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Kee walked out the door with an awestruck boy. His ruffled black hair was accented by his white shirt and black pants.
" Hey, get her back here by nine o'clock sharp," Ordered Bruce from the doorway.
Drew nodded shyly and took her arm, walking her down the pavement, off to where the be sharing their date at the local cafe. All the while, Kee listened to him talk about his favourite thing, the avengers. He stood her all about the avengers and she nodded, knowing exactly very thing already and answering his questions.

" Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Clint asked mischeviously.
" Not usually," Tony answered angrily.
" This is going to be fun, I want to follow Kee," murmured Clint.
" Oh no you don't, Clint Barton, you will not be following Kee!" Natasha thundered furiously, pushing him against the wall.
Tony smirked but took to the air.
" You didn't say I couldn't!" Tony laughed as he flew out, going in to stealth mode and tracking Kee to the cafe.
He pretended he couldn't hear what everyone in the cafe was saying and focussed on Kee's voice.
" Hey Kee, you know what, I'm so glad that you've been allowed to come here tonight," Drew said sweetly.
" Awww, thanks Drew, it's all I've been thinking of this week, your invitation," Kee murmured in reply.
Tony could almost hear the love in her voice, she obviously really liked this guy.
" It's been so nice tonight, but I'm sorry that I'm always talking about the avengers," Drew apologised.
" No, no, I fully understand the fascination, my sister always talks about them too, it seems everyone is in the avengers fan wagon," Kee laughed.
" You're related to them right?" Drew asked.
" Yes, I am now," Kee mumbled awkwardly.
" could I meet them? Please? I've been wanting to ask you this all night!" Drew asked in surprise.
" I suppose you could," Kee relented.
Drew sighed in contentment.
" Why do you look so relieved?" Kee joked.
" Cause I won the dare!" Drew said happily.
" The dare?" Kee inquired.
" Yeah, the dare that me and Doug had. He said if I could meet the avengers one way or another, he'd give me the action figuire I wanted," Drew explained.
Kee stared at him in surprise, and hurt.
" You mean you used me to get to the avengers, you don't even love me," Kee asked sadly.
" Yeah of course I did, I don't love you, silly, but hey, I won the dare! That's good!" Drew laughed.
Tony felt himself grow hot with anger, he was about to go in there and blow the kid's head off but someone beat him to it.
" YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT A STUPID DARE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS DATE MEANT TO ME? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Kee yelled before thrusting the money for her meal at Drew and rushing out the cafe door, followed by the gazes of some very sympathetic customers. Tony was pushed past backwards by someone hitting him square on in they chest.
Looking down he realised that Kee had run in to him in the dark.
" What are you doing here?" Kee asked.
" Kee, I'm sorry," Tony began.
" No! You were spying on me, I'm assuming everyone was in on it too! I can't believe you!" Kee snarled. " Just leave me alone, I suppose dressing up and wearing this dumb dress and high heels was for no reason, I'm meant to be alone!" Kee yelled, taking the silver hair piece out and taking off her high heels, thrusting them angrily at Tony before running off.
Tony flew after her.
" Hey wait!" Cried Tony.
" No! Why can't you leave me alone for once just listen!" She wailed and kept running, tears streaming down her beautiful face and making the make up run.

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