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" You want to run an extra half a mile today?" Steve asked curiously as he jogged along.
It was morning, and the frosty air caused his breath to turn to a steamy fog as he spoke. Kee jogged next to him, her long hair tied back to keep it from the worst of the knots that running brought.
" Sure, why not," she said with a shrug.
She was running faster than usual, eyes locked on their marker, the gates of Central Park. Steve had tried to make conversation but Kee hadn't replied, she'd just kept jogging steadily along beside him, a frown on her face.
" You thinking about last night?" Steve asked.
" What else?" Kee asked tensely, her unemotional voice back again.
" You can talk to me about it if you want," Steve offered.
" I don't talk when I'm upset, Steve, I deal with it my own way and that way is to just get over it and get used to it," Kee growled in exasperation that everyone seemed to want her to talk everything out.
" So you're upset," Steve deducted.
" Yes, and you aren't helping," Kee said in reply before speeding up slightly to get away from conversation.
Steve sped up as well, but remained silent from then on.

" Good morning everyone," Kee greeted, hair wet from her after jogging shower.
She walked in to the kitchen, poured some juice and stole some toast from the large platter on the kitchen table. Sitting beside Artemis who was slumped tiredly at the dining table, head in her hands and barely touching her food. She looked utterly down in the dumps.
" You know what, It's time that you and I had an eating race. First to eat all of their toast and drink all their juice wins!" Kee suggested brightly to her upset sister.
" Don't want to," Artemis grumbled.
" Fine, but I'll just take the title of Toast Queen from you," Kee teased.
Artemis's eyes sparked competitively.
" Bring it," she snapped.
The two girls shovelled their toast in to their mouths as fast as they could, crumbs falling like rain on to their plates. Finally, with a huge swallow, Artemis finished the last drop of juice and the last bite of toast. Banging a fist on the table and laughing happily she declared herself the winner.
The avengers looked on in amusement as Kee finished slowly and then congratulated her twin.
" Good race girls, some day I too would like to compete in this toast race," Thor declared with a grin.
Artemis started a laughing again, she laughed till her sides hurt, all the time, being watched by a smiling Kee, who has succeeded in cheering up her sister and getting her to eat her untouched food so she wouldn't get sick.
" Come on Arty, get changed and we can start our lessons," Kee murmured affectionately.

" Avengers, everyone get to the conference room now!" Tony called over the intercom, during the middle of the day, when Kee and Artemis were being shown an experiment by Bruce.
He looked up in mild concern.
" I've got to go okay, I'll probably be back soon so can you two just stay in here please and don't touch anything," Bruce ordered as he left the room.
He walked in to the conference room with its big glass table. The others were already there, Tony had a grave look on his face.
" Hey guys, Loki has struck again, he's got hostages," Tony said worriedly.
Natasha tripped as she went to sit down and without knowing it, her hand hit the intercom button. As she caught herself and sat down with the others to continue talking she still didn't notice what she'd done.
" Hostages? That is not Loki's way," Thor said in confusion.
" Well it is now. He took thirty people from Central Park and has them in his ship which has now being spotted above the middle of the ocean and heading towards us slowly," Tony informed.
The mood was dreary now, with everyone worries and anxious about everything.
" He has sent demands for us to fight him or give him the girls," Steve added.
" We have to fight him, we can't just give him the girls or he will have unlimited power, he will be able to control everyone and everything! The stones must be kept with us or with no one to keep others safe," Natasha stated.

" You think they know that we can hear them?" Artemis asked jokingly.
" Nope, let's hope they don't realise," Kee chuckled.
And then they heard it, We have to fight him, we can't just give him the girls or we will have unlimited power,he will be able to control everyone and everything, The stones must be kept with us or with no one to keep others safe," said.

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