Chapter 19

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Even after my conversation with Tanaka I found myself unable to leave my worries behind. Therefore, I decided to make another phone call. This time to a private bodyguard.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The voice on the other end answered.

"Hi, my name is Akihiko Usami and I need you to do something for me. I need you to follow someone and report their every action back to me." I ordered.

"Mr. Usami, I'll be glad to do that for you. Who is this person that you want me to follow? Your wife? Or is it your girlfriend?" He asked.

"The person I want you to follow is very important to me, he is my future husband. I want you to do everything in your power to protect him if he is ever in danger. That is your main job. If he gets hurt all the blame will fall on you. Understood?" I asked sharply in order to avoid any misunderstandings.

"Yes sir, I'll protect him. So, who is he?" Asked the bodyguard.

"His name is Misaki Takahashi. One more thing, I want you to report to me immediately if you see him meeting with a man named Fuyuhiko Usami. I'll send you their picture and any information you might need by mail. That is all, I expect complete secrecy." I told him, before hanging up.

With that done I was reassured just a little bit more. Honestly if it were up to me I would lock Misaki inside our apartment and never let him leave my side. However, I was sure he wouldn't like that very much. So all I could do was to protect him from a distance.

However, for to night there was nothing else to do. It was useless to worry about uncertainties, that only serve the purpose of sucking the color out of one's life. So I decided to go see if Misaki was still awake.

"Misaki?" I called out uncertainly once I entered our bedroom. There was no response.

Misaki was sleeping peacefully on the king sized bed that seem to swallow his small body up. My heart fluttered at the sight, he was just too cute. I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, I wanted to watch Misaki. Watching him always calmed me down. I loved the way he would smile in his sleep and the way he would hug one of the bears that crowded the whole room, even though he would always complain to me that there were too many bears in our room. Misaki stirred in his sleep and something fell to the floor. I reached down to pick it up and I was about to lay the book on the nightstand when the cover of the book caught my attention. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement, because at that moment I felt a surge of conflicting emotions as well as immense confusion.

The book that Misaki had been reading was one that I knew so well. It was a book that I never published because it was a special book to me. I wanted that book to stay unknown to the rest of the world. The book was the story that connected me to Takahiro. It was the story that I finished just for him. So how did it end up with Misaki? Only Takahiro and I should have a copy of that book. Many questions and possibilities were running a marathon in my mind and I needed to know the answers.

"Usagi-san? Why are you standing there? Aren't you going to sleep?" Came Misaki's sleepy question. I hadn't even realize he had woken up.

"Misaki, how did you get this book?" I asked immediately.

"What book?" Misaki asked as he rubbed his eyes to get rid of any remaining sleepiness.

I showed him the book and repeated my previous question.

"Oh that, my brother gave that to me. He said a friend wrote it for him." Misaki answered somewhat timidly.

"Why, why did he give it to you? Wait, did he tell you the name of his friend?" I asked seriously.

"He read it to me when my parents died and somehow the book made me feel better. I felt like the person who wrote the story understood what I was going through because the character in the story reacted with genuine emotions when his mother died. So, I remember thinking that maybe the author had also lost someone close to them. Anyway, every time I would feel sad or upset about something I would read this book and it would always hep me. It's truly a shame nii-chan's friend never published the story." Misaki said.

I was debating whether to tell Misaki that I was the author of the book when his words finally registered.

"So you read this book every time you're upset? Meaning you're upset now. You're upset about meeting my father." I told him.

Misaki was quite for some time before he finally responded.

"Yes, I am upset. I really wanted your family to like me. I never thought that he would offer me mon-I mean that he wold have told me to stay away from you."

"That he would have offered you what?" I asked sternly.

"Umm...uh...that he would have...offered" Misaki finally breathed out.

"My father offered you money to leave me?!" I repeated in exasperation.

It was bad enough that he had warned Misaki to stay away from me, but he had to go as far as to offer him money. It angered me that he would go so far to ruin my happiness.

"Usagi-san you know I would never leave you, no matter how much money he offers me. You don't have to worry." Misaki said in an attempt to reassure me.

"I would never let you leave me." I told him with complete seriousness.

"I know." Misaki answered with a smile.

There was a short silence after that, then I finally remembered our original topic of conversation.

"Misaki? Did your brother ever tell you the name of his friend, the one who wrote that story?" I asked.

"No, he didn't. Maybe I should ask him." He replied.

"You don't have to ask him, I can tell you who wrote that story." I told him.

"Really?! Were you his friend too?" Misaki asked excitedly.

"It was me, I am the one who wrote that story." I said.

***End of Chapter***

Author's recommendation:

Hey everyone!! I hope you all have had a fabulous week. I am here with yet another recommendation. Ever since I discovered SOTUS: The Series, I have searched for other Thai BL dramas and I found another drama that I truly enjoyed watching. So if you need something to watch I highly recommend you watch 2 Moons The Series. It is an ongoing series, but it is so worth your time to watch it.

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