Chapter 5

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One month later...

It has been a month since I started tutoring Misaki, and today was his entrance exam. I hoped, for Takahiro's sake, that Misaki was able to pass the entrance exam. If Misaki was successful it would be a pleasant surprise for Takahiro, and it would also make him happy. Today was Takahiro's birthday so I wanted to return a portion of the happiness he had given me. As a matter of fact I was currently heading over to Takahiro's house to celebrate his birthday. In my hand I carried a bag that held Takahiro's present. I spent a whole day contemplating what to get for him, in the end I settled for a watch that Misaki had mentioned his brother wanting to buy. All I hoped for was that Misaki didn't get him the same present, though I doubted it because it was a rather expensive watch.

I was almost to Takahiro's apartment when I spotted Misaki walking a few feet in front of me. He was walking rather strangely, so I decided to call out to him.

"Misaki!" I shouted.

Misaki jumped in surprise before turning around to face me. His face was red and, I wasn't sure if it was because of the cold or if he was blushing. For whatever reason it may have been, I couldn't help but think that he looked cute. Realizing my thoughts I quickly shook my head in order to clear it from unnecessary thoughts.

"Usagi-chan, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to celebrate Takahiro's birthday." I replied.

Misaki seemed confused for a moment but he recovered immediately, and attempted to hide his previous confusion with a smile. It was then that I noticed that he was acting rather nervous and shy. He kept looking at me as if he wanted to tell me something but wasn't sure how to bring it up. It took me a minute but I finally figured it out after I spotted the slip of paper in his hand.

"So Misaki, how did you do on the exams?" I asked, because I was sure this is what he was trying to talk to me about. My only hope was that he didn't completely bomb the exams.

"The exams. Oh right, here." He said rather shyly as he handed me the slip he had been holding.

I took the slip and when I looked over it, my eyes widened in shock. He had miraculously passed all of his exams with A's and B's, he didn't receive a single failing mark. I looked over at Miskai to find him looking at me anxiously, I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was waiting for something. Once again, I was able to guess what he wanted, after all he was like an open book when he was nervous.

"Good job Misaki, you've worked hard." I praised him as I ruffled his hair, which felt rather soft.

"Thanks." Misaki responded with a smile that I found absolutely adorable.


We arrived at the apartment, and Misaki used his keys to let us in. He still lived with his brother though I heard that he was looking for an apartment to move into. Misaki said he didn't want to impose on his brother's married life, he believed that his brother and Manami needed their own space in order to raise a family.

"Usagi-chan, thanks for coming. Misaki welcome back." Takahiro greeted the both of us.

"Usagi-chan, please do come in. Misaki welcome home." Was Manami's warm welcome to the both of us.

"Manami, I'm home. Nii-chan HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" Misaki shouted as he tackled his brother in a hug.

"Excuse the intrusion. Takahiro, Happy Birthday!" I said handing the present to Takahiro before giving him a hug, which I could not hold back from doing.

"Usagi-chan, Misaki thank you. I really appreciate this." Takahiro replied to the both of us before returning the hug we had given him.

Takahiro took a moment to compose himself, after all he was always the emotional type. Back in Senior High he would get sentimental about everything and I didn't mind that. In fact that was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. I liked the fact that he wasn't afraid to show his feelings to other people. In my family it was considered a weakness to show any kind of emotion, so I grew up lacking the ability to express my emotions. For that reason I was entranced by Takahiro, who was so open about himself.

"Okay, I think I'm fine now. Usagi-chan, Misaki; Manami and I have something to tell you." Takahiro interrupted my reminiscence.

"What is it nii-chan?" Misaki asked suspiciously.

"If you would let him talk he would tell us." I whispered to Misaki making sure that Takahiro couldn't hear me.

Misaki turned to glare at me, and I smirked back at him. For some reason I found enjoyment in ruffling Misaki's feathers.

"Misaki you are going to become an UNCLE!!!" Takahiro and Manami said in synchronization.

It took me a moment to finally register what they had said, but when I did I felt my heart squeeze with pain. I was just starting to accept that Takahiro was now married and that I had lost him. Now, in addition, I had to celebrate that he was going to become a father. How could I pretend to be happy when all I wanted to do was scream my pain away till I no longer felt it.

"Usagi-chan, if you don't mind we would like you to become our baby's godfather. We would also like you to name our baby." Takahiro addressed me with the biggest smile I had ever seen him wearing.

I plastered a smile on my face and faced Takahiro and Manami. I told myself that I had to do this, and that it was for Takahiro's happiness.

"I would be honored to become your baby's godfather, and if you truly wish for me to name the baby then I will also do that." I answered with a smile, that was as fake as the lie I was currently telling.


We all turned to look at Misaki who seemed to have punched the wall. He looked furious and I could only assume it was because I was asked to be the godfather instead of him.

"Misaki..." Takahiro questioned cautiously.

"We need to celebrate this wonderful news, Usagi-chan come with me to the store to buy a bottle of wine." Misaki said as he looked up to face us all.

He had a smile on his face now, and while that seemed to have worked in fooling Takahiro and Manami, it didn't fool me. I could tell he was still furious by the look in his fiery green eyes. He came up to me and pulled me to the door, I had no choice but to follow him out.

Once we were outside I felt the chill of winter, and could even feel snow falling gently to the ground. Misaki was walking in front of me and he was shivering, having left the apartment without a jacket. He suddenly stopped in front of a light post and turned to look at me. I was alarmed to see that he had tears flowing down his rosy cheeks.

"Misaki, what's wrong?" I inquired with concern.

"I have never been so angry at nii-chan as I am right now. How could he be so oblivious to your feelings for him. He is such an idiot, asking you to be his child's godfather. How could he do that to you." Misaki babbled as he continued to cry.

It was then that I realized that he was crying for my sake. At that moment I felt my heart squeeze for an entirely different reason. I felt it flutter as it had done on several occasions now, but I had denied acknowledging them. I could feel a warmth spread throughout my entire body, a warmth that chased away the cold I was feeling just moments ago. For the first time in a month I'm finally able to acknowledge what these feelings were. I couldn't hold back anymore so, I moved as if in slow motion and grabbed Misaki. Then I bent down and kissed his soft lips, lips that I have wondered about so many times. Dreamed about even. At first I felt him stiffen up before relaxing into my embrace. I deepened the kiss and for the first time in years I felt the spark that I thought was forever lost to me. All too soon, Misaki broke the kiss because he needed to breathe, but I still held on to him as if my life depended on it. Which in a sense it did.

" can cry if you want to, I know you are sad. And when someone is sad it helps to let it all out with your tears." Misaki told me.

I said nothing as I hugged him tighter and let the tears I've been holding back fall onto his shoulder.

***End of Chapter***

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Next update: Friday, November 25, 2016.

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