok" I said as I let go of her and made my way towards the door

"Jamie don't you dare walk out that door" Arizona demanded

"I'll be back before dark ok? I have my phone, ring me if you need me. I love you" I said hurriedly as I rushed out the door

"God damn you Jamie Quinn" I heard her yell from inside

I jumped into one of the local cabs and it took me as close to the crash site as possible. There were hundreds of people. Victims, paramedics and volunteers just hoping to lend a hand.

"Sorry ma'am you can't be here it's not safe right now" An officer said sternly as he approached me

"I'm a surgeon in the United States, I saw the crash and I'm here to help" I said as I flashed my ID badge I carried in my purse

"Go right ahead, thank you ma'am" The officer said as he guided me towards a make shift medical base center

A young woman approached me and handed me some gloves, a stethoscope and a first aid bag. I thanked her and made my way over to the wounded victims that lay around the area. I assessed people as quickly and as efficiently as I could. Treating whatever injuries I could with what I had in my medical bag. I approached a child no more than 6 years old. She was severely injured and unaccompanied. As I bent down to speak to her, there was a second explosion from the plane right beside us. I wrapped my arms instinctively around the little girl but the blast threw us back and the force knocked me unconscious. Everything was silent. Everything was pitch black. I couldn't see, I couldn't move.

I don't know how long I was out but when I came to my senses my ears rang like as if there was a giant bell tolling in my ears. I was still laying in the same spot I was hurled to but the little girl was nowhere to be seen. I went to stand and felt a horrific pain stab me in the lower abdomen. I looked down to see a piece of the plane's shrapnel lodged just beside my hip. I removed some gauze and bandages from my bag and dressed the wound as best I could without actually removing the shrapnel. I stood up and did my best to assess anyone near to me. After a couple of hours the pain in my hip became unbearable and I had to get out of there.

I grabbed a cab back to our cabin. I tried my best to enter as quietly and as undetected as possible. I couldn't let Arizona see me like this. The blood was beginning to seep through my t-shirt.

"Where the hell were you?" I heard a growl come from the corner of the living room

"Arizona, please, not now. I need to go and change. I'll be back in a minute" I pleaded as I winced in pain

"Don't you dare walk away from me Jamie! I've been worried sick" She yelled and I could see that she had been crying "I've been calling you for hours!"

"Shit" I cursed under my breath, realizing my phone must have went dead "Arizona, baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to worry you like that. It's just, there were so many injured people and so little medical help, I just got carried away" I apologized sincerely

Arizona began to cry again and my heart ripped from my chest. How could I put her through this alone? I approached her to comfort her but she turned away and walked off. I took this as my opportunity to leave and try fix myself up. I made my way to the bathroom and removed my t-shirt. I saw the blood trickle from the wound. A simple bandage wasn't going to fix this. I began cleaning the wound as best I could.

Without warning Arizona entered the bathroom before I could cover up the gaping slash across my waist.

"Jamie, I'm sorry. I know you were just doing the right thing. I shouldn't have..... oh my god Jamie" She started off her apology as she entered but she soon caught sight of my wound and her hands flew to her mouth in a gasp

"Arizona, don't freak out. I just need a few stitches that's all" I held my hands up in defense

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