The Guardians of the What?

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" Ugh Starlord, why in the world did we get dragged to this dump of a place," Grumbled a raccoon looking creature.
" Come on, Rocket, this is technically my home planet, and New York is beautiful," Starlord replied tersely.
" Well, I think it's a dump," Rocket grumbled.
" I Am Groot," murmured Groot.
" Yeah, I know, focus on the mission," Rocket answered him.
" The Infinity Stones must be found, the two missing stones have apparently been found in a place called, Stark Towers according to the tracker," Gamora mumbled as she watched the blinking light on their ship's navigator.
" Lady Gamora speaks the truth, with those infinity stones out in the planets uncontainable there will be trouble," Prophesised Drax eerily.
" Way to kill the mood, big guy," Starlord grumbled.
" I did not kill mood, whoever this, mood, is," Drax defended.
Starlord rolled his eyes, along with the rest of his crew.
" It's a saying," Rocket informed.
Drax shrugged as they flew on, they had to track down the first two infinity stones,
" the Teseract and the Orb, gee, I still can't believe that both stones just vanished like that all these years ago and we've finally found them!" Starlord commented dryly.
" So, to Stark Towers we go," Gamora said appreciatively.

( hey there guardians of the galaxy fans, these guys are like the ache hrs of space in the marvel world so I figured, why not include them, and also, things are finally about to be explained )

" Steve, you promised you'd give us our history lesson today," Artemis chirped as she sat up in her sick bed, already feeling a lot better, her left foot in a cast that was signed by everyone.
She was remaining her strength but was still too weak to stand for long and hadn't gained enough of her body mass back again to have enough energy. So she'd stayed in the sick room with Kee, not that she minded, she id net what to sleep alone.
" I thought Natasha was teaching you girls today!" Steve joked.
" No, she taught us about psychological warfare yesterday. Today is your turn," Artemis whined.
Kee stayed silent, since she was asleep anyway, heavily drugged to help her get better.
" Ugh, I feel so sympathetic for h, not being able to eat the pizza on board game night last night," Artemis said as she gazed at Kee's sleeping form sympathetically.
" Well, considering she can barely keep water down, I don't think she'd be up to eating pizza. It was nice of you to save her a piece though," Steve commented.
" Well, it's there for her when she's ready for it," Artemis said with a shrug.
As Kee awoke slightly, dazed and confused, she then began to toss and turn violently, panic in her gaze.
Steve hurried over and put a hand on her shoulder as she took deep shuddering breaths.
" You okay soldier?" He asked.
" S, sorry, I forgot where I was for a moment. Thought I was back in that cage," Kee murmured calmly now as she shifted back to an almost sitting position.
" That's fine, Keebee, just hold still there while I put the IV back in okay," Steve soothed as he quickly inserted it back in.
Kee smiled a thank at him and settled down to listen.
" what are we learning?" She inquired.
" Well I'm supposed to give you girls a history lesson. I was thinking about giving you a lesson on ancient Egypt," Steve offered.
" You mean like mummies and pharaohs and stuff?" Artemis asked.
" Yeah, something like that," Steve answered with a shrug.
Both girls nodded encouragingly and he continued on, giving them a lesson on how the pyramids were made while they sat there with wide eyes, listening in awe to his tales. They laughed when he told them about tomb robbers.
" What's so funny?" He asked curiously.
" Tomb raiders, you mean like Lara Croft or something?" Artemis chuckled.
Steve laughed, he'd been showed that movie a few months ago when the girls had chosen it on Saturday night movie marathon.
Kee laughed too, laughing hard and soon began to cough violently, as the laughing brought up the after affects of the poison. After a drink of water she relaxed and calmed down, motioning for him to continue now the coughs were over.
He continued their lesson until lunch, when Artemis chomped happily on her chicken schnitzel wrap and fruit salad. Steve replaced the IV bag on Kee's IV stand and she sighed longingly at the sight of Artemis's food.
" If only my stupid stomach wasn't affected by poison. I could really go for fruit salad right now," grumbled Kee.
The IV fluid would satisfy her body's hunger needs but Bruce was frustrated because she was barely gaining back any body mass, instead, staying gaunt and pale.
" Hahaha," Artemis teased.
Kee sighed and promptly brought up bile in to the bucket beside her bed, since her stomach was empty, bile was all that was left.
She grimaced and downed her glass of water to rid herself of the horrid taste.
" Yuck, yuck, yuck," she said in disgust.

When the other avengers got back from their mission, Bruce checked on the girls and dinner was served. It was board games night, and everyone could come but Kee, who was mutinously stuck in bed, whilst Artemis was allowed to be carried in to the living room, to play on Clint's team. The little girl soon fell asleep in her chair as the games night wore on, while Kee sat up in her sick bed bored to death with the copy of little women that Bruce had made her read for a book report he'd prescribed. While Bruce had told her to sleep and threatened to sedate her if she didn't, she hadn't listened, the second he'd left to play with the others she had sat up, not even trying to sleep.

The avengers were halfway through a game of monopoly when the ship appeared. It literally just appeared right outside their window, as the pilot got rid of the invisibility cloaking device around it. The orange and blue ship just hovered there, while some very confused avengers hefted their weapons. When a huge tree crashed through the window, shattering the glass and coming to a halt in front of the avengers, everyone, the tree included, was absolutely confused.
" I Am Groot!" The tree growled.
" I must be dreaming," Tony said, rubbing his eyes.
" I Am Groot!" Repeated the tree.
" What he means, is that we are the guardians of the Galaxy and you're going to hand over the two infinity stones you guard right now," A man said as he, a woman, a giant guy and a raccoon leapt the gap in through the broken window.
" Wait, since when were we guarding an infinity stone?" Steve asked.
" Don't lie to us, one is in this room, and another is further hidden away. The Teseract is in this room, give it to us now and you won't get hurt," The woman growled.
" Hey hang on, we've fought AGAINST the Teseract, we don't have it," Bruce answered.

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