Chapter 15

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Alex' pov.

I apologise for the inappropriate story my wife told you before this. It wasn't my choice either.

I'm going to tell you a little about one of the times Demi came to help at the cafe. Trust me, you'll love it.

I believe this was on a Monday. One of the busiest days we've had. And it was like, the second time Demi came to help for a little while.

So she was cleaning up some tables, which went really well. She was really nice to the customers and stuff, so I wanted to see how she did it behind the counter.

"Dems. Get over here", I said. "What's up?", she asked smiling. "Let's see how you do it behind the counter." "Yes boss." I giggled.

"Good morning, how may I help you?", she said to the next customer. I smiled. The customer asked for a double espresso. She did it perfectly fine. So I went to the back to grab some more milk and coffee beans. I grabbed 2 boxes and unpacked them. I first took the beans to fill up the grinder.

But when I walked back in, I saw Demi, covered in milk. There were splashes of foam in her face, and her shoes were practically floating in milk.

"What happened here?", I asked. "I uh, I wanted to uh, she wanted a cappuccino so I need to steam up some milk. When I turned on the steamer and put it in the milk.. There was milk everywhere.
I laughed.

"I apologise for the hold up", I said to the customers.

I filled 2 jugs with milk. I let one steam on the left side, and the other one on the right side of the machine. That's how I made sure I had enough milk.

"1 cappuccino coming up!", I said.

I poured it as quickly as I could.
The next 5 customers also wanted a cappuccino. Which was done in a split second, since I had just steamed uo 2 jugs of milk.

When the line finally started to disappear, I checked on Demi in the back.

"Hey milk girl, how are you doing?", I asked. She raised an eyebrow. "Well I'm covered in milk as you can see. But besides that, I'm great. Thanks for asking." I laughed.
"It's okay", I said. "It can happen to everyone. But remember for next time, for put the steam pipe in the milk and THEN turn it on", I continued.

"Thanks for the heads up. I'm going home. I need a shower", she said. "What? Are you leaving me in this mess?"
"Well you seem to be really good at that." I laughed.
"Sure babe. I'll see you later."
I softly kissed her lips. "Tastes likes milk", I said. She hit my arm, but not in a hateful way. "What? It tastes good." "Shut up."

She got up.

"I'll be back", she said. "Sure.. See you later."

She walked away

I walked back to the counter.

"Seriously?", I said. She turned around. "What?" "Do I need to clean your mess up by myself?", I asked. "Yes." She smiled and turned back ready to walk away.
"Okay, bye!", I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice. She winked and walked out.

I still can't believe you let clean up your mess.

"I wasn't even working there. I could leave whenever I wanted to."

Oh it's like that, huh?


Okay, let's just ignore everything she says, and get back to the story.

So I was done cleaning up Demi's mess and the tables. I was about to close, so I decided to text Demi.

I asked her if she was still coming over. And that I was willing to give her a free private lesson of the master herself.

She was there within minutes.

"Okay, first thing you do is, you take a cold pitcher. You fill it up with milk till it's about half full. When you're steaming milk, it doubles the amount of milk. Always keep that in mind", I said.

She did as I said and waited for me to give further instructions.

"Perfect. So you turn on the steam pipe for just about 3 seconds to let the water out. Then you stick it in the milk till about half of the tip."

Again, she did as I said.
I stood behind her and placed my hands on hers.
"Like this", I said.

After not even a minute, we made the perfect foam.

I quickly made an espresso.

"Now pour a fucking cappuccino", I said smiling.

"I don't know how!"

I stood behind her and placed my hand on hers.

"Relax, I'll make the movements. Then you do the next one", I said.

We started pouring the easiest thing, a heart.

"That's so cool", she said.

"Now you try it."

She did the movements we did before. But nothing really showed up besides a blob of milk.

"I suck at this", she said. "It's a cappuccino. Just not with a shape on it. As long as there's milk on top, it's fine. Good job."

She smiled.

"Thanks for the lesson", she said. "Anytime."

We went out for dinner after that. She insisted.

"And we had a lovely time."

Yes we did.

Imagine Me & You (lesbian story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora