Real Happiness

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"Well I'm glad you came to your senses Dr Quinn" Dr Webber said as I sat across from him in his office

"Thank you Sir, I appreciate you taking me back" I nodded in appreciation

"I wasn't going to let you leave Dr Quinn! So what changed your mind?" Webber asked

"I realized that I was finally happy here, and happiness scares me Sir but I knew I couldn't run anymore and someone helped change my mind, and show me real happiness." I smiled as I thought about Arizona

"I'm just happy you realized this is your place. Now I suppose you have patients to attend to?" Webber smiled

"Yes Sir. And thank you, once again." I said as I stood up from the chair and made my way to the door.

I made my way back across the hospital and began my rounds on Dr Grey's patients. I returned to the nurses station to update some paperwork and looked up to see Arizona making her way up the hall. She didn't see me but I couldn't take my eyes off her. She glided effortlessly through the hall with her ever so brilliant smile and bright sparkling eyes and I found myself falling more and more in love with this woman.

"Hey space cadet" I heard Meredith say as she approached me, snapping me out of my thoughts

"What?" I said, turning my attention away from Arizona

"I think you drifted to a different planet there for a second" she smirked and then craned her neck to see what I was looking at "Ah, I see" she nodded her head "what happened?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Dr Grey" I tried to brush off the situation

"You and Arizona. Something happened. You took your job back and you haven't stopped staring at her every time she passes" Meredith dug deeper for information

"I told her I loved her" I mumbled as I diverted my attention back to Arizona

"You what?" Meredith asked incredulously as she grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face her

"I was about to leave and she saw all the boxes and bags and she confronted me, telling me she wasn't going to let me leave. I didn't expect her to care, to fight for me. But she did and I couldn't distance myself from her anymore. I had to tell her how I really felt" I explained

"What did she say?" Meredith asked, immersed in this news

"She kissed me and told me that's she's waited so long for me to say that." I smiled

"So are you guys dating or what?" she pressed on

"It's only been like 2 days Meredith. We're just going wherever this takes us" I replied

Meredith nodded her head with a grin. She began to walk away when she spun back on her heels

"Oh Dr Quinn" she called

"Yes?" I mumbled while checking a patient chart

"You have your first solo surgery today" she informed me before walking away

What? A solo surgery. I've been waiting so long for this. I need to prep. Wait. I need to see the patient. Read the chart. Check the history. I became flustered with this new found information and ran down the hall to the OR board to see what type of surgery I was doing. An appendectomy.

"Hey Quinn. Your first api! congrats" I heard Rose come up behind me

"Oh hey Rose. I know right! I've gotta go and practice, Grey only told me like 2 minutes ago" I said, the excitement starting to build

"Good luck" she smiled sweetly as she began to walk away


"Alright Mr Hamilton lets get you to the OR and we'll have you out in no time" I smiled as we began wheeling the patient into the elevator and riding up to the OR floor

The scrub nurse wheeled him in and the anesthesiologist began administering the dose of general anesthetic. I scrubbed in and got gowned and gloved on the way. My first solo surgery. The first of so many more to come I hope.

"Afternoon everybody, lets get to work" I said as I grinned from ear to ear under my mask

"10 blade" I said to the scrub nurse as I held out my hand to receive the scalpel

I began to cut open the patient and soon found the inflamed appendix. Dr Grey sat in the corner keeping a watchful eye, making sure I didn't screw this up. I soon began removing the appendix and before I knew it I was already stitching up the patient. Success!

I removed my gown, gloves and mask and left the OR side by side with Dr Grey.

"Good job Quinn. I had faith in you" she grinned as she clapped my back

"Thanks Dr Grey" I smiled, feeling extremely proud

"You wanna come for a drink in Joes?" Meredith asked as we walked through the halls

"I've got paper work and I want to keep an eye on Mr Hamilton's post ops to make sure everything went smoothly. But thank you for the offer. Definitely another time" I appreciated the offer

"Sure no problem! I'll see you tomorrow. And well done, once again. Go get some rest" Meredith said as she walked away

"Yes ma'am" I said to myself

I hopped onto the elevator and made my way to the paeds floor. I hadn't seen Arizona since yesterday evening and I wanted to tell her about my surgery. I saw her standing at one of the portable computers and made my way silently towards her.

"Hey you" I whispered in her ear, trying not to frighten her too much

"Hey you" she returned my greeting as she bit her lip, I loved it when she did that

"Guess who had their first solo surgery today?" I said with a beaming smile

"No way Jamie! Oh my gosh congratulations" she said as she hugged me tight

"Thank you. I think I smashed it, if I do say so myself" I joked

"I have no doubt you did" she smiled

We began walking through the hall as I told Arizona about the surgery and she told me about her surgery. We soon walked passed an on call room and I spontaneously decided to grab Arizona's pockets of her white coat and lead her into the room. Locking the door behind me.

"Jamie, what are we do....?" she started but I cut her off with a kiss

"Shhh" I whispered "just trust me" I gave her a playful wink as I grabbed her waist and pulled her in close

"I often" she whispered between breaths as I moved my kisses down her neck while slowly lifting off her scrub top

The room soon became heated from our passionate kissing and I backed her down onto the bed as I threw off my scrub top as well. She lay there as I climbed onto the bed and hovered over. Feeling the heat radiate off her skin. She bit her lip as she looked up at me and I couldn't help myself. I removed her navy scrub pants and she removed mine. I pulled the sheets over us and began moving slowly down her body. Placing kisses everywhere I went. I could hear her hold her breath as I got closer and closer to where she wanted me to be. And soon enough I couldn't wait any longer. I slowly removed her underwear and heard her gasp as I showed her what she had been waiting for. I smiled to myself. I could make her feel this way. I want to be the one to always make her feel like this. I felt her legs begin to shake and stopped right before she could reach her highest point.

"Jamie Quinn you are not doing what you did yesterday. You are not finished" she almost growled as she grabbed at my hips puling me in to kiss me

We continued until the two of us fell apart on the bed as we lay on our backs, our chests heaving in sync with our breathing. Arizona placed her head on me and wrapped her arm around my waist as she cuddled into me. I lay there smiling to myself. Not saying a word but just enjoying every second with each other.

"You were worth waiting for" she laughed as she looked up at me

"You were worth staying for" I grinned as I softy kissed her forehead

"I love you" I heard her whisper into my shoulder

I squeezed her a little tighter and rested my chin on her head

"I love you too"

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