Chapter 6

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I had to wake up early today because it was Misaki's first day at Mitsuhashi University. I hate waking up early, but I had to see that Misaki got to school on time. So with excruciating effort I forced myself from the bed and went downstairs. I found Misaki already awake and making breakfast. It had been my intention to make breakfast for him, but that was now out of the question. I suppose I should have tried waking up earlier.

Misaki started living with me because Takahiro had to move to Osaka for work, and he thought Misaki was unprepared for the adult life that awaited him. Furthermore, Misaki had to focus on studying in order to get a job in the future, therefore, he had no time to be worrying about paying living expenses. When I heard of Takahiro's impending move, I immediately snatched the opportunity to make Misaki live with me. I offered both Misaki and Takahiro a deal that they would surely be unable to refuse. Misaki could live with me without paying rent in exchange for cooking meals for me and doing the housework. Therefore, Misaki and I were now living together.

"Good morning, Misaki" I greeted him with a kiss to which he responded with a slight gasp of surprise, and a blushing face.

Misaki was still not used to the kisses I would randomly give him, however he no longer refuses them like he used to do. Our relationship changed to that of a more intimate one since the first time I kissed him. That night after I kissed him, we went back to Takahiro's apartment. Misaki's presence was able to calm me and it was for that reason that I was able to get through the night without breaking down. While I had finally realized my growing feelings towards Misaki, I wasn't ready to let go of my feelings of love towards Takahiro. After all a love that has lasted for over eight years is unable to die so fast.

"Good morning Usagi-san, breakfast is almost ready" Misaki responded to my morning greeting.

"You should have woken me up, I would have made breakfast for you." I told him.

"I did try to wake you up but it was useless. You are like the dead when you are asleep." He said.

"I would have woken up if you had kissed me." I teased him, though I wasn't completely lying.

"As if I would kiss you in your sleep, you pervert." He scolded me.

Misaki finished cooking and brought two plates to the table, one for each of us. I was still shocked at how good of a cook Misaki was, his dishes were starting to get addicting. Once we were done with breakfast, I helped Misaki tie his tie because he was completely useless when it came to dressing professionally. Then I took him to school and stole a kiss before driving off.


My mind kept wandering the whole day, I couldn't help but worry about Misaki. It was frustrating not being able to hug and kiss him whenever I pleased. Therefore, I went to visit my friend Hiroki Kamijyou, who happened to be a professor at Mitsuhashi University.

"Akihiko, what are you doing here?!" Hiroki asked as he entered his classroom.

"What, can't I come visit you?" I inquired.

".....You can....What I meant was what's the purpose of your visit?" He amended.

"I came to borrow some of your books, so lend it to me." I answered.

"Stop using me as your personal library." He said somewhat irritated, yet he handed me the books I told him I wanted.

"You can leave now, I have work to do and you are disrupting my planning period." He said as he sat at his desk.

However, I was no longer listening because something had caught my eye outside his window. I moved closer to the window in order to get a better view of the courtyard that was below Hiroki's classroom. It was as if I was in a trance as I listened to Misaki's musical laughter floating towards me from two stories down. The trance snapped and broke as I looked closer and found the source of Misaki's laughter. The source was someone who was clearly not me, and that someone was currently touching MY Misaki.

***End of Chapter***

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Next update: Friday, December 2, 2016.

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