chapter one

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Chapter One

I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone going off. 8 a.m, how great. I got off the bed, placing my small feet onto the cold wooden floor. I shivered, as I grabbed a towel walking into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. I looked absolutely terrible. It look's like I got into a cat fight with a blanket, and lost. I stripped off my pajamas jumping into the shower. I turned on the hot water and scrubbed myself clean. I stopped the shower, wrapping my self with my towel as I ran into my room, hurrying to get ready. Wouldn't wan't to be late on my first day. I picked up some grey skinny jeans, pairing it with a solid white shirt. I grabbed my black cardigan shrugging it on, as I looked for my black vans.

''Shit!'' I murmured, grabbing some socks and trying to put on my shoes, as I ran back into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I pulled my brown hair into a pony tail pulling some loose strands behind my ear. I grabbed a random pair of  earrings putting it on as I grabbed my bag, stuffing all my belongings into it. I ran out the door, to look for my car.

''Where the hell did I park my car?'' I said, as I looked around frantically, finally finding it.

I started the engine, on my way to my job. I could'nt believe Lou let me work for her. Probably because Mum begged her. Mum and Lou are great friends, she's a very close family acquaintance. Her scoring me that job is probably the best thing ever. I could be meeting ton of famous people! She is a hair stylist isn't she?

''Delilah, today, you're going to make the best impression on everyone she does hair for, they'll remember you for a lifetime. '' I said to myself aloud, ''okay maybe not a lifetime. But just make a good impression.''

Okay, maybe this whole talking to myself thing isn't healthy. But, it does calm me down, right? Lou told me I'd be going on tour next week with her with a band. Don't remember which.. I find parking and meet up with Lou, as we go to the hair styling station.

''Okay Delilah, today we'll be doing One Direction's hair for their photo shoot. We will also be going on tour with them next week for about five months.'' Lou explained.

Wait, what? One Direction? I know that band! They make some good music, I listen to them once in a while when I'm bored. I can't wait to meet them. I tried my best listening to Lou, but I kept daydreaming.

''Okay, they're here. You ready?'' Lou asked, as I put two thumbs up. I am so ready, being an assistant can't be that hard, can it?

''Okay, bring in Liam.'' Lou said as a tall boy walked in. He had his hair in a medium sized quiff, smiling brightly as he saw me.

''This the new assistant?'' Liam asked, as Lou nodded, ''She's very lovely.''

I blushed at the compliment as Lou started giving me orders. Okay, maybe hair styling isn't that easy. Liam finally got his hair finished, and I had to say, he looked great. I am really liking this job.

''Call in Louis!'' Lou demanded as another boy walked in.

Holy cheesecake with a side of fries, he looks good in real life. Louis smiled at me, throwing me a small wink as he greeted Lou, nearly fainting at the gesture.

''So this is the infamous Delilah! I heard you were going to be the new assistant. Lou, you never told me that your close family friend was so hot. I expected a fifty year old woman with arthritis.'' Louis said, which I think was a compliment.

''Oh, shush.'' Lou said as we started the whole assistant process all over again. But in the end, Louis looked way more better than when he walked in earlier.

''Call in Harry for me, Louis?'' Lou asked, as the next boy walked in.

This one had curly brown locks, with piercing green eyes. He smirked at me, as he shot me a wink. Well, he seems a bit cocky.

''Well damn, who's this?'' Harry said, eyeing me up and down.

''Well, I'm definitely not food, for you to be looking at me like that.'' I retorted.

He laughed, which I'm pretty sure was at me as Lou scolded him. I have a feeling we are not going to be getting along well.

''We have a feisty one, don't we?'' Harry smirked, as he looked at my bum as I walked past.

''Okay, keep your eyes off the no zone.'' I glared, as he put his hands up in defense.

''Harry, stay still and stop flirting with my assistant!" Lou scolded as he answered with a light chuckle.

The whole hair styling process was an endless round of us bickering and Lou, well... scolding us. By the time Harry was done, we were shooting daggers, as he walked out of the room. We finished the rest of the boys hair as I sat down on a chair, inhaling deeply. I unlocked my iPhone, checking my messages. Lou decided to go get some lunch at a restaurant , so I hung out alone in the room. The door opened, as none other than Harry walked into the room.

''Oh you've got to be kidding me.'' I said, as he smirked playfully.

''What? I thought you had a crush on me!'' Harry stated, putting on a fake puppy dog face.

''Oh please, like I'd have a crush on you. '' I snapped back at him.

''I am severely hurt.'' Harry said, putting a hand on his chest, '' I thought what we had earlier was leading onto something you know? But looks like I'm wrong. Or maybe I'm just too good for you? You know?"

''You egotistic jerk, like you're too good for me?'' I said, looking away from him.

''Have you ever even had a boyfriend?'' Harry said, as he laughed slightly to himself.

''Fuck you.'' I said, as I turned my back to him completely.

Yeah, I'm going to love this job. Sense the sarcasm?

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