Chapter 12

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Alex' pov.

Yes, we've also had our bad times. We fight, we make up, we yell at each other.

"We do. But it's not a bad thing. I mean, we get to have great make up sex afterwards."

Demi! Stop talking, okay?

So our first fight was about a month after our first date. We hung out more often and we weren't really used to spend days with each other yet. So you get annoyed by the other.

We were hanging out and Demi was on her phone like all the time. So I asked what she was doing. I mean, what could be so important that you don't pay attentiom to your girlfriend.

"I apologised okay? God.."

I know babe, but I'm just telling them about what happened. To let them know our relationship isn't perfect.

"Well it's pretty close to perfect to me."

You're so cute sometimes, did you know that?

"Yeah I know."

So she didn't really pay attention to me or the things I said.

"Demi?", I said. "Yeah?", she replied not taking her eyes off the screen. "Are you ever going to put that thing down?" "Yeah in a minute. I'm doing something."

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"What are you doing?", she asked. "Going home. There's not really much for me to do here since you're on your phone all the time", I said grabbing my stuff. "Come on, give it a break.. It's just my phone." "I know, but I'd like to know why I'm here if you're not even talking to me." "Babe come on. I want you here. I want to spend time with you", she said.
She quickly typed something inbetween.

"I can't believe you.. You're even doing it now. Forget it. See you later", I said. "Jesus, I'm not doing anything. I didn't know using your phone was a crime." I rolled my eyes. "I never said that. I'm just trying to tell you that it'd be nice if you had some time for me too, that's all. But I guess that's too much to ask for." "It's part of me okay? It's part of my life, and you know that", she said. "Well then I guess I'm not a part of your life then."

And with that, I walked out.

"You know you're a part of my life. You have been every since we got closer."

I know. I just felt like I wasn't at that moment.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

It's okay. I got over it.

So the minute I walked out, I heard a door shut again after me. I turned around and saw Demi.

"I'm sorry", she said. "I'm sorry for making you feel bad. I'm sorry for not paying attention to you. I just have a lot of things to do for my next shows, and everything is on my phone."

"You could've just told me, instead of telling me you were doing "something"."

"I know. But I fuck up sometimes. It won't happened again, I promise."

"Don't promise anything", I said. "I gotta go", I added. I turned around.

"I love you", I heard. I stopped for a second and turned around. My heart started beating faster and a smile formed on my face.

"What?", I said. She raised an eyebrow. "You heard me", she said. "I know. But I wanna hear it again."

She got closer to me and cupped my face.

"I love you", she said. I smiled.

"I love you too."

Our lips touched, and it felt like something I had never felt.

"Really? Something you had never felt?"

Oh stop it. I got caught up in the moment.


When we pulled apart, she grabbed my hand and took me back to her place.
"You're not leaving yet", she said.
"I'm not?" She shook her head.
"Nope, I'm cooking for you."
"Oh no.. Not again.." "What? I learned a new recipe. I promise this will be good", she said. "We'll see."
She just smiled.

"But we had something much better before that.."

Demi.. Stop telling everyone that kind of stuff!

"I'm sorry. It was just really great."

You're embarrassing me..

"You still love me tho."

I do.

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